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An exploüion of 100,000 feet of gas m JNewark, N. J., left a largo part of the city in dark11668. The bilí of exceptions filed by ScoviUe in the öuitsau caw recites twelve reasom wby a new trial Bhould be granted. Dr. Tolman Wheeler, a well known resident of Chicago, has given $20,000 to Bishop McLaren for the benefit of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral fund. It is believcd that at the trial of the Malley Boys for the murder of Jennie Crainer, that Blanche Douglas, will disc oee ths wholeaHair, fixing the murder of the nnfortunate girl on Iho Malleys. Ab many as 1000 persons have been vaccinatod in a day in Chicago. Olmstead, the landscape gardener of Central Park and the Capital grounds at Washington, prop09es to arrest the poisonous miasma, from whick so many statesmen sufEer, by planting a wide belt of trees along the river bank. The Cumberland Biver, duiing the prevalence of the flood has done damage in the valley exceeding $600,' 00. John C. New, has been appointed United States Minister to Kus3ia. A lady sued for and obtained $ 12,000 of the Continental Passenger Ruilway Company, Philadelphia, for injuries sustained by falling in a crowded car in which sha was obliged to stand. Eads believes that his ship canal scheme is not receiving fair treatment in congreee, the trans-continental railroads working against it. Beports of sniail pox from the national board of health for the week: Brooklyn, 15 cases, 1 death; Pittsburgh, 79 cases, 28 deaths; Omaha, 9 cases, 1 deatb ; Terra Haute, 1 death. Horatio Seymour, brother of Mrs. Roscoe Conklin. :s seriously ill at his home near Utica, N.Y. John B. Gougli is seriously ill of neuralgia of the stomacb, at Beloit, Wis. H. E. Spencer, for seyeral terms mayor of Cincinnati, has just diedThe franking privilege has beeH reported upon, adverse to granting the privilege to members of congress. ' The Lockport, N. Y., flour milis have burned at a loss ot $200,000. Indictments for manslaughter in the fourlh degres havo been found against conductor Hanford and brakeman Mellins of the train wrecked at Spuyten Duvil. Mormons opposed to polygamy are asking for strict legis'ation forbidding this feature in the practice of the saints. Charles Beed denounces Scoville for proposposing to exhibitGniteau'srefrigerated corpse. and refuses to be assoc'.ated witU tbat wortby any longer. At Decatur, 111., awomanhas been sentenced to foar months in jait, and to pay a fine of f 1,900, for keeping a disreputable house. The citizens of Chicaee decido tbat a new crib and a ínuch longer tunnel are needed at once. The present ciib isinsocure, inadequate, and the water ia impure. RAISED CHECKS. A well dresEod man on Friday presented a check at Ives' bank for f 314, signed by John PejBter. The teller questioning its genuineness, the stranger stepped out on some pretense, saying he would boou be back. Butler Ives folio wed, and as be followed,the stranger ran. Mr. Ivés ían too, and after a long and moBt excitini; race, he ran the strenger dovm, and he was canght and caged. He gave his name as Frank Eeynolds, f rom Chicago. About the saine hour another well dressed man appeared at the counter of the American National Bank in this city, and presentad a check forpayment, drawn by Wm. WrightA r.o., endorsed in blink by E. Ferguson & Co., calling for 510. The teller said at a glance that the check had been raised from 10 to 610 and etepped back to et a inessiangerto run for a policeiniu). But the tranger becaine buspicious and stnrted. Mr. öordon, the teller, also etarted, and anothor run was followed by auother capture, and the second raiser of cbecks, who appears to bo H. C. Closson, was captured and caged. It is said that applications for checks have been rather fiequent in this'city or late; liut euccess ia raising money on rai'sed checks is not encouraging. GaBkine, the Chicago letter-carrier, sentenced to two years imprieoamentforstealing letters, has had nis sentecce commuted to six months by the President on account of his being an opium eater. Chicago reports aggregate real estáte sales for the past week at the value of 9 1,002,319. The eentence was passed upon Guiteau Saturday 4th inst, to be hung Friday, June30th; two days short of the anniversary of the assassination. The prisoner ravedlike a naad man at the decisión. In about a menth.probabiy, the caso will come up for appeal before the courten ban c. An official circular etates that icutilated coin will be purchased at the various ü. S. mints at $1 an ouncs, when presented in sums of f3 and over. Thegiass works near Steubenville, Obio, burned at a loss of f50,000. The bodies ot two mon, Joseph Cunningbain, foreman, and Alfred HarriB, assistent foreman in the New York Obeerver, have been recovered. The tormer had wrapped his face about with a coat and when foand that portion of tho remains was perfect while his legs and the top of his skull were burned to a crisp. The Jefferson public school building, Washin&ton, one of the öne3t in the city, accommodating 1,600 pupilp, burned at a loss of $135,000. The American Humane Society offers a prize of $ 5,000 caeh for a model cattle car which will perrüit the animáis to be fed and watered in transit. Tho time lor presenting models will expires October 1, 1882. An explosión in the Midlothian niiae, Virginia, maltes 27 widows, and leaves 100 chüdren fathorleBS. Snowstorms of great severity are reported in the east. Three reet of snow are reported in several places in Virginia and Pennsylvania. A large forcé of men are engaged carting itout of the streets of New York. Ex-Senator Booth of California is talked of for the secretary of tho interior. In the Pnllman palace car investigation In referenca to bringing furmsbings mío me country without paying duty, the evidence oí a, former employé of the campany, ge8 to ekow that carpeta had been purcbased for the cars iü Canada and sent to the United States. The Senate has pasBed the bilí appropriating $200,003 lor a Cre-proot building and site near the War Department Building, to be nsed aBn hall for War Department, eto. Congressman Burrows' bilí denying adaiisBion to the floor of the house of any delégate or representativo guilty of bigamy orpolygamy passed ou Monday, under suspension of the relee, atter the cill o' state?, and was opposed by only three voters. The wholesale uiercantile house of Evans, McDonald & Co., Fort Wayne, ind. are in financial trouble. Trying to do a business ot half a million ou $50,000 capita! was the cause. A partition wall of a new building being constructed at S!xth and Vine street?, Cincinnati, feil with loss ot 1 10,000. By collision on the Southern Pacific B. B. near Sangergoma pass, two engines and thirty cars were demolished. No lives were lost. An explosión in a large rocdering tank, at East St. Louis, demolished the building, killed oue man, hurt others, with aggregate damage of neat 15,000. Small pox in Chicago proceeds at the rate of 11 new cases per day with eis deaths. Jersey City has just been visited with a $200000 fire. Prof. Swif tof Boehester has been awarded tha Leiand prize ($100 in gold or a medal) by the academy of sciences of Paris, in recognition of his sucedas ia estronomical research. E. S. HcClay of ïekohoma, and Herbert Monkham of Louisviille, twe freshinen of Syracuse university, were kidnapped by eophomores, and carried to Oneida lake 15 miles distant, where they were abandoned and left to fiad tneir way back as best they might through thedarkness and mud.


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Ann Arbor Democrat