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The Adrian Officials Who Are

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ed with the great bond swindle are republicans. The republicana in the third and fourth wards wpuld like to see A. A. Gregory run for supervisor this spring. A number of republicans have at this early date mentioned this gentleman in connection vrith the office. RWiiEN'a student conducts himself in a disorderly manner he should be arrested. But if some onc else is the cause of the disturbance a student can't be blamed for sticking up for his rights, although he may becomc a little enthused. I DüKiNO the coming summer mechanics of all kinds will be in great demand on account of the large amount of building, particularly in this place, and will command good wages. Alreidy stone masons are demanding $3.50 per day, and will take more if they can get it. Lumber is going up and the expense of building will be increased over that of last year. We doubt if a city of this size in the state will do more iu the line of improvements. Senator Fbbby is a bachelor and pcrhaps rnayjiave some correspondence he would rather.have concealed. At al' events he has introduced a bilí for the printing of postal cards with flexible cover to conceal the messages writtcn thereon. Buthowabout tte pestmaster? Is it not made his duty under the law to go sneakjng behind the scènes, in order to discover and stop the sending objectionable . matter through the mail?- [Adrián Press. Thebe is no doubt politics will run high in this city this spring. A ciüzens' ticket will unquestionably be nominated, compoied of temperance rnea. The republicans, as usual, will want the lion's share, and some oí the temperance democrats will endeavor to have a fair división. The temperance element expect to inake a strong fight, in case the democratie and republican city conventions do not put out and out pronounced temperance men in nomination for the various city and ward offices. Senator Brown voiced the feelings of a great many demócrata when he said the other day in debate in th senate that he would pay silver dollars out on the bonds. Silver coin was at a premium of 3 per cent over gold coin when the money interest demanded that the bonds should be payable in coin that shall be regarded as a dollar isBpecifled in the bond. This same mony power appreciated gold by demonetiziug silver, and now it causes the government to pay all in gold. We say with this democratie senator that they should be ppid in silver, at least in part. There is no tenable, legal, or moral objection to paying them ia silver.- [Lansing Journal. Accobding to the New York Öun, íd 1809 a man named Bladen was indicted in the District of Columbia for manslaughter. The mortal blow was ïnflicted at Alexanderia, then within the limits of the District. The victim died in the state of Marylaud. After a verdist of guilty, the prisoner was discharged. The court of which Wm. Cranch, was then chief justice, held in the language of the official report, "that as the death happened in St. Mary's couaty, Maryland, although the fatal stroke was given here, the judgment must be for the prisoner, the offense not being complete within our junsdiction." Tliis rule was established by a full bench, and unless Cox's brother judges have agreed to reverse the rule, Guiteau may yet escape the neck stretching which he so richly deserves. --- Hon. R. A. Beal, of Ann Arbor, editor of the Courier of that city, has laken a contract to erect a post-office building which he promises shall equal the Lansing office in poict of elegance and convenience. As such action calis for an expense which cannol be pecuniarily profltable to Mr. Beal, it briugs a conclusión that the gentleman who has received many a kick (politica! ly) f rom residents of bis town as well as the state at larne, has less at heart the thought of his abuse than the best interests of his city, which he has so many times benefitted, aud now excels in nis intention to beautify. - Quincy Herald. The above item is copied approvingly by the Post and Tribune with the headline, "A Conclusión Drawn." This presents Mr. Beal's course in the postoffice matter in a light which even his subsi dized contemporánea here have not attempted to present it. - Register. Because the newspapers in this city favored the site on the corner of Main and Ann streets for a postoffice building, the little Register has more than once altempted to bark, but the noise was bo faint thal it coula not be heard beyond the confines of the editor's sanctum sancVrum. But wiien the statement is made that The Democrat i9 subsidized by Mr. Beal, the Register knowingly and wilfully utters an untruth. Nor is it the first time this paper bas perverted the truth. To refer to the difEerent occasions would occupy too much valuable space. But the course the Register has taken, not only in the postofflce controversy, but in every other matter in which it thought Mr. Beal's hand could be seen, is well known to the people of this county, and wby it bas persisted in doing so is well understood. There was once on a time a law suit, which was the beginning of the antagonism that has been continually kept up from that day until the present. Becauae Mr. Beal did not wish to see the postofflce removed east of Ann street, and some of the best men in the city thought as he did, the Register was opposed, not o much to the location , but from the fact that the "Boss" favored it. Ths scurrilous article in the Daily News Tuesday night, pitching right and left into the students of the University of Michigan, because a few of their number may have committed errors on various occasions, was unjust and uncalled for. We challenge the News to mention a university either in this country or Europe where the students are better behaved, or conduct themselves in a more gentlemanly marnier, than in the "Athens" of Michigan. To charge the whole body of students with being "low-lived, low-bred and dog-natured rowdies" is an opeu and direct insult to the whole university. Ihe News further says ihat "at the postofflce, too, their practice of ogling this femalc and staring at that one is so gusüngly persisted iu that it is wonderful why summary vengeance isnot taken and a bullent sent into the carcass of some nameless nonent ities who wear the semblance of the human form." Thus it will be seen while the News berates the stu. dents and calU them hard names for violating the laws of propriety, it at the samo time encourages mob law by advocating a Wholesale "shooting" of every studeut in the university. If the editor of the News means to be a lawabidir.g citizen, is it not a Httle singular that he should advocate a policy which he condems so virulently in the article referred to? He lays great stress on "ladies being ogled" in the postoffice, and for that reason would commit murder. In all our