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The ehiügle makers of Saginaw Vaüey, w uoae annual product is over 300,000,000, have formed an asaocïation to regúlate pvices, and have Eet the price of xxx shinglea at f3.65 per 1,000, and of clear butts at 82.50. There ia a scbeine on foot for a new railroad from Ionia norto through Hubbardston and CarsoD City into the Saginaw Valley. Thomas Payne, the lumberman of Grand Bapid?, whose death was recently announced, leaves a fortune of 1250,000. Josepli Pattorson of Cass county, H. U. Wells of Kalaimzoo, John 3. Adam of Tecum seh.andDr. Howell of Macon, are the only known survivors of the Michigan censtitutwnal onTentionofl835. The Linden gristmiU, which was burned 14 months ago. has been rebuilt and commences 'thTsudlecumseh bank offrs to pay dollar Tor dollar, provided creditors will wait a year or more. They wUl probably wait. All Grand Trunktrainn now maüe the Woodward aveuue Blation the ir headquarters for arrival at and departuro from Detroit, instead of the Michigan Central deDOt as heretofore. The Grand Trunk it is said has poid f 30,000 a year for privileges at the M. C. depot. D H. Duperow, an alleged patent nght BWindler, is in jail at Flint charged with fraudulently obtaiulng the signature of Baxter Gillet, a Fenton farmer, to a $300 note. NelEon Decker pushing a cutter before Min, oontaining hiB wife and child, across Crooked Lake, Barry eounty, got upon thin ice over 5J feot of water. All Ware precipitated into the depthsanaMr. l'ecker alone rescued with great difflcalty, by boys skating in fie vicmity. The etudents in Aun Arbor are in training to entertain in aesthetic style Oscar Wilde Bhould he visit that aesthetic centre. Work is about to begin upon the newBash, door and blind factory at Big Rapide. It will be 40x200 and will employ 40 men. E. B. Hayes of Whitehall, N. Y., is the proprietor. Chrlstian Brittenbacb, a Ufe convict at Jacknn for killine his grandfather at Detroit, has ewpüdfromjail. Heunlocked h:.s cell door, it seems, mounted a beam and walked to the south wall on which the trusses of the roof rest Witü an auger he bored a hole through the 'coruice big enough for his bodj's passage. Turowing down a ropa he crawled out and slid to the ground outside ths wall. Two gui'da were pacing the wiug all night but seemed to know notiin? of the escape. Qaeiies: Wheace the key? the b'g augur? the rope? Judge Marble of Michigan is again commissioner of patents; P. H. Conger bas been appointed superintendent of Yeliowstone natioual park by the President, in place of Mr. Norrls. The Farmers' Instituto held at Britton was very successful. Iateresting papéis were presen ted by secretary of the board of agricultwe. R. G. Baird;C. E. Mickley of Adrián; Prof R. C. Kedzie of Lansing and others. A resolution was passed to aek the legiehturo to provideforfarmer's danghters as liberal culture as isprovided for the sons at the Lansicg Agrioultural Ooilege. Frank B. Whipple of Kalamazoo, has just died oi fjaall-pox in Cincinnati. Manistee expects to have a L30,000 hotel this spring. East Saginaw fumifhes the capiThe Algoniah is fast in the ice and although an p-t'empt has been made to ksep the channel opsn Dy blasting,it did not eucceed. Pastongers irom St. Ignace to Cheboygan are taitón over the ice in sleighe. Bev. L. L. Noble, rector of St John's chureb, Ionia, has just died of pneumonía after a short ülne3s. Pontiac lias raiaed $7,000 for the Pontiac & CThTeiUnbRelRseutDof V,co Justic Miner cgaiust the Post and Tribune resulted in a 'vêrdist of 250 for plaintiff. The Post ani Tribune wül carry the case lo the supreme ccurt. An elegant lino of parlor cars bas rccently boen placed on the Michigan Central Rosd, between Bay City and Mackinaw City, leavicg Bay City at 8 20 a ra. and Mackinaw City at 7 20 a. m., every day except Sunday. These cars make connection at Bay City with the Michigan Central trains to an4 from Detroit, Jackson, Chicago, and all principal pointa in Michigan and the East, West and South. PasseDgers should make a note ot thia fact, and select their route accordiDgly. The peach erop is reported promising, thus far, in the Grand Haren district. Mayor Steketee of Srand Rapids is under arrest for seiling liquor from his drug store without making record according to law. The mayor claims the arrest is merely in malice and he will fully vindícate himself. E. B. Barnes' boot and shoe store, Fenton, burnd on the Yin, wun $0,' uu jubs. uu. . Terbush, C. W. Busb, Van Sickle Brothers, A. i'urpby and others lost ia various sums from $50 to $i00, a bumber having no insuranc. öeo. Euttor, a farmer, a mile from town, alBO lost his house by fire a few hours later. No ineurance. Malignant acarlet fever prevaUs at Spring Lake. Rrice & Bleeker's iron ioundry, Grand Havan, barned for the second time during the year. Loss to insurance companies $1,200.


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