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The Hartford, Ct., bigh school building bas jast burned at a Iobs oí f 120,000. 'Xhe new elevator of the Wabash railroad, Chicago, with a capacity for 1,600,000 busbels of grain, waB opene' tUis week. It coet $400,000. August Árndt, at Lincoln, Neb., has been entenced to three months imprisonment for threatening the life of U. S. Disttict Jadge Dundy. ' A reporter tdeíjraphed Cincinnati papers tbat thirteen cases OJ siuall pox existed in Louisville, Ky. The health olHcers not finding tliein, cu-"il wsrnnits to te iasu'd againstthe reporter under a city ordiuance iiiaking it a misdenmanor to fail to repor' sinall pox ('.ases. Tbn fi..„ in ich casp is Ï60, wbicii will aggrefi-aU -he sum of $B50, fr failure to report to health ofBcwswhere the cases are to be found. Fire hi Woonsocket has destroyed the Providence aud Worcepttr railroad depot, Edward's biock and Taloott'a machine shop. Loss $130 000, iiiB'.rauce $76,000. Xwo firemen weie injured, and Enginer Reod was chilled thriugh and is uot expected to live. TLe Dubuque Times suggests that "an in sane inurderer hung is uiucli more desirable than au insane mureierer at large." A Guaymas dispatch announces au engageuitut of State troopB with the Apaches who raided Lompago. It resultad in the killing of twcnty Indiana. Troops were in hot pursuit at last accounts John Roauh is on tüe war path bei.t upon oliüiii.iiu' st 'in snip subsidies. Another swiudle has been discovered i;i the bystem of surveyiug townships in the west. The residence of Geo. H. Bend, near Kingsbridge, N. Y., was damaged by fire Thursdaj mornlng. Loss to insurauce coinpanies $70,000. Bend Is a wo'üthy Wall street broker. i h dry gooda store of loses i!. Black, at MauBÍield, )., was elosed by creditors Thursiay. Two of theclerks having been taken, with smali-pox caused a wit'idrawal of public patronage. Failures of business concerns in the Dnited States iu the past week were 155 in nnmuer. Senator Ferry introducás a MU to pension certain Union soldiers who suffíired in Confedérate prisone. Iowa prohibHior.ists do not favor the Logan bilí to eonvert whisky revenues to the educailonal f und The probabiliües are ttiat Dakota will volve into l state and a territory. Feb. 27th is appointed for the governnental Garfield memoria! at-rvices. A bad brtak in the levee at Delta, Louisiana, opposite Vicksburg, is reported. Ooi. Oorkhi 1 predicts that the assassiu will be executed ouor before the 80th of Ju:; e. An attempt was made to wreek a New York Central fe Hudsou River R. B. train. It was diecovered in avert accident A i UDknown man jumpe i f rom the St. Louis bridge iuto the riyer and was diowned nbout noon Saturday. Seventeen persons aio dangerously II of trichinse at .Minueapolis, Minu. The ways of the Chicago grain dealer are to b examined by a grand jury. DXbe govero inent pai s f i. an ounce for mutilated cuireacy. An explosión in a Belleville, III.. nuil mili injured neveral persous aad tbrows out of employmeut 200 men. Morman leaders, by way of retaliatou propose to sbow the ways that are dark of tertain indiecrect Congressman. Thebill o regúlate, the immigration of Chinese Uuorers in made the special ordt=r in the house for February 7. üobb of Indiana, seeks the repeal and revocation of land prants to certain trans-eoD tinental railways, the Mlantic and Pacific, Texas l'acific and Nortbern Pacific included. Hev. i)r. Bellows of New York, the well known Unitarian minister and author, died on the 30th. Argumente for a new trial of the (ïaiteau case are set down for Friday, 3d iust. Busiuefis men iü Ciucinriati are njoving goods out of theii cellars, owing to a rapid rise in th Ohio river. Mrs. Mary (Janfield, second davighter of the late Gen. Lewis Cass of Detreit, died in New York city last week, aged 70 years. ftto. Ledyard of Newport, R. L, mother of H. B. Ledyard, Gen. Manager of the M. C. R. R., is the oniy surviving daughter of this once famous and influential family. BIG FIRE IN NEWSPAPBB