experience we neyer knew a newspaper to advocate "shooting" to remedy an evil. We had always supposed that laws were framed for the purpose of doing equal and exact justice to all, and if a student has tiansgressed the law, try him the same as any other citizen. The article in the News is based on what it is pleased to cali a "distur'jance" in the opera house on the night of Theodore Til ton's lecture. We happened to be pre sent and in the gallefy, too, and therefore speak knowingly when we say that while there was some loud talking and hootinjj by certain students, they had a right to feel indignant at the treatment of one of their nurnber who was unceremoniously ejected; but when manager Hill informed the audience that if the "special" policeruan had exseeded his authority,heshould no longer act iu such capacity.the very best of order was maintained throughout the evening. We are f ree to say that had the "special" been absent, nothing would have occurred to offend any person. We understan i the students are indignant at the article in the News, and they have good reason to be. To apply vile epithets to every ruember of the university, is an outrage and one which should not be brooked. An indignation meeting was held by the students in the law lecture room yesterday afternoon and resolutions pussed as to what action should be taken by them against the News. Another meeting will be held at 4 o'clock tuis afternoon, when the resolutions will be presented for adoption. We are authorized by Mr. Hill to say that he requested the editor of the News not to inention what occurred in the opera house on Monday evening, and Mr. Halford gave his word that he would not. The anti-monopoly league, recently organized in New York, is rapidly gaining strength, and have given to the public the following declaration of principies : Anti-moDopoly - We advocate, and wlll support and defend, the rights of the mauy a3 against privileges for the few. Corporations, the creation of the state, shall be controlled by the state. Labor and capital - allies, not enemies; ■justice for both. In accordance with these general principies we afflrm that the public welfare and the public safe:y demand the following specific measures of relief: 1. Laws compelling transportation companies to base their charges upon the "co?t and risk of service," with a fair profit added, instead of the new theory advanced by them- "what the lariff will bear;" laws to prohibit the establishment, through construction companies or other devices, of a flctitious cost for works of a public nature; prohibiting unjust discriminations against both citizens and localities; railroad commissions, -state and natjonal, with adequate powers to see that these laws are enf orced ; a liberal policy toward our waterways, which during the seasou of navigation are potent in preventing exorbitant charges by railroads. 2. More efficiënt laws against the crime of bribery and for the protection of the purity of the ballot. 3. A public service founded on capacity and integrity. 4. Public lands, the common iaheritance of the whole people, houl3 be reserved for actual settlers. 5. Currency, the measure of values, whether metallic or paper, should be equal to coin, and be issued and controlled by the government only. 6. The known benefits of the postal systems of other countries to be adopted in the United States, including the postal savings bank and the postal telegraph and telephone. 7. A f ree press - the bulwark tf our free institutions - must be maintained. Leading journals have been purchased by monopolists, who ai e endeavonnec lo control the thought of the nation. The journils which are not thus controlled should be sustained by the people. Mr. Wm. H. Sherwood, of Boston, has been secured by the universily musical society to give a recital here on Friday evening, February 24. He will b assistei by members of the society; the performance to take place in the general lecture room of the university. Mr. Sherwood is ons of Boston's favorite pianists, and his recital will be well worth hearing. A limited nuniber of tickets bas been issued and those reinaining unsold can be secured at the bookstores or at Brown's drug store. Martin Clark is working for the Daily News. Arbuckle to-morrow night ia university hall. K. of M. on deck. Meeting next Thursday night. Initiation. The Good Templars nitiated four new members Tuesday evening. Dr. Batwell, of Ypsilanti, fears he is sufïering f rom blood poisoning. Services are being held each evening this week in the Baptist church. Saturday is the last day of grace for paying taxes. 80 take warning. The name of the postoffice of West Milán has been changed to Cone. Mrs. Sophie Dye, a resident of Northfield for 40 years.died Thursday. The Minnia orchestra furnished the music at armory hall last evening. L. B. Vaughn of Petrolia, Ont.. spent Sunday with his family in this city. Two new students have entered the homeopathie college the past week. A colored boy named Taylor is in jail for cuffing a son of Geo. W. Eff ner. Mary M. Forsyth has been diTorced from James M. Forsyth of Yptilnti. There is some talk of a cigar manufactury to employ 200 hands in this city. Five new gasoline street Iamp3 have been put up in the city the past week. The weather is mos: delightful, and there is very little frost in the ground. Jacob Grobe, of Ypsilanti, took out a Hcense yesterday to manufacturo beer. A letter was received frota Dr. Parsons yesterday that he expected to be home this week. The case of Miss Carrie Noyes against the Reform club, involving $100, will be decided to-day. John II. Davis was mulcted to the amountof $10 Sue and costs in Justice Frueauff 's court Weduesday. O. L. Matthews will leavc this evening for Whitestown, Pu., having been callcd home on account of the sickness of his father. A horse owned b3' Curtís, the rag peddler, was run into by the cars at Foater's Saturday, and carried some 80 rods on the engine. Mrs. Murry, living on Jcfferson street, feil Monday afternoon and dislocated her right elbow. Dr. Polhemus replaced the bones and she is now doing well. "A conspicuous feature of origiuality is the introduction of opera rnusic, andan air of refinenient and culture, pleasiug to note at all times in Haverly's enterprises." Wm. Streeter, senior lit, left for his home in Quincy, Mich., this morniag, where he will remain uutil June next, when he will return and walk oft with his sheepskin Bird, the milkman, met with an accident yesterday. He was driving along, when his horses became frightened and ran away. The wagon was smashed and the milk cans were thrown out. If $2,000 can be secured in subscriptions in this city the telephoue line will be run to Detroit. The company propose to issue script to subscribers, which will be aeceived in payment for the use of the line.


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Ann Arbor Democrat