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An expioBiou in a dynaraite factory, Port Vendree, France, killed 16 men. (Jaribaldi is suffering from bronchitis. The Home Rule eonfederation of Great Britlin has merged iato the Land League. The Relief Comaiittee organized in Warsaw af ter the termination of the riots estimates the sufferers lost 7Ö7,89 rou bles; 150,000 roubles have already been subscribed for their relief. Lord Lieutenant Cowper of Ireland, refuses to permit the presentation ef the froedom of the city of Dublin to Parnell and Dillon within Kilmainham jail. FlemiDg, oie of the directora of the City of ilasgow Bank, who evaded arrest at the time of the trial of his colleagues aud who reeeutly returned to England from America, has been arres ted. Fifteen editora of uewspapers published at Vienna hdve been summoned before tlie pólice ar.thoritios and informed that Ihe publicatiou of any inteüigence in regard to the movement of troops, war material, etc., is forbldden. Bouzaud, Christine Nilsson's husbanë, has become insane over bis losjes in tbe recent Pari stock pan ie. Dillon's illuess is reperted alaruiiug. He refuses conditional release. Anotherinfantry regiment has been ordered to Dublin from Englana. Public eeremonials will be dispensed with od the occasion oL the coro lation oí the Czar. Owing to the appearauce of cholera omong the pilgrims assembled at Allahabad the gov ernment uas ordered them to disperse. The Herzegovinians are conceutrating in the inountainous angle included by tbe upper bend of 'the Narenta Biver. The position is considered unassailable. It threatens Coinitza, which commands communication bstween Mostar and Serajevo, and dominatea the principal monntain pass. A panic % Vienna s ieaied The doctrine of Imperial rescript has been reiterated in the Germán Beichstag, with the assertion that "royalty must not be allowed to weafcen by üisuse," pointing to the absurdity of the statement, "The kingreigns but does not govern." A raid by pólice and military in Galway county, Ireland, resulted in Uie finriing of Ireasonab le documenta and the arreste of 20 pertons. An ainbassador to the Vatiean has gone for Home froin Berlín, Dr. Freyciuet will form a new cabinet in France. Young Frencli Cauadinns favor the full independeuce of Canada anñ want the Liberal party of the Dominion to take up that issue and press ii. A reign of terror is reported at Cabul. The Ameer is arresting all leaders in the oppoeition and confiseating their property. Over 1100 political prisouers are in sail. The financial panic ia Europe it is thought, will result in the Bank of England putting up its rnte to 7 per cent. The Bank of Belgium has advanced its rate from 7 to 9. The Uaion (iMi'-rale Bank of Paris has suspended. The bursting of a reservoir at Calais, France, destroywt a school house, other buildings and several Uves. Every possible precaution will be observad to protect the Czar when he goes to Moscow for coronation. DeFryciDt submitë a lst of the new niinistry ae follows: DeFreycinet, president of the councilaad minister of foreign affairs; Terry, public instruction;Goblet, interior and worehip; Hummbert, justice; Leon Say. finance; Varroy, public works; General Billot, war; Ailmiral Jaureginberry, marine; Tirard, coinmwce; Cochery, poste and telegraphs. The Bank of France bas placed 100,000,000 francs to help tbe merchante and manufacturers of Ljons through the financial crisis. Herr Von Putikamer, one of ihe Germán governuieut officials, asserts that bo Bismarck's polipy üas been snccesgfnl. And that in the threatened.European crisis the monarchy will prove itself the bulwark of the rights and freedom of Geriuany, The illeged expulsión of the Jews from Russia wai the subject of amotiou of Mr. Cox, who called for the official correspondence thereoD.


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Ann Arbor Democrat