EOW. A flre originating in the World bailding, Park Row, New York, on Tuesday of this week, did immense damage to newspaper men. The blook was an irregular shaped gore, with the building formeriy occupied by the World on its southwest corner and the Times building occupying the entire nortuern angie of the gore. The Tribune office is diagonally acrosB Nassau street froin the Times building, and the Sun office is on the uppercorner of the same block with the Tribune. The New York Observer is burned out and Dr. Irenaeus Prime seads by the Associated press that theirpublicationwillbe delayed. gui-s aavertiBing ageucy is also burued. In this departtiient several women and girls were eniployed. Souie lost their lives, while others escaped atgreat hazdard. It, is stated that four bodies were recovered in Nassau street of persons killed by jumping from Windows. An old gray-haii ed woman was seen in the fourth story of the World building appealing for help. The llames raged about her person igniting her hair and her clothing. She feil back into the flames and was burned to death. A youug girl wearing a blue dress, who was cut ofl the Btairs, ran to a fourth story window on the Park Bow side auJ stood hesitatiugly, while the flames and Biuoke eneircled her. Casting a frightoned look below she threw Urself out and feil on the stone pavement. When picked up life was etinct, A few miautes later a negro woman appeared at a tbird atory wiudow of the World office on the Park Ru w side. She also jumped to the sidewalk and waa badly injured. Several men and women saved themselves by leaping from the Windows on Nassau street. Wh'ere the wouiaa wlio was killed jumped from the window were two meu hanging from the window-sillsby. their fiuger ends. The ladders were too short to reach them and they were save.d by firemen mountine on one another'e shoulders, and the men let themwlves down with their aid. A boot-biack on the corner of Beekman street and Park Kow, seaing some lueu entangled ín the telegraph wires adjoining the premisee, clini jed the poie and cut the wire, releasing them from a critical poaition. An expresa wagon witli n heavy canvas covering drew up under the wiudows, and several men who were about to leap to the ground were told by the driver to jump on the wagon, which they did and escaped any serious hurt. estímate of losses. i he pólice give the following estímate of Inwon; New York Belting fe Packing Coiu'y . . f100,000 eettingill & Co 5 ooo New ïork Observar 10 000 Turf, Field and Farm 5)000 Suettisb American 10'noo wiiwaiiace :;:;:;;; SfiSiï Jftarks, tailor 20,000 fiodegura & PondB, cigars 2 000 Orlando Potter, building 800 000 Eugeue Kelly, building 6,000 E veniug Mail building ■ 2,000 Morse building ( 5006 Nash &, Orook, restaurant 5000 Times building 5000 The new postofflee building was thoroughly warmed but was protected by closing the heavy iron blinds to the openings next the fire. Although the Times building, it was thought, would uurely go, it was saved wHU damage. Itis Baid that virs. (arfield paid noattention to the pri;Ceeliugs of the (Juiteau trial. Mayor Harrison o1 Chicago has ordored gambling-houses to c-lose at 7 p. m. on Salurday eveniügs, so as to keep employés f, om the temptatlon of staking their wages. t{e also forbids the supplyiug of rafreshments, solid or liquid. The Committee on the District of Columbia ask an appropriation of $ 1,000,000 for the reclamation of the Washington and Georgetown maiBhes. Centrevljle, Cal., bas just experienced an earthquake. Twenty-three students of Princeton college were arreeted for breaking street lampa: moet oí them p!ead guilty and were fined $20 each. Others who plead not guilty have to prove it 'í'.iAv namen Iiíivb íiIho bueu printed m the le uliug Nw York papers. O. L. Hiildwin, t!i Nówark cashior, pleads üuilty and els IS years in otate prisou. An explosiou ol 100,000 Teet of gas in Nawai (t, N J., left ; large part of the city in darkness.


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