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President Anaell will spsna souae urn u Washington, and Is not expocted in Ann Arbor before the 20th inst. Mr. and ara. C. Raymond of Saudstone were very seriously hurt by a runaway in Jackson. In the colusión horses, buegy, and occupants were indiscriminately mixed. Mis ïUymond badnb3 broken and epine injured. Frederick Douglass, Jr., ol Chinn townsbip, Is accused of attempting to viólate tho pereon of Bertha Speigel, with whom he was returning trom a dance on Friday night. His behavior caussd Uer to jump from a buggy and stop at a farmei's house lor the nitfht. At Beard's Camp, on the AuSable, 15 miles east of Roscommon, Win. Forsyth, ou Saiurday, was carried over a 75 font bank with 250, 000 feet ol logs, which statted while he was worldnK on the rollway. He was found under a mass of logs at the bottoni of the river, with bis head completely severed irom his body. The work of welghing out tha grain in the takeShore elevators at Adiian, which will rennii-B a wek. comDels the refusal of graia for the time nt that station, and causes faruwrs to hold their grain or seek a market elsewhore. In the Sophia Lyons trial at Anti Arbor on Ihe fltb.the Jury brought In a verdict of gullty. Mayor Steketea was acctultted of havlng sold Uquor from his drag store not in accordauee With lavr, and elearly proved that his arrest was but another attempt to detr bim from eDforcIng the liq.uor lhw. One hundred and fifiy thouaand dollars fraudulent Adrián water bonds ure reported oa sale. Great exciteinent prevails In tho little city therefor. The first intimation wasja tologiam from h. S. flmdee, Hartford, c.skiufi if they were lssuod with aniUority. Thy negotiated by a representative o? f ost, Alartiu & Co., New York bankeie. inquiry reveals tUe fact that Mayor Naviu of Aiirian, ordered the bonds priüted becauee h kuew they would ba needd, aud he Ihoufttv thein ready, but lie liad not ordered tofl üation of thoiB. The followiugappointinenis have béwi by tho President: Frank A. Douglaee, yostmaster at Houghtoa. Coufitmodoy the a F