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Additional local on second page. Council meeting Monduy evenini.'. Pork- live weight $6; dressed, $7.25. Itonly costs a trifle to be vaecinaled. ïhe first semester close on the lTtli. There is a case of smallpox at Dixboro. Meeting of the K. O. M. this evening. Comp&ny A inspeotion Monday even ing. Postmaster C'lark's time will expire in May. Theuew Chranlcle board will organize soon. L. C. Risdon has retumed from Battle Oreek. D. Hiscoek is shipping diessed pork to Detroit. Frank Hangsterfer has flnished harvestiug ice. The Saving.s bank is doing an immense business. Chelsea bas a flnurishing lodge of good templars. Dr. Hendriks leetured last weekin Prof. Ford's place. ïiangsterfer's hall is undergoing thorough repairs. The regular semi annual examinations begin Saturda}'. Several loads of wood wanted at The Democrat office. The new postofnee building is to be built by R. A. Be il. Mrs. J. J. Reed nee Miss Hiscoek, has retumed to Chicago. G. Luick will build a $2,500 residence the coming summer. Madison Davis, a juiyman, bas been excused until Feb. 6. E. B. Hall has a colt two years old that weighs 1,500 pouods. Mrs. Wood of the sixth ward is sufleriug from a broken hip. W". Thomas has had a telephone put in bis Huron street store. Alberl Yoeum and Geo. Rowe of Lyn. don have goue lo Tt-xa?. Louis, infant son of M- and Mrs. Oscar Öorg, died Saturday. Prof. Chas. A. Kent addressed the civil service association Saturday. Mrs. A. A. Terry is visiting her sou William, at Warren, this state. President Angelí and family ure expected to arrive home next week. A. R. Hall bas had several offers for kis store north of the Duffy block. O. Smith, Wm. Corselius and H. Atkinson are fishing at Whitmore Lake. A. A. Wood, the sheep man of Lodi; is in Vermom purehasing a new stock. The first load of stone for the aew postofflee building was drawu yesterday. The gigantic Barnum-London combination will visit this city next summer. Five electric ligbts are to he placed in Cornwell & Co's paper mili Ypsilanü. A unión temperance meeting was held at the Baptist chureh Sunday evening. County treasurer Seyler settled with a number of township treasurers yesterday. Joe T. Jacobs disposed of a largo lot of overcoats in Dexter the past week. Jas. Halladay of Bridgewater irill put iu a bilí for eevoral sheep killed by iogs. Another adjoumrnent has been taken in the Sophia Lyon case uutil next Monday. There will be a regular meeting of Golden Kule lode;e F. & A. M. tuis eveuing. A school house recently destroyed by flre in Freedom is to be re-built at once. Ifaaly & Hamilton expect to lake possession of their new office in a few days. H. Kitredge has the contract for hauling the Btoue for the new postoffice building. Soon the political pot will begin to boil, and there will be wolk all along the line. The farmers' club of Manchester meet to-morrow at the residence of L. 1). WatIrins. The latest reporta say that QuHeau'e future mil will be dropped into the Potomac. The Sun says a marblc quarry has been discovered at Lulu station on the Toledo road. W. E. Walker the hunler and trapper, has been spending a few days at Base Lake. Jas. Kitson is going to build u brick store adjolnlDg ilall's bnkery cm tbe south. Wm. Judsou of Sylvan will stuit for Texas lliis immtli with Severttl hundred sheep. Last night was regular meeting of Fraternity lodge F. & A. M. - work on tbird degree. Haverly's Widow Bcdott company and tlie female miustrels stonpe 1 at the St. Jumes. The temporalice men are talklng of runnibg Will J. Her d man for mayor ihis spring. D. B. Koss, of Indiana, talked temperance in tbe Unitarian cliurcb Sundaj' afterooon. Jno. Scbneider has recovered a judgment for $1,02:3.83 and eosts against Jacob Brennmg. Mrs. Scott and daughter, of uear DeWitt, Elinton county, are visiting friends in tic city. J. A. and N. U. Gates are building a $2,000 farm rcsidence for Ueo. MeCormick of Salem. Pomological meeting Saturday. Large Utendance desired. Important questious 50 be discnssed. Rev. Dr. Otorgo was made happy last eveniüg by liis Dexter iriends who gave liiui a duna! ion. "Chafï" saya the manager of tho Daily News fastena himself up nights in a burg'hir prooi box. Some big roeka are being transferred tliis week trom the T. A. A. & G. T. R. H, to the campus. A student was knoeked down on High Street Monday nigbt and releaved oí a Wutch and chain. The lecture