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Real Estate Transfers

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Tlie following are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wedutsday, íebruary 15th : WAMKAMÏ DEKDS. L. J). Walkins tu the People's bank of Manchester, lot in Manchester $5,000. L. ü. Walkius to the People's bank, 24 acres sec 16 Sharon, $500. W. K. Ilatch lo VVoster Bludget, 38 acres sec 28 Webster, $200. Juo. P. Wiedmayer to Geo. Hoek, 80 acres sec 16 Saline, $5,040. Lewis W. Britten to Emanual Jeddele, 5 acres sec 6 Scio, $500. Jno. Geo. Hoek to Gottlob Bcherdt, 130 acres sec 28 Lodi, $8,000. C. L. Ford to School District No. 1, lot in Ann Arbor $2,400. Mary E. Steven to E. R. Gates, 40 icres sec 33 Lodi, $1,500. Cüristian Klein to Michael J. Lehmm, lot in Chelsea, $300. Halsey B. Jenks to Jas. Thermau, 53 acres sec 25 Augusta, $900. Jno. Guthrie to Mary Guthrie 40 acres sec 27 Dexter, $5 and iove and affection. Volney M. Spaulding to Wm. H. Pettee, lot 18, b 5 s of Hurón street r 7 e Ann Arbor, $1,100. Nelson Sutherland to Jno. Carman, lot 2 b,6 Hiscock's add Ann Arbor, $3,000. Sarah A. Henion to Nelson Sutherland, same description $2,500. Jas. S. Hunt to J. Peter Widemeyer, 79 3 4 acres sec 17, 18, and 19 Saline, $7,000. Patrick Madden to Thos. H. Sloau, lots 7 and 8 b 30 Dexter village, $100. Benj. F. Matterson to Porter Brouer, 10 acres sec 19, Manchester, $500. Sophie Garner to Levi LeValle, property in Anu Arbor, $1,000. Mary Ann Wynkup to Gottfried Bauer, land in sc 34 Salem, $1,800. C. Kreger to Cl. Greeshoper, 30 acres sec 36 Augusta, $800. Jas. M. Congdou to Peter Oesterele, lot in Chelsea, $S00. Chas. EL Kempf to Bernard St.enbach, Chelsea village property, $300. Daniel Bale to Juo. li. Gales, lot 1 b 18 Elisha Congdons additinn, Chelsea, $350. Androw Oestcrly, property in Sylvan, $1,000. Jno. B. Hollbeck to Jno. II. Schleicht, 20 acres sec 13 Shaaon, $150. Fiedel Schworz to Mathew Pfifle, 12 acres sec 33 Freedom, $1,000. Eliza Wesrier to Jno. Burkhardt, lot in Maueuestar, $175. C. H. Manly co Chas. Lohr, w 1-2 lots 7 and 8 b 4 n ñurou street, Lawreuce & Maynard's add, $1,800. Jas. F. Lenion to J. J. and W. E. Walker, property in thejthird ward, Hiscock'd add, Ann Arbor, $225. F. Gustave Graupaur to Fredericko Gerner, property in Aun Arbor, $1,800. Maria J. Koot to Donald McLaclilon, lot in Saline, $550. Christian Klump to Jno. G. Feldkamp 4 1-4 acres Lodi, $660. Mary E. Stevena to E. R. Gates, 40 acres sec 33 Lodi, $1,500. F. F. Humphrey to Augustus Bond, 12 acres sec 31 Piltsfield, $350. Edmund Z. Derbyshire to Frank 11. Derbyshire, 41 acres sec 27 Ypsilanti, $1,800. Wm. Thos. Boonier to John Braur, 50 acres sec 18 Manchester, $1,700. Kolla S. Armstrong to Geo. P. Glazier, property in Chelsea, $2,500. Rebecca Vinkle to Henry Vinkle, prop erty in Dexter village, $484. Edwards A. Simmous to Lois Simmons 45 acres sec 9 Salem, $5 and love and affection. Jno. Braun to L. D. Watkins, land in Manchester, $225. Wm. F. Huss tt Chas. P. Bugs, 120 acres sec 10 and 11 Freedom, $7.200. Wrm. McAndrews to S. H. Ostrander, projierly in Yp&ilanti, $80.