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A good Baptist clergyman of Bergen, N". Y., a blroug temperauee man, suffcred viib kiduey trouble, neuralgia, aüU dizzincss almost to bliuduess, over two years afler lie was told ihat Hop Bit.ers would cure niru, because ho was afraid and pifejudiceil aaiust "Bitters" Sinee liis cuie ae says umie necd feai , bul trust 111 Hop Bitter?. A Kentucky man was hit iu the leg by a bulkt wliile upon his kuees iu prayer, and au Indiana paper says, "öuch a thiug inight not occur again iu albousand years in KentucKy." Be sensible. You have aüowed your bowels to become habitually costive, your liver has become torpid, the same iliiug ails your kiducyp, aud you are just usetl up. ííow be sensible get a paekage or bottle of Kiduey-VVoit, lake it faithfully and soon you will forget you have auy suca organs, tor you will bu a well man. - Albany Journal. Nd, George Augustus, "irousseau" is not the Freuoh of "uousers." it is the French tot more thiugs ttiau you could learu tho ñames ol in a uiontli. tiet mar ried and you will know more about it. Bucklin's Árnica Salve.- The best salve in the worlu tor Culs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Sak Rheuru, Fever Sores, Telter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaius, Corns, aud all kinds of skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaetion iu every case or the moucy ref unded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by Eberbacli ite Son, Aun Arbor, Mich. When a newspapcr paragiaph opeas in languige as soft as the boeom of love and as sweet as the tiukle of a woodlaud brook, it is always safe to conclude that the virtues of suiuc patent medicine are harnessed on to the end. Given Awaï. - We eau not help noticiDg the liberal offer made to all invalida and sufferers by Dr. Kiug New Discovery for C'onsumption. You are requeated to cali at Kberbach and Son's Drug Store, aud get a Trial Buttlu frey of cost, it' you are sullering with Cousumpliou, Severe Coughs, Oolds, Aslhma, Bronchitis, Hay Ajvei , Loss of Voice, Hoarseues.s, or auy affecliou of the Throai or l-uu(;s. It ill positively cure you. You never see a womao button anythiug than she eau pin, and you never see a man pin auything that he can tie with a string. Y'ou would have trouble making gome men believe that they couldn't lie a lutton hole hilo a wrtotband wilü a piece jf twine. PILES! PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last. No one Need Suffer. Asnre cure for the Bliud, Bteedinc. Itchinguid Ulcerated Piles lias been dlscovereil liy Dr. W ilamulan ludían veinedy), ealled Dr. Williams ndian Oiniment. A single lox han cured the worst ohronlo cases of 25 and 80 yeara' standing, s'o one need suffer flve minutes after applying hiswonderful soothins medicine. Lotions. Íntrunienta and Electuarles do more barm tnan i [ood. Witliam's CHntment absorba the tumors, llays the intense itclniiK (particularly at nitilit afte'rgettinjc warm in bed), neis ns a poultlce; : iveK insiMiii and Dainlesa relief, and la preparad only fr Vil, ileliiiiK ol the private piwts. and ■ "Eeadwhat'the Hon.J. M. Oofflnberry. oí Caereand says abuut Dr. William's ludían l'ile Ointnent: I liave used won sóf pile curea, nnd it afonls me pluaBure to say tliat I have uever tuund anythlng whicli gave sueh unmediate and permánent relief as Dr. William's ludían Vile OintFor sale by all drnnists, or nmiled on receipt of priee, $1.00. Jas. K. Davis & Co., Wholesale Urnggists, Detroit, Jlich., Agenta. For s.-ile by i. i. Brown & Co., Anu Arbor, Mica. CITY ITEM S. AUCTION SALE. I will Bell at tlie residence of tbc late iophio V:1zol 011 Secoud streel, Tliinl vard, on Saturday, Fcb. 4tli, at 1 o'clock . ., a quantlty of household waoás tovit : Marble Top Parlor Bet, Oook and Joal Store, i quuutity of Carpetisg, ïcds and Bedding, Rlfrigerators, aud teveral ililk Safes, Crockery, Towel, Sapluns, Tatole Clothes and otber arti;K'S. L. ÖBtJHKB, Aduiinistiutor. A.nn Arbor, Jauuary, 25, 18H2. Byrou Green, baving regalned bis üealtb, offers bis servicia a auetionocr. Kesidence córner of Fourth and Ana Bts., iVuu Arbor. A spau of woikitiR' mures for exchange Eor a carrlage borse. Address Boj 147, Aun Arbor, iíicb. Don't't to buy a Cwenty-flve (ent bottle of Dr. Kellogg's Luns líemedy for colds and cuiiglis. 'Sold by all drugRista. Students will find it to tbeir advantage to look thraugb Kearney's stock of lampa. Fok Sai.k.- A nice family liorse owned ly Frank II. Ortmann, Ano Arbor, Cady's Catarrb Remedy.a sure cure for catarrb, ia for sale it Holmes' dnu sien-, Cook botel Mock. GEORCE ARDNER'S íotel atid Restaurant, oppoalte the Hichigan Central Depot. ccommodations for Travelers. Moals at all hours. A. lunch counter in connection wlth his restaurant. GEOBUEAKDNEH. PkoPBIETO, knn Arbor, Michigan. SM ALL POX Prevent ol a ml Curetl by the use of Bromo -Chloralum Uaed 'm hospitals of New York, Boston, PhllaelpUia, Baltiinore, Washington, Chicago, New. Orleans, and other cities. Patiënt shoukl be ponged with it, aeeording to directlona several unes a day. The virus of the disease is by tliis ineans neutralized, and contagión is prevented, )itmarks are also prevented. Sold by all dnig[ists. Sond fora pamphli-t. Bromo Chemical Co., atlAbtrty Streef, New Tork Olty. BKrou aro n ninu WFlfyou nrr a V of business, Wfff man of HD ■ enedby the strain of V ■ ■ Tour duties avoid B niilit work, to ■ ■ túmilautaand use V tore brainiierTranu B I Hop Bitters. ■ waste, use Hop B. If tou are vountr and I nufferintf from any in■ discretion br diasipa ■ tion ; if Tou aru mat I ried or Btngle, old or ■ young, suffennif f roja ■ poorbenlthor laupuiehBinK on a bed 01 eick■ ses3, rcly on H O pB Bitters. wliwrcr touoip Jr ïboiifiiinds dio nuI wioñcr ou foei iBTI uauy f r om ome ■ that v o 11 r svstim IM 1-1 forra of K I d n e y ■ int' or stiimUntinK, ■ihaTebeonproenteU ■ wrtl,..utilú-..mS; Bïby tniiely uso of ■ talie Hop iBJA HopBlttera Have ymi ff jfff y I Hf fs -,! nhflnliif I K'or f tlUr -r-nj}-.. ■ Tou will bp nwnlTTrnrï tobáceo, or ■ ciired If you imr El ; ILUv uareotlcs. ■ Hop Bitter, ft H fKN If you are, 1 Ullll-liU Soldbydn.frI ply weakand 9 nCÍrD ,s!u1Lur I Iow8Pirited,ti7 I NEVER Cucular. ■ iti It maji _, nor bittiuw I ■ Ufe. It has I IA I L "ro I ■ saved ft Rkttr, s. T. ■ I dred. l ■ - -- -) ATorepto, Out. tfnïONLY MEDICINE!! IK EITIIEB LIQUID ült DBY FOBM I That Acts at the same time on fj 3 TES LITES, TSS BQWgLSM ásb tes Knnn. m MwHY ARE WE SICK?lj II Secaras we allow theie grtat organs &H Ubccome clogged or torpid, and poionwtw fthumortare thtrefore forctd into the blood Mj U that thouldbe expelled naturally. Q }í WILL SURELY CURE j JKIDNEY DISEASES, M LIVER CONIPLAIrJTS.jfl MpILEI, C0N8TIPATI0N, URINAItY H n SISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNE8SES, I ■ I AMD NEKVOUS DISOItDEKS, jTj Ubjcautingree actlon of thete organt andwM H restoring their power to throw off dUeate. H Why tnlTer Sillona palns and icheit H Whr tormented nlth Pile, Constipatloni ■ U Why frlghtened OTer disordered Kidneys! F H Whf endure nerrous or lick lieadacheil I WËUitHÏDtl' H ItUpatupin Ury Tctbls Form, intlnH H mi ono pacfcage of which makes ix quart of ■■ ■ I medicine. Also Ín I.lquld Form, vrrj ■■ U trtd. 'or thoso that cannot readUy prpar it. fl pi yxt acta wlth qual efficiency in either form. H U QET II OF TOUR DRUQGIST. PRICE, 1.00 M H WELLS, BIClUBDSONCo.,Prop't, M ■ (WilHendthedrypoit-paid.) BUBLUOTOll, TI. H THüT MUSICAL WONDER! The MECHANICAL ORCUINETTE gretel u l lovcnllon of thc age. Any person can perfora opon it ith the pparent skill of mister, all tacred, secular, popular, and dance muele. Equally iuitable for the home, lodge, or church. Admlrably adupted Tor the ball-roorQ,picnic3, excursión partles, etc. No instruotlon Mquired. Priceá. l, tío lOT 130, aud upward. Bewaro of worthlesa Imitatioca with almilar nama. Agentswanted. Enterprisiogmeu maku 10to fia ptrdaj. Illuitrated Catalogues freo. LYON &"HEALYt Simo and Mouros Sts., Chicas. Sophia S. M. Wetzel. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of tho probate court [or the eountyof Washtenaw, liolden at the probate of fice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the flrst day of Febniary, in the yeai' one thousanil eight hundred aud eighty-two. Present, WiUiaui V. Hairiman, Judge of ProIn' the matter of tho estáte of Sophia 8. M. Wetzel, deceased. On readinii and fllling the petitlon duly verified of Leonhard Qruner prayina that he niay be liceiued to sell ib Keal Estáte whereof sani üeceased diedbeized. Thereuijon it is ordered, that Saturday, the SSthdayof Kebruary next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be assined fol' the hearing of said petition. and that thc heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all otber persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a ieaston of sa "I court, then tobe holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and fiow cause if any there be. why the prayer of the petltloner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of thependenojr of said petition. and tho hearing cuusIng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbok Dkmockat, a newapaper prtnted and circulated in said Coiinty. three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. A true copy . Judge of Probate. W11.1.IAK 0. Dott. Probate Refister. _ LEONARD HOUSE, TF. LKONARD, Proprietor, . Ana Albor, Mtcli. BAILBOADS. ■VflCHIGAN CENTRAL RAILKOAL). T1MK TABLE, NOT. 18, 1881, GOINO WEPT. T"7"Ü SÚ SÍ L 8 i5u av tí STATIONSa ,L 'S? w. L SC uj_ 1_ lili Í1 H-lii A.M. A.M. r. M. r. IK P.M. 1'. M. Detroit .Lv. 7.00 9.35 6.66 4.05 8.U0 9.50 " T JÜ1.C .... 7.15 9M 6.10 i.W 8.15 10.10 W'ftv'nc Judc... 7.5 10.2!) 6.42 4.415) 8.46 10 40 V.wilHllli 8.0 10 4K 7.05 6.05 9.08 U.i A.uArhor K.40 U.U0 7.24 5.2a 9. 11.17 O ."„.r . 9.04 7 5.39 9.44 ■" 9.32 8.06 5.5a 10.00; Grara Uki..".. 9.Ó0 8.33 (U8 10.30 Z Jwkami Ar. 10.10 " ' .00 11 5oA' Jackson Lv. 10.2 12.15 6.55; a.m. 12.45 lbion 11.04 12.50 7.40 11.55 1.22 Marshall 11.50 1.80 _ 5 8.05 13.20 143 Battlc Crcck.... 129 1.55 ÍÍ 8.40 12.47 2.0T A. M. Galeubursr iü.m a. m. v.xa Kalamazoo LM 2.36 4.50 9.35 1.35 2.47 Lawton 1.52 5.25 2.13 Dratur 2.07 5.42 2.32 Uowagiac S.K.I 6.07 3 5, Nlles" 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.37 4.15 Bnchnna.) 3.0M 7.02 3.42 Three Oak.... 3.88 7.37 4.12 New Buffalo... 3.53 4.58 7.40 4.35 Mich. Uity 4.23 5.IS 8.08 5.03 5.28 Uko 5.13 6.02 8.54 5.51 6.18 Kenölnuton 6.1X1 6.50 9.45 6.40 7.1f Qhlcag.).....Ar .50 40 ÏOJ ...... _7,30_8.C0 (iOINO EASï . 7 i STATION. 53 &t -Ja .-W SS. IB r öjli ia. is .ü a m. . n. "■ r.m. v. m. 2hi-aKo Lv. 7.00 ftlWi 8.40 ...... .",15 !UC Efe= Ü .1 ffl ::::::: M Mlch. City 9. 1Ú .00 T.88 H New BuiTalo... 50 U.S8I J ...a 11.55 Throc Ouks 10.08 6.40 Buchanan 10.80: p.v.i W8 I ■ Nllc 10.45 12.18 7.W .üol 12.45 Dowaïiac 11.13 g-ggl J-J Dwraliir H.3H I 8.881 UI lawtun 11-65 .Ml a.m alamazoo 12.i 1.38 .3O ti.50 10.25 2.S0 Flalesburs 12.5 ñ 7.08 Battle Creek... l.ib ï.15 7.40 11.08 3 S0 p m i S p. Mr)n 2.17 .On ?fl s "(i li-:vr ï'f! A. . A. M. Tarkeou Ar. 8.4S i Isckpon Lv 8.45 4.06 7.16 M0.JB.4Q 5.00 3raLake 4.101 7.40 1 9.öi Jhflsea 4.40 I 8.0SI 10.071 Deïter 5.001 1 8.17i 10.1 A.IH1 Arbor 5.22! 5.07 8.40) 10 34 2.04 ti.aö VptMlanti 5.88 5.!M 8 56 1 10.48! 2.2U 6.41 VVayno June... 8.0B 5.J") 9.17 11.08 2.-11 7.05 3.T. Juuc ... li-35 K.lö 9.45 113,", S.20 7.45 Detroit Ar 830 8.80J 10.00 HJSOl 8.88 8.00 The New York Express, a fust train leavefl 3asro at 3.30 in the afternoim and makes the folmwing stops, Michigan City, 5,80; Niles. 6.27; Kalimazoo7.4(); Battle Creek, 8.16; Jackaon, 9.28; Vpsilanti, 10.10; ({. T. Junction, 11.85; arrivingin Detroit at 10.4U P. M. 'Sunday exceptod. tSatnrdaj Sunday excopted KDaily. Hknky C. Wentwobth, U. B. Leiiïakd, O. P. 6 1. A., Vhir.aim. fíeti'l Manaaer. Dttrol TOLEDO, ANN AKliOH & OKANI) TlilNK L KA1LROAU, Taking effect Tuesday, n.e. 13. MM. Trains run by Golumbus time. 3oingNorth. Gotng Bontli ïxp'ssMalïri STATIONS. I Mail. Bixp's p. m. a. m I p. ". a. ■ +fi.Ü5 .36 Toledo t 5.56 ".-'" D.a8 North Tolodi) +5.53 9.22 H 38 8.37 Detroit Jmu-tion . r. U . 13 l,47 8.45 Hawthorn ■" ;-' ')! li.r).') B.8S Sainaría I B.S3 8.K 7.10 !I.1O Lulu 5.I0 S.40 7.15 1 Ü.15 Monroo Junction S.0' 8.S8 7.87 !). 88 Dundee 4 55 S.a5 7.38 1 9.87 Azalia 4.4: S.13 7.521 1.50 Milán 480 8.00 8.(10 i 9.57 Nora 4.25 7.) 8.07 10.03 Urania 4.1 Í7.43 8.30 1 10.15 psilanti Juoctl'n 4.08 7.88 8.86 10.30 AnuArbur.. .. t3,.W +7.20 10.50 Lelands 3.35 I .... 11.02 Wordena 8.a5 .... .... til. 20 South Lyon +3.05 H. W. ASHLEY Gen'l Superintendent. Opening and Closing of the MailsMails leaving Ann Arbor, ÈOBtand West, wil clone as foUowa: goino vi;sr. WayMaB (i.SOa.m. riir'ouirli anrt Way Mail 10.50 a. m. VVav Mail between Ann Arbor and "Jackson ' 4.50 p. m. Night Mali B-M ï. OOISG BJST. rhrough and Way Mail, Night Line 6.00 a. ra, lhroufrh and VVay Mail, Sunday and Slondav, closes Saturüay and Sunday nijrht..' -9.00p.rn. rhroujfh and Way Mail 10.25 a. m., 4.50p. in. 1O1NG SOUTH. Toledo and Way 7.00 a, m. Eastern Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 19 m and 0,30 p. in. Western Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and b.20 p. jackson Mail and Way Mail bet ween Jackson and Ann Arbor distributed at 11.15 a. m. Monroe and Adrián ponen, 10.15 a. va. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 a. m. C. E. Holmes, proprietor of the City Drug store has the choicest lot of perfumes and the LAROEST STOCK of PURE DRUGS n the city. Also eerything in the Toilet anti Fiiiicy goods line. at priesa lower than any where else. Presciiptions carefully compounded. No. 12 Cook Hotel Block, 'Ann Arbor, Michigan. DÖTÖU TAKE A COUN1Y PAPER ? If not, and you are about to subscribe for on we invite your attentiou to the AM ABBOR DEMOGRAT ! And respecttully inform you that St is the People's Paper. IT PUBLISHES FULL BEPORTS OF ALL IMPORTANT EVBNTS In Washtenaw county. It gives a concise and interesting summary oí THE WORLD'S NEWS, Ebreign, American, Congressionftl, Western and Sorthern. It prints 1HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, Solled down for brief reading, and pives a full synopsis of the doings ol' tlie lx-gislature. It chronioles ALL THE HAPPENINGS OFANNARBGR, The county seat, giving full and arourate reporta of the Circuit Court, Political Meelius, Farmers' Clubs, Unlversily and School HMten, Et., Etc. IX IS FEARLEÜS In its denunciation of monopolies, and all other burdensthat weigh upon the People; and shows up all frauds rogartlleas of wno it hite, ft publidhes A GOOD S10HY Every weck, and has interesting articles for the youn'g. tWIts Prku it Jl. 50 Per ï'rar, tn Advance. And is regarded by its subscribera as too valuable (o loan; o don't try to borrow. We invite your attention to some of the many compliineutary thingsthat arebeingsaidof Thk Democbat: "It evlnees shrewdnees, push and ability."- Larwing Journal. "Itisinakinfj friends ev( vda}'. It is a weuconducted and readable aeot." - Pontiac 1WX Puster. "A rery enterprising, ride-awake local Jour nal, full of new and good sayings." - Genese (Flint) Df.mocrat. "It is a live, spicy newspaper, and a valuable addition to the journalisMo list of Washtenaw county. "--recuniüc)!. Hcrald. "Editorially, locally and typographically it i one of the nneat looking papers that ever cama into thisoffice." - Dftrnil Kvcniiw News. "The Democaat aboundsin able and vigorouB editoqials, a great variety of local information and irtterestíng general news and múcellaneoua matter."- Jackson Patriot. 'THE DEMOCRAT" U Published Every Thursday Homing. Chancery Sale. OTA.'] E OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for ! O the County of Washtenaw, in chancery. Ambrose Kearney, complainant vb. Joseph Clinton, Jane Clinton and Christopher Kearues, defendants. In pursuanee and by virtue of a decree of said court made and entered in the above entitled cause, on the twelfth day of November, one thousand eight hundrcd and eighty one, notice is hereby given, that I sliall sell at public auction, or vendun to the highest bidder, on Monday, the seventh day of Maren, A. ., 1S82, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Ann ArNr, Washtenaw county, and State of Michigan. the follówing described real estáte, being the same mentioned and describëd ui saiddeeree, towit: All those certuin pareéis of landknown and describëd as follows, viz: Lots uumber nineteen and tveuty, twenty-oue, and twenty-two, and lot sixteen. except one acre off, from the west sidc thereof.a deseribed in the plat of the southeast quartur of sectiou nmnlier nineleen. Idwnshiij uumber two Kouth, of range six, cast. in the State of Michigan, as recorded in the office ui the register ui ilecds for Washtenaw county in liber M. of deeds on page 2Í4. PATBICK McKERSAN, Circuit Court Comiuissloner, in and for sald (Vuntv of Wanhtenaw, JS.I11H.V 'h'. Lawksnce, SoUcitor for Complainant. Aim Árbol-, Jauuaiy I6th, 1K8::. Lstate of Jolin C. Buikhardt. STATLol' M1CHIUAN, County of Washtenaw. m. ai. a aesulouof the Probate Comt tor the countv oí Washicnav. 'Jmldtu at the probateofuce in the. city oí: Aun Ai'bor, m W'ednfsday.the mh dayofJanuary in the year one thousand eight lmudreil and eighty-two, Presenl illiam I) Rarrünan,Judge orrroDate, In the matter ol the .-state ol Joan C'. Uurkhardt. dreeased. . ... Leonharü Grunor, Uw aamlntttrator ot saia i estáte, comesiuto oourt and rerireseuts tliai ue Ignow prepared to reuder bis ftiiai acuount a ! surh ;iiiniiniwtralur. l'hwaupon, it in onlerea, that rridoy. tlic ; 30 day o February next, at u-n o'clocS ui Uw Forouoon, be aswgned lor exaiiijntng and luwiug auoli acoomrt, w! i"1 ""' heír at law oí asid deceásed, aol allother persons Intereeted is wi" estáte, ojt required to ajjpear al a Beflëiou ol wiiil court, tlieii to he holden at the probate oflloe. iutlie city .1 i,n Arbor, iii sai.l uouiity, and how cauue n my Ihcre be, why Die aid acouuut notitie allowed: AuclitU further ordei-cd.tliatsaiu administrati ir t;i ■ notice to tlie jiersons intereuted lu aaidt'State.of the pendeucyof said account and i lie hearing thereot', by causlng a copy of tuis order to be piibliühed ín The Ann Arbor Demoorat, a newspaper printed andcirculating In saidcounty three Bucoessive weeks previuus to said day of hearing. wWJtUt D. HARRIMAM, (A true copy.) Judge of I'robate, Wm. O, Doty. Pi-obate ReKlater. Estáte of Fanny J. Henion, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Washtenaw ss At a session of the Probate Court tor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of fice i" the citv of Ann Arbor, on l'riday, the 13th day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Hamman, judge of proIn the matter of the estáte of Fanny J. Henion minor. On reading and flling the petition duly venfied of Aaron B. Henion, guardián, prayine that he may be licensed to selJ certain real estáte belonging to said minor. is ordered, that Tuesday, tbe 14th day of Febuaiy next, at ten o'cloek in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then tobe holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause,if any there be.why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted ;And it ia further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition.and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of tuis order to be published in The Ann Arbor Demockat. a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D. HAERIMAN, A true copy. Judge of Probate. Wn.i.iAM (i. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Margaret Harris. STAÏE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the county oï Washteuaw, holden at the probate otflcein the city of Ami Arbor, on Wednesday, the 18th day of January in the year one thousand eight hundreü and eighty-two. Présent, WUliam L. Harriman, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of .Mavgaret Harris, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly venfiedof Henry Harria, praying that a certain instrument now on nle in this court purportlng to bo the last wil] und testament of said deeeased, may be admitted to probate, and that hiinself andJames E. Harris inay be appointed executors thereot. „ . Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 13th day of February uext, at ten o'clock in the ; forenoon, be assigned for the hearing cf said ] petition, and that the devisees, legatees and neirs-at-law of said deeeased, and all other persons inierested 11 suid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court theii to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, aud show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitiouer should not begrauted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and thehearing causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democuat, a uewspaper priuted and circulatedin said couuty, three successive weeks previous tosaid day oteann j (A true copy) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Doty, Probate Register. CAUTION. AN ACT requiring the hohlers of unrecorded deeds to recoid such deeds or furnish the same for record. Beciio l. The Peole of the State f 1iciiimn i iirut, That wheneyer any grantor who has heretofore conveyed, or sball hereafter oonvey anv real estáte wlthin this State, shall have or hoid i" his possession any unrecorded deed or deeds through or uuder which he denved title, of auy lands by alm so conveyed, it shall be Lis duty on the written request of liis grantee or any sulsequent grantee, to cause such deed or deeds to be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the proper county, or cause the same to be deüvered to such grantee demanding the same tor the purpose of reeordine- witliin twenty days from the time when such written ruquest shall have been served linón llllH. Sec i If sueh grantor símil neglect or refuse to record sueh deed or dellver the same to suoti grantee aller huvinp been requested so to do, as urovided in the preceding section, witlnn the time above limite.!, he shall be liable to said erantee, bis heli's, representativa or assigns, Ín the penal siini of one biuidred dollars damages and also for all aotuul dan. ages occasioned by sueh neglect or retusa] to the person or persons entitiedthereto, to be reoovered ta anaction on the case with costs ot siiii. Approved Juue 1, 1881. Real Estáte for Sale. CÍATE OF MHJHIOAN, County ot Washtenaw Osa.- In the matter oL the estáte ot Thomaa Suekell, deceased. . Notiee is hereby given.that. inpursuance of an order granted to 'tlie uuderoigned admmistrator of the Estáte of said Thomas öhekeUbj the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Uouuty of Washtenaw on the eleveuth day of April, a. d., 1H81, there will be sold at l'ublic Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late resideuce of said deceased in the couuty of Washtenaw, in said state, on Tuesday the Uth day of February, a. d., 18Ri. at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrantes by mortgage or otherwise existing at the linie of the death of said deceased,) the f ollowiiig descnbed real estaComm"icing at the qiiarter stake between section fourteeiull) and tlfteen (1") town tour (4) south range B east. thenee east along quarterlinelS chains and seveufy-seven links to a stake, thenee north U degrees west 8 chains 45 links, thenee south M degrees west IJ oha' and IMinks toa stake, thenee outh 2 cliains to place of beginning, contalnipg6 acres, 8 rods, ï.i roodsof laiïd being situated in the south wart corner of the west half of the north west quarter of section 11, plow land buildings on these lands also the west Kalf of the south west quwtfr rf said section f ourteen (14). except the follov. mg described land to-wit: Bg''K. at ]e north east corner of the wart Imlt ot the nith west quarter, thence south fifty-one (61) %$&L tv (80) minutes mat six chains and oO link thence north twentv (30) degrees est, three [3J chaïnZand sixty-elght M "fTStail? He l]chaius and twenty-tbree LÍ8] Uuk to UW Uace of begtnnlng, containüw one ocre of land. mproved. no buildings: also all that part of the "uit hall ot tbesouth eas quarter o( seotlon fit teen [151 that has oot beenheretofore conveyed tol In Iv.Annin and W. W. Aun.n. Alltheabove tk4.-il.ed land boii.K in the townahlp of balme Washtenaw oountyVMIchigan, eoutaming In all riïacri's ii' the same more orless. 1!. V. FOBBES, Adininistralor. Ann Arbor, December 27, 1H81. Lord & Thomas, Chicago, 111., have this paper on flie at their office. Nos. 9 and 10 HeOormtok block, where they will be pleased to show it to our tównsmen who may be In that city. or mak ing advertiiing contraut. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Waahtenaw, ss. Nutice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, made on the third day of Janvary a. d. 1882, six raonths from that date ere allo wed for creditors to present their claims against the enlate of JennieE. Polhemus. late of said county.deceased and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in thecityof Aun Arbor, for exainination and allowauce, on or bef ore the 3d day of July, next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on Monday the 3d day of April and on Monday the 3d day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Laled, Ann Arbor. .lanuary 3rd A. D, 188r. WILLJAMD. HARR1MAX. Judtre of Probate. OSCAR Ö. SORG BOTJSK, SKIN, AM) Fresco PÉii, paper hahöiwg. SHOP NO. 60 SOUTH MAIN SL, ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. HENRY MATTHEWS, Has] the pleasure to inforni the public that he i.reaay to receive them in his ne örick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in lus line will be flrst-class, nd At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his old custoiners for their generous puironage, and corch ally invites them, aud all uew eustomers to hiu new quarters, ivhere he hopes by fair dealing t' nlarge his ali-eadv growing business Watches and Jewelry ! J. HÉT k Si, 40 Poulb Main Street, Deslere in Uw Lcadinir AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Goki and Silver Cases, In Stem autl Key Winding, Munufi.etnred liy tlie Leading .Watch ('ouapanies. GOLD WATCH CHAIS ! Of Standard Quality and Various Patterns. A Laiiry and ComplBte Assortinenl of Lace Pins, Ear Rinss, BraceletsFinger Rings, And Studs. Silver Plateö Ware, From the Most Bellable Mannfacturers at Bottoia Prices. The RepairinK of Fiue Watches is in Charge of Competent and Ski'.led Workmen, at Fair Pricea. FOR SALE OR RENT The present residence of Mra. F. A Hill, with The Land A.OJ oinin jsr, Consistiug of about 40 acres, 30 of whieh can lie cultívate! Kent, $800, or the House and 8 acres will be rented seperate. Rent SbOO. Ilif above propevty is also f or sale by the lot or .y the acre, orin larger quantities. TITLü. I !■... 1'1'L'T For further particulars enquire of H. i.. Hill office No. 8 Opera House Bloek, or A m. M. White, Canaseraga, New York. Gooflyear'sNewDrüÊStore The O!d Grenville Stand, No. 5, South Main St. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH ! Prcscriptions Compounded Day and Nigbt. DOO ON TH H C old HAT." Mi S'r ü " jMk ö o o" "" 3 g L A. TESSY, "82, Q 2 HATS 51? O AUN ABBOB, g1 5MICH. 0 F. WACNER & BRO., MANUFACTURF.RS OF FIRST-GLASS WORK ONLY, CARBIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, cutters'bob-sleighs, etc. ing of all Kind Done in the Iki Manner. All Work Warrantcd 1 Particular attentlon given to Horse Shoeino. SHOP ON SECOND STREET, Between Washington anti Liberty Streeta, AKN ABBOB, MICHIGAN. ALL WORK SOLD CHEAP FOIt CASH. MannTrbörbakëry' We have secured the services of a iïrst-class baker and. pastry cook, and we are furnishing a quality ot bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some of the nicest articles in the line ot pastry, inany of them entire novelties in Aun Albor, A good assortmentof groceries and provisions will be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filled and promptly delivered to any part of the A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY. No. 2 N. Main St. k


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