of Prof. Kent before the civil service association Saturday evening was weil attended. Hall & Moeeley have dissolved partnership in the grocery business. Mr, Hall uow goes it alono. Mauy studeuts and tovvuboys anti some youug Jadies spent Suuday afternoon skating on the river. Joseph 15. , son of Michael T. and Mary A. Kearus, üicil Saturday of eonesüoa of the lungs. A student skating on the river Sunday jroke through the iré and carne very ïear being drowned. At a special moeting ol' thecouncil Mouday evening the time for collectiug taxes wan extended five tlays. ïhe ladies'homeopathic hospital aid associution will meet Tiiursdny Feb. 9 at J o'clock in the hospital. Il is a suamB to have the plot around the court house cut up by drawiug heavy loads over it. The townships of Salem and Augusta, and Ypsilauti city have had the lime extended for collecliug taxes. Beethoven Gesangverien concert tomorrow evening. A rich treat is in store tor our music loviug people Our citizens are soon to be favored witli a lecture by vice-presitlent C'oliax nu "Our iiavtyred Fresidenl's." li. E. Frazer is to address a tuinp erauce meeliiig at VVuituey's opera house, Detroit, next Sunday alteruoon. A. II. Schmidt lias mauufactured for J. S. Eails a handsome new bus w hich wili soou be seeu ou thestreets. Geo. E. LaMolte has opened aa eating house and runs a luuoh counter in conuectiou with his other business. ütinar Lutz and Frank Campiou feil througli the ice the rirst of the week and were rescued by some small boys. Mary, daughter of Patrick and Mary O'JSeal of the town of Northfieid, died Fnday aged 'ó years and 5 moulhs. Cincinnali has a religious streak and the people are being converted by the thousauds. But how long will it last? A. V. Hobison has purchased the lot south of 11. Öessions' place on Fifth Street and will build a residence for himself. Extra precautionary measures should nuw be taken by the board of health, since tUe siuall pox is so iear this city. The ladies' library association of Chelsea gave an entertainment Saturday eveuing for the benefit of the library fund. Wm. Burke has sold tne house and lot on the corner of División aud Liberty streets for $ö,500 to Dr. VV . li. JacUson. Hon. Sam Post of Ypsilanti, has betn re appointcd pension agent, aud S. M. Cutcheon Üniled States district attoruey. Orslles Matheruatieal Journal whick was purchased lor the university at an expeuse of $500, will arrive in a few days. The Unitarians to the number of some 35 were given u social Thursday eveuing at the residence of Joseph Whitlaik's in Scio. For the past three yeais au information for perjury bas been on file against Bob McKinuey in the Washtenaw ;ircuit court. W.H. Hicks (uoposes to put up in this cilv an electric licht so that our zens may note the dilïurence betvveen it and gas. Miss Mary Haius of Dexter is suffering witU a dislocation of Uic hip and a fractured wrist, caused bj t'alling on the sidewalk. R. E. Frezer spoke in Battle Creek Saturday in the Lever course, and Sunday afternoon and evening addressed the reform club. R. Lespinasse of the newspaper department of the Chicago, JSurlington. & Quincy railroad,was in tbc city the last of the week. The Port Huron Times is after the confidcnce men who are permitted to carry on their vocation With impunity in the above city. Coir-stock F. IIül of Lodi, has been appoiuted guardián of Emanuel II., Eliza B., and Mary K. Cook, vice Frederick Hutzel, resigued. Rev. iJan R. Shier, whose name is familiar to a large number of persons in this county, was in the city Monday and put up at the Cook house. A cadáver was receutly shipped to the pickling vat, but the university authorities would not receive a "stift" that had died of typhoid fever. Thus far this season D. Iliscock has bought and shipped to Detroit 164 dressed hogs weighing 37,083 pounds, or an average of 2G8 pounds each. Dr. Knipp, one of South Lyon's influential citizens bas been seriously ill for nearly two months, and now it is thought he may possibly recover. Not a night passes that one or more trauips do not ask for lodgiugs at the county jail. They are giveu a place to sleep and someüiiog to eat. August Kokohol of Ypsilanli, was brought herc Monday by constable Schmield aud lodged iu jail to await examinatioil ou the charge of laiceuy. A judgnient for $387,000 bas been reudered in faver of the First National bank of Ikattleboro, Vt., and agaitst the tstate of the defaulting president. David B. Ellis of Ypsilanti.who was injured by being run over by a train on the Michigan Central, has commenced suit against the company for $50,000. Business in the probate court is unusually dull for this season of the year. The amount of basiness traneacted in 1881 was much less than in 1880. The stone walk on the south side of the St. James will probably not be widened, as the present one will answer every puipose when the postofflee is removed The case against Sophia Lyons was to have corae off yesterday, but owing to the arrest of this womau and Bob McKinney, the case went over one week. The ladies are especially invited to attend the pomological meeting Saturduy. James Toms the florist, will have on exhibitiou a choice collection of flowers. Joel W. Hamilton says he is better sat" isfled to have the postoffice on the corner of Main and Ann streets than to have it near's barn. You are right Joe. Mis. Helen Pa:k who bas resiied in Chicago for the past 10 years, with her two children have arrived in the city and will live with her brother.A. V. Robisou. Chas. E. Matthews of Paw Paw, who carne here to be treated for a tumor, died at the Cook house Saturday aud his remains were taken to his home for interment. A. A. Gregory, for many years i resident of the third ward, expects to leave the city in the spring. He offers his place for sale or to exchange tor a smaller place . Jno. A Niehols has purcbased the barn tbat foruierly stood ou the old Hoskins place and moved it to bis lot north of the He will fix it over into a dweiling. Time and per3everance will teil. It told in the postoflice war, and now that the locatioa is flxed, tbe questiou is next will oocupy the attenlion of the public miud. Dr. Cox, who is well kuown in Ypsilanti, but tor the past 11 years a resident of Detroit, was arrested Friday for the muider of Martha Wliitla. So was old inother Schaeider. Second grand concert to-morrow evenïng by the Beethoven Gesangverein society, assisted by the harmonie quartette club and the philharmonic string quar tette of Detroit. In Oberlin, ühio, $100,000 has been subscribed to fight tlie liquor question. ïhis city has raised the magnificent sum of $750 for that purpose. Quite a difference in the two places. Wm. Merkle bas purchased tbe house and lot on the corner of Liberty and Fifth streets, for which he paid $1,650. He will move the building off and build a fine residence tbis summer. Democrat: Judge Morris bas resumed the practice of bis profession, and on Tuesday made his first entry in the oommon rule book since bis election to judgeship in the spring of 1879. Of course we have great respect for the professors, but when they undertake to lócate a postoflice for the citizens of Ann Arbor, they should be set down on, as they have been most beautifully. The Democrat, Courier, Daily News and Washtenaw Post advocated strongly the site which was finaily selected hy the governmeut for a postofüce. The Kegis ■ ter was opposed to the locatiou . The small-pox is still ragiug with great fury in Pennsylvania, and other eastern states. In the west there are also a large number of cases. Fortunately this city bas escaped Ihus far without a case beiug reported. An old man from Minden who lost his wife aud three children by beiug burned up.acd who carne here to be treated at the university hospital for his eyes, which were iujured at the time of the lire, has gone home. Now that the postoflice locatiou his üually been delerinined, ntarly everybody feels disposed to rnake the ruost of it, uud think a haudsome building on the corner of Mam aud Aun streets will be a greal improvemeut to the city. Thos. Boyd, proprielor of the shooting gallery iu the billiard parlors under the St. James, offers three prizes as follovvs to the ones making the best score - ten shots allowed: First, silver watch, valued at $10; second, 1 box cigars, third, $Ü iu cash. The practice of allowing from one to three sliffs shipped to the universily to reuiain in front of the express office several hours at a time is severely coudemued and '1 he Demockat has been asked to cali the atteutien of the board of liealtli lo the matter. At a meeting of the Chronicle association Saturday the foliowing editors were eltsted: L. Ö. Berry and J. A. McLennou, indepeudeats; C. T. Wilkins, Delta Kappa Epsilon; J. T. Winship, Zeta Psj. A niotion was passed giving the board power to fill a vacancy. Ia the circuit court Tuesday Agaes Gieeshaber aud Eugene Cofïer were arraigned on the charge of adultery and boih pleaded guilty to the informaiiun. The former was seutenced to the Detroit house of correction for (5 days and Coffer got the same dose at Ionia. The Commercial says hereafter it will publish the uames ot those subscribera who "refuse" to take tlieir paper irom the postoffice without paying up in full. That is nght, Mr. Editor, and The Demockat uow publibhes the name of Jacob Terne of Ypsilanti, who has served us ihat way. Sire. Eliza R. Sunderlani will speak next Suuday morning at the UnitariaD church on "Dr. J. G. Holland" - the discourse being the third in the series on "The Eminent Dead of the Past Year." In the eveningMr. Sunderlaud will speak on "The Origin of the Doctrine of Bi ble Iufallibility." Il quite frequently happens tnat a vicious norse is hitched in front of some Main street store, and it is a wonder some person is notinjured. Monday afternoon a lady passing in front of Eberbach's drug store had the ribbons of her bonnet torn off by a biting norse. The next time it rnay be an ear. It was not Ihat we had any ill will against J. W. 1 1 miill on. we opposed the retnoval of the postoflice to his building, but beCftUse wc thought tlic office should not go cast of Mala street, and that the best locatiou, in fact the mosl central, was the lot on the corner of Main and Aun streels- which has been selected for a site. The county treasurer mailed Tuesday to supervisor Yost several blanks, aud also called his attention to Act 2G8, laws of 1879, sectiou 7. Itnow remaius to be seen whether .this rcpublican supervisor will do his duty relative to the enforcement of the liquor tax in his district. ïrost ' is a rcpublican, but this is no reason why he sUould favor the liquor interest." The annual oratorical contest betweea tU two societies of the luw department will take place March 9tn. The Jeffersouian society ou last Thursday night elected the following conteslanls: Senior orator, A. Mires of Oregou; senior debater, SiDgleton üell ol Peuusylvania; juuior debater, Geo. S. Grimes ol' Miuuesota, Junior reader, Prof. Geo. i. Holmes of Michigan. G. J. Diekerna, Geo. S. Grimes aud W. li. Wood were appointed a commiltee on arriugemeiits. Kev. Mr Sunderland will begin uext, Suuday eveniugaseriesof seven discourses on "The Urigin aud liistory of Leading Doctrines aud O bser vances of Popular Chi'isliauity." The subjects aud dates will be as follows: Feb. 5, "The In fallibility of the Bible;" Feb. 12, "The Doctrine of the Triuity;" Feb. l'J, "The Depravity of Human Nature;" Feb. 25, "The Doctrine ol' the Atouemeut;" Maren 5, "Baptism and Kindred Rites;" March 12, "The Jewish Öabbath and the Christian Suuday ;" Muroh 19, "The Diiy of Judgment aud Heil." Moruing Sun: Roscoc Alleu lias mude arrangemeuts with the Toledo, Aun Albor aud Grand Truuk railway for a side track near the Clymer road, the fust highway crossing soulü of the Wabash depot to Milán, lie has selected this poin', for the ereclion of several coal kilus and has purchased the brick and other materiala to begin the manufacture of oharcoal. Thtre are 15 patent coal kilns in the towr.ship of Milan and live uear by us in the township of Augusta. More are to be built and we are happy lo seo these local industries flourish. l'hey add to the amount of money put in ciiculatioa and aid busiucss in .his v.cinity. The Detroit Eveniniï Neus, aud Post and Tribune are making it red-hot for chief of pólice Hogers, and are showing up that gentleman n no enviable light. These two papers are also endeavoring to bring about a reform in other manera. 3ut the F. P. seecüs to be opposed to everythiug Ihat is rigiil and decent - sides n with Peoples, ihe ulleged murcfeier of Martha Wüitla; in fact, one would judge 'rom the tone of this paper of late that the News,and Post and Tribune had committed a grave crime in attempting to bring the aborüonists, (bugs, and murderers to justice, and to surpress liquor sellng on üunday, by endesvoring to make he officials do their aiuy by callingatten ,ion to the many flagrant abuses which 'Videutly exist in the city of the Straighls. The woik in wbich the Post and Tribune and New3 are engaged, will be commended )y every righl-miuded citizen in the state. Perhaps tue F. P. will be shamed uto coming out in favor of law aud order and good goverument.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat