Real Estate Transfers

ïneroliowing are the transfers of rea] estáte for the week enUing Wednesday, February 7th : WAIUIANTY DEEDS. Chas. Peách to Robt. L and Su?an Speechley, land in Arm Arbor town, $300. Hack & Schmid to Jacob Lu(z, 85 acres sec 22 -Saline, $4,300. Geo. K. Johnson to Augustus Bond, land n sec 32 Pittefleld, $5,500. Augustus Bond to Geo. R. Johnson 180 acres sec 21 Saline, $11,000. Jno. C. Taylor to Mary E. Stone, property in Chelsea, $600. Jno. M. Setts to Charles E. Setts, 70 acres sec 1 and 12 Sylvan, $5,500. C. Weitbrecht to Frederick Haussler, property in Ann Arbor, $5,000. Jno. Brooks to Albert Kalkloesch, 40 acres sec 25 Bridgewater, $775. Albert Hayes to Addison Fletcher, lot in Ypsilanti, $750, Henry Doody to Joseph H. Bowler, 80 acres sec 22 Dexter, $3,550, Jno. Yauson to Henry Van Voorheis, 160 acres sec 31 Salem, $550. ju. -nne to íray ü-ratt, 40 acres seo 22 Frecdom $400. Henry C. Goodtle to Thos. Boalwright 45 acres ec 26 Superior, $2,475. Peter Guiñan to Thomas C. GuiDan, 80 acres sec 9, Dexter, $1,600. Ralph C. Whiting to Monroe E. Swart out, property in Ann Arbor, $1,200 Walter E. Campbell to Albert W. Hardy, 20 acres &ec 35 Augusta, $500. Phebe A. KrIsrv nf. ni t Míiím n Hobbs, land in York, $600. Comstock P. Hill (guardián) to Geo. F. Kash, 40 acres sec 32 Lodi, $2,000. Jas. M Kelsey to M. G. Hobbs, land in York, $100. Geo. W. Brown to Jacob Vanderwer40 acres sec 16 Augusta, $725. Jno. Faulkner to Hugh Faulkner, 40 acres se? 5 Sharon, $100. Jas. P. Wood to E. P. Downer n w fractional quarter sec 32, Lyndon $1 - 450. Clias. E. and Caroline Everest to Chas. K. Wead, lots 5 and 6 b 6 s Huron street Anu Arbor, $2,000. J. J. Ellis to Ansel Morgan, 80 acres sec 8 York, $4,500. Jno. Falconer to Wm. Campbell, s e 1-2 lot 4 and the n w 1-2 lot 5 b 8 Brown &Fuller'sadd Ann Arbor, $1,100. E. C. Fish to Chas. Fish, 118 acres sec 8 and 10 Sharon, $7,000. Chas. Fish to E. C . Fish, 40 acres sec 10 Sharon, $2,40(). qUIT-CLAIM DK5DS. Hester A. Sloatet al to Laura Sherwood property in Manchester village, $600.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Charles Peach
Robert L. Speechly
Jacob Lutz
George R. Johnson
Augustus Bond
John C. Taylor
Mary E. Stone
John M. Setts
Charles E. Setts
C. Weitbrecht
Frederick Haussler
John Brooks
Albert Kalkloesch
Albert Hayes
Addison Fletcher
Henry Doody
Joseph H. Bowler
John Yanson
Henry Van Voorheis
M. Pfifle
Fray Kraft
Henry C. Goodale
Thomas Boalwright
Peter Guinan
Thomas C. Guinan
Ralph C. Whiting
Monroe E. Swartout
Walter E. Campbell
Albert W. Hardy
Phebe A. Kelsey
Milim G. Hobbs
Comstock F. Hill
George F. Rash
James M. Kelsey
M. G. Hobbs
George W. Brown
Jacob Vandawarker
John Faulkner
Hugh Faulkner
James P. Wood
E. P. Downer
Charles E. Everest
Caroline Everest
Charles K. Wead
J. J. Ellis
Ansel Morgan
John Falconer
William Campbell
E. C. Fish
Charles Fisher
Hester A. Sloat
Laura Sherwood