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Livery Sale and Boarding Stable I have opeued a Livory, S-ile and Boarding Stable opposite the Court House on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or niglit. A fine lot of new carriagea and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts and handling track horses a specialty; good references givcn. P. IKW1N, Ann Arbor MRS.' LYDSA E. PINKHAMT OF LYNN, MASS. DI3C0VERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLE COMPOUND. Til e Positivo Cnre For all Female Complaints. This preparatlon, as lts name signifies, consista ot Vegetable Proporties that are hannless to the most aeiicateinvalid. Upon one trial the merits of this Compound willbe recognized, os relief is immedíate; and when ltn use is continued, In ninety-nine cases in a hun_ dred, aiermanentcureisefYected,asthousandK will testify. On account of its proven merits, itisto-dayrecommended aud preserfbed by the best pbyuiciaus in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrhoea, irregular and painfuX Menstruation, all Ovarían Truubles, Inflammation and üleeration, Floodhigs, all Displocements and the consequent spinal weakuess, and is espeeially adapted to the Change of Life. lt will dissolve and expei tumors trom tho uterusin an early stage of development. The buiiui'iicy 10 caneerous numors wurre u ulieekuu very Bpeedily by ita us. In i ;xt i t has proved to be the Rreatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permcates every portion Qf the system, and givea now 11 fu and vipror. It removes faintness.ilatulency, dostroya allcraving for stimulanta, and relieves weaknesa of the stomaeh It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostratlon, General Debility, Slet pl.ssness, Pepression and Indigestión. That l'tvliiifï of hearing down, causing pain, weighta d backach(!,iealwayspermanently cured bj iU use. it will at all times, and underall circumatan. ces, act in harmony with the law that governa the femalesyatem. For KidneyComplaints of either sex tl;is compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 333 and 205 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass. Trice $1.00. Siï bottlott tor $:.üi). Sent ly mail in the f orm of pillü, alsu In the form ofT-ozenges, on receipi ofiirice, 1.00. r box, tor elther. Mis. PINKIIAM freel j answere all lstter oi tuqtüry, Send for pamphlet. Addrcss. iabovi .',', Ui ■ :f i paper. No famJIi ■ ■■ i : : rjewithout LYDIA E. I'INKHAM' UVEIi PILLS. . : ■. ■ n Oonstípatioa, BUlonamen anti EtMV' . ■ ■ - ' -■■.. ww -ox. Sold,by C. E. Holmes Cook hotel block SEAL ESTÁTE EÏCHANGE. MANLY & HAMILTON'S Abstract and Rea! Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor, Opera House block, Aun Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts furnished on short notice on any parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from French Claims of Ypsilanti, to the most complicated titles in the Village ot Manchester. Vloney to Loan on Real Estáte secureties. For Salo I - o - I 2 O Acres at $50 per acre in the township of Webster, good buildings. Terms to suit purchaser. Mew Store on west side of Main street, terms easy. Thomas Colliar Farm,ieing the west half of the west half of the northwest quar ter- forty acres -on section eight. Ann Ar bor. Tbis farm is only three miles from the city, bas good title, lani well watered, good orchard, fair buildings, ten acres good wheat I OO Acres withln 1 1-2 miles of court house with flrst-class building, perfect title and very cheap. House and LotS l, 2. 3, block4south range 2 west, situated on South side of Liberty St. House and four Lots, on corner of Forest avenue and Orleans street. Entire BlOCk 2 NR13 E, except2 lots. Good building sites. Terms to suit purchaser. A Good Farm, 200 acres, well improved, in the township ot Webster, good buildings, $05 per acre. House and Lot on Catherine street forsale, or exchange for lot near the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House and doublé _Ot at Whitmore Lake, $700. House and Lot, on;ingalla street, north of University, $3,000. House and Lot, on Lawrence street, $2,000. House and Lot, on north side of West Huron street; also 6 1-2 acres situated on south side of Jackson road, about one mile from court-house, $2,600 for both pareéis. Terms to suit purchaser. 5ne House and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property , good barn and well . House and Lot, on EiizabethSt., $2,000. A House and 1-2 acre of land in Stfa ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, in the Fifth ward, good locality, $1,000. House and flve Lots 011 Miller avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Good barn on the premises. 3O Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road. within 3-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchange for city property. -OtS 77. 78, 9O, nd part of lot 89 and a large briok house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith's addition. A Fine BriCk House, Barnes, Orchard, with nice well and spring, and six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streets, known as the Jewett property. Price $15.000, or two lots off said property 011 Huron St., price $700each. MONEY TO LOAN n sums from $100 to $5,000, amount and terms to süit applicants. FRED SORG, Dealer Ia PAINTS, OILS JABHIMS BïtUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Est. ANN ABBOB. - MICMIQAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st.} Have on hand a complete stook of everythiag in the Crocery Line. They buy their Toas, CoiVoos, and Sig-a,is Ia large amounts, and at Caslb_ 3?:m-oOs And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, te c good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coff ees every week, ano none but prime articles are used. Their Balceryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - :d:eí.A-i:n tile. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of umusuai strengt!) and light weight, which ma terially reduces the breakage and expense of transportation. The ditching for thisclass of tiling is lessexpen sive, as they do not require to be laid belowfrost. but only deep enough to escape the plow. While this is more economical it algo aids in obtainingjabetter 'f all" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in smal] quantities, or car load lots, at the FERDON LÜSIBE8 TAM JAS. TOLDEET, Ageni. Genuine Milwaukse tu Jj & $y- Cfbemtoé ilH " Lager Beer Depot. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now takinp; the Best Glass of Pïêotïs In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Qround Floor Gallery. COODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COTJitT HOUSE. EBERBACH&SON, Dealers in ' Drugs, Medicines And afine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AXD Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A full Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. STTTHDIEHSTTiS Are cordially invited to examine our stook as quality and prices. EBERBACHl&SON. 3Pí; De.Molaei "' IfapH, 'chiC'0 Llmoló I _.?, .'(jchjcai-.. "■ . i.-iIVigm Chicago & Western w EAI LWAY Is the OLDESTI BEST CO2T8TRUCTED! BEST EQUIPPED 1 and henee the LEADING RAILWAY, OPTIIE - WEST AND NORTHWEST! It is the short and best route between Chicago and all pointe in Northern Illinois, iowa, Eakota, WJrwiiaj, IToliraska, Calif;rnia, Oroson, tizona, Qtah, Calorado, Iahs, Jlontana, OOTOTCIL SLUFFS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLB, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, 5IOUX CITY, Oedar EipiJi, EE Motees, üoliialjas, and all Poiüfs in the Territorios, aadthoWost. Alio, for llilvguïee, Oreen Bay, Oshtosh, Sheboyjan, Siarquatta, Toni in Lao, Witwtown, Hojghton, Nsscah, Meajsh;, üt. faal, Uinneapolis, Burwi. Volga, Fargo, Bismirek, Winena, LaCrosse, Owatonna, ani all point-, in Minnesota, Daïota, Wiscossis and the Ncrthweat. At Oounoil Bluffs the trains of the Chicago & North-Western and the U. P. E'ys depart from, arfive at and use tho same joint Lnion Depot. At Chicago, cli.seconne;tionsareiBadewiththe Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft VVayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago 4 Grand Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakoo and" l'an Handle Routes. Close connectlons made at Junotion Polnts. It is the oiüy line runnig Pullman Hotel Diiiing Cars BSTWSXK CHICAGO AND CüUNOIL BLUFFS. PVLIJIANSI.KErKKSON ALI. NIGHT TRAINS. Insistupon ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Examine yoiu tic'.ïets, and refuse ; i buy If they do not read var the Chicago t Norlli-Wostern Kaiïway. if yquwishthe 1! st TravelingAccommodatfons yu will buy your tickets bï this route, ani wAll iifKe none otlier. All ïicket Agents sell Tickets by thls Iitte. MAUVïX HD6HITT, 2nd V. 7. & aen'lMaag'r, CïioagO.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat