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Jan. 18.- In the Sonare, Mr. Cameroo, from the committee on naval affaire, reported a resolution for examination by that committee of the new systein of uaval deiense invented by Capt. J. Erickson, adopte'). Mr. Anthony, from the committee O!i naval affaire, reported favorably a bilí authorizing the compilation and printing of the naval history of the var. In the House, Mr. Burrows, :'.ich., asked leave to introduce for immediate eonsideration a bilí defiuing the qualifications of territorial delegates, making any pereon guilty of bigamy or po.ygamy iueliglble, Objection being made the bill was withdrawn. Mr. Haskel), from the committee on Iutiian affaire, reported a bill for the sale of the land of the Miatni Iudians in Kansas, llr. Stphens, Ga., from the coinage committee, made a report on tha subjeci of uietvic coinage. Recommitted. The report is in favor of a bill to authorize a metric coin for international use o be known as "the Stella," and of a bill to authorize the coinage of a goloid metric dollar, two dollars and a fractionofa doll;sr; also for the coinageofa metric doublé eagle, eagle and half eagls oí standard valué In the Senate, Mr. Bayard in discussing Mr. DaviB's bilí to retire Judge Hunt of the Supreme Court, ciiticised Mr. Huut eomewhftt sbarply for compelling congress to retire liim. It was intiinated in the dsb-te that the special legislation to retire hiu on full pay was mad newssary by Ihe unwillingness of Mr. Huni's fainily to take care of him, Tne bilí peí raitting hisretirewentwaspassed. Therewas a long debate on the Sherman refunding 3 per cent, bilí. Ex-Seeretary Windom opposed, deetning it "unnecssai-y, experimental and likely to involve the government in loss." Ia the House, the Speaker preBented a letter from the state department transmittiog two additional volumes of speeches of the late M. Thiere, contributed by a sister of Madame Tbiers for the li bríry of the House. Mr. Bayne from the committee on military affaire, reported a bilí for the establishment of a home for indigent eoldiers and sailurs at Erie, Pa. Referred to the committe of the wuole. January 20. - The house went into committee of the whole on the private calendar. The first bill was one to relieve from the charge of desertion two soldiere unjustly treated on that charge during the war, convicted and imprisoned, acd to restore their right to bounty but not to pay. The motfon was made by Mr. Holman to recommit the bill with iustructions to report a general law covering all similar cases but it was ruled out of order. Mr. Bandall expressed the hope that the committee on military affaire wsuld mature and report a bill giving to the war department some power to grant such clemency, and thus relieve cougress of that laree class of cases. After an hour's discussion the bül was laid aside to be reported to the house. There were in all six private bilis considered in committee and ordered reported to the house. A bil! for the admission of Dakota into the union is favored by the unanimous rote of the sub-comrriitte on territorios, and is reported back to tbe whole committee with recommendaiioc that it pass. A joint rosolution was introducid in the house, requesting the President to give notice of the termination of the treaty bet ween U:n Uuited StateB and the North German Union oL 18ö8, to give place to a treaty of naturalizalion between our and the üerman empire. The committee on pensions in the senate unanimously agreed to report the bill granting Mrs. Lincoln $10.000 in cash for immediate use, and to raise her pension to $5,000 per annum. January 23.- In the house Mr. Webber, Mich , introduced a bilí providing for the donation of caunoa to citizens of Otsego, Mich., for the purpose of erecting a monument in commeinoration of the soldiere buried in the cem9tery at that place. He also introduced a joint resolution for retunding taxes illegally asseesed and collected from the Detroit House of correction. Bills were introduced to apply the proceeds of public land sales to school purposes; fir the preparation f a list of porsons claiming pensions; to increase the ealary oL tbe inembers of the Missisbippi river commissiou; to appropriate $2,000,000 to prevent the spread of yellow fover; to regúlate C.inese imirigratiou, and to amend the national bank act. The sen ate committee on the judicial y tigretd to the bill for the suppression of polj L.tmy. It makes liviug in bigamous relations sufficient evidence for conviction of the crime of poiysamy, and a juror roay be challenged op the ground of his belia" in polygamy. The committee on public lande agreed to recommeud the paBsage of Mr. Saunders' bill, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to ascertain the number of acres of public lands entered by location of military, script, and 'and warrants in all the states whose enabling acts of admission into the union contained a stipulation for the payment of five per centum on sales of public lands therein, and which thereupon requires the Secretary of the Treasury to deliver to the (ioverjiors of such States treasury certificates payable in twenty years from date and bearing interest at the rate of 3.65 per cent. per year for the f uil amouut of five per centum of the lands so entered, estimatiug the value at $4.25 per acre. Memorial services were held in honor of the late Gen. Burnside. Glowing tributes were paid 6y eeveral senators Hamptou included. Jan. 24. - James W. McDill of Iowa, as Senator for the uuexpired term, was sworn in, and the credentials of James F. Wilsou, Senator from Iowa for bíx years begiuning Maich 4, 1883. were placed on file. Mr. Edivards, from cotumittee on the judiciary, reported a bill to amend the revised statutes for the punishment of polygamy, with sundry amendments, and gave notice that an early considera tion of the bill would be urged. In the House, Mr. Belmont trom committee on foreign allairs, reported back the resolution calling on the President for copies of all corres pondence, e'c, relative to the efforts of this government to biing about peace between Chili, Peru and Bolivia. AdoiiteO. Eesolu tions were passed callingou Uut Secretary of the navy for his reasons for refmiu;j to establish coaling stations in Panama, as directed by the lost house; cal ling on the Secretary of State for all oorrespondence between the partment and government, coinpanies anr! I perB0D8 relative to the Chili-Peru trouble, and askiny heads of the liepariment ae to the best w 'i to improve the merchant marihe.


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