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Royal Arch Masons

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At the regular meeting of Washtenaw chapter No. C, II. A. M., held on the evening of De(;ember - ;ast, a commiltee consisting of D. C. Fall, E. J. Johnson, and C. E. Hiscock were appointed to procure a Past High Priest's jewel for Mr. B. ï. Watts who had served the chapter for a number of years, and at the regular meeting Monday evening the presentation took place. Prof. T. P. Wilson in behalf of the commiltee and members of the chapter, made the, FOLLOWINO APPKOPIUATE KEM.UÍKS. He said: Companion Beuj. F. Watts. The members of Washtenaw chapter have laid upon me the pleasing task of presenting to you in their behalf, the jcwel of a Past High Priest. As a masonic tmblem il tella its owu story. It is not within the power of this chapter to place upon you a greater honor thau this. Il is not any every day affair foroue to achieve the distinction you uow CDJoy. No man was ever bom to it. Neither the wealth of all India, nor the royal influeDCc and power of imperial courts could suöice to purebase it. It is a charter of such nobility as masonry aione eau give. It carnes witU it au cudorsement of which a king raight be the proud possessor. It is placed in your h.mdsby this most exeelleut chapter of royal arch masons because of your undisputed claim to the exalted liuuors of whieli it is a true emblem. The gladiator iu the bloody arena triumphlng over nis foes, the vast amphitheatre is ahaking witb the applausc of the multitude aud ! the lordly knight enaut of the tourna ! nieut bearlog all his eneniies, to the dust and receiving the loud aplaudits of thi assembly might either of thein attrae more attentio:;, and créate more wonder than does this soeue; but gladiator anc knight bhall sleep iu forgotteu graves while the glory of which this jewul is emblematic shall continue to suiue with exceeding brigtituess. Masoury haa been through ages past, and is to-day the same vital truth, bacause it is an epitome of human life. And yon represent thd man f succesa- the man whom honor, virue.. trutli, and nobility of character con?irc to adorn. It is true, no doubt, that ou owe mucli tornasonry, but it is cqualy true lliat Washtenaw chaptcr owe j mucb to you. In tbc prospcnty aml peace j wbich thlschapterenjoys no om cm rail o see tho fruits of your earnst labor. There is, therefore, in ibis prcsontaiion nuch more tlian i loriuul exblbilion of ood will and brotberly Iriuudsbip. It is ur wisb tbat you wear tbis jcwel hs a ust and uprigbt nmsou, so tuat otbcrs eeing your gsod worka may cuiuli'te rooi cxumple. And witb it accept tbe arncst Rood will and Bincire ppreciaion of your masonic brethern, vbo are trlringwlth you to successfully brave lic rougb md rugged rond of lite, uutil hry shiül reacli tbal better land wliere be Öupreme Aicbitect sball grant as lastug aduiission into bis owu temple ooi ma'lu wilb band. THE RKPI.T. Ur. Watts In acccpting the gift, spuke as fuüows: Companion Wilson, and coiupauious of Washteuaw Chaptcr. For this jrincely gift I eau but return my most ïeartfill thauks. Il is indeed a preaenl whlch m aud of itself, Bti:s withiD me the inost profoiind gratitude. Hut, eom pauious, tbc frieudship whieh lias presented it to me in sueh eomplimentary and olcquent terms is to me by far inore preeious than all the gold of ludia. For years I have been honored liy ou eompanions with the highest office within your power to give. That office uefore, in tiniets past, kings, princes, aud potentalM have bowed their heads in houor thereuf and reeeived houor thtreby. Duiing the uightly vigila of tliis high trust I have ever beeu mindful of the duty thereby ïmposed, aud to the best and ut most of the powers given lo me, I have struggled to discharge those higli duties wit li bouor lo the fraternity. And II 1 bave in imy degrce sueceeded itierain it is because tbut (rkmdahtp, more ecious tbHii gokt and which ha io geiierously visited me lo-uigbt, has ver been rtady lo extern! 10 me. lis supyovl. And In the yeara tu conic if miuc ejes shull grow dim so tbat tbc luster of ibis beautlful iind glitteriiiR gein eau uo Jonger rejoice iny sigbl, Ibu swect remembrance of tbe brotberly love mul Irieudsbip, wliieli (jieseuted me.sball continue to callee niy iieai l to swoll with those teuder iliouliu too graat tor uttcrance. Again oompani nis, l tbauk you, nd as upon tny breast I put ibis geni, so in iny heart I folil lbo íiiendslii tlml ave it there lo remain forever. TnK .jewel is a perfect beauty and oost $100. U bears tbe follow inscriptiou: Presentad lo B. F. Watts, P. 11. P., Uy WasbteiiKw Ckapter, No. 0, lï. A. M. lüces Evauguliuc (Jo., ut the opera ht'UM) next Thuisday evening. Monduy e veo ing, Feb. 18, Theodoie Tiiton will lectura at the opeia louse. Tbe Daily News has changed hauds again. JN'ow T. J. Heirick is proprietor. A runaway team ruu into K. Burn's sulky yesterduy ifternoou and broku a wiieel. Some 45 couple from Ypsllauti sv i 1 1 enjoy a social party at tlio Bt. Jamos liotel to-moiTow cveaiug. Heservcd seats for the Bettlioven Gvsangveroin concert for sale at J. Huiler & Son's jewely store. Tlie alarm of tire yesteid.iy uflcrnoon was occaiom;d by a chiinney burnine out at 48 Üiyisiou treet. For the uionth endiug Jauuary 81, the couuty treasurer reporta a balance on hand and ia bank ot 917.W0.07. J. Ü, Gilchrist, M. D., of Detroit will lecture beiore the Hahunemauu society at the homeopathie college, Wednesday evening, Feb. 8, on 'The Tower of London." Tbe public Is invitad. Admission tree. Adrián Press: Mike McMillan a youug and godless Ypsilautiau, on ihe tourth of last July discovered a man who wus uil of paliiotism and eugaged m cheeriug he American Eagle over a schoooer of )eer. Mike was a smart boy and stole the patriot's' valuable watch. He has just leen caught and will be tried for his vatchfulness. The following nieinbers of the high school. will take part in the junior i-xhi lition which is to occur in Maren: Myrou W. Mills, MarysTille. Nëttie M. Dawsou, Ellingham, I1L Louise L. Lioving, Aun Arbor. William V. Gregg, Ann Arbor. Koberl V. Mooie, Dulphie, Indiana, íelhe A. l'latt, lJitt=üeld. Minnie E. Stetson, Aun Arb(r. George E. Taylor, Aun Arbui. Ada L. UpsOD, Aun Arbor. Gertrude A. VVaruer öoulh Lyon. Alice B. W beoier, Ann Arbor. Charles H. WeDster, FitlsÜeld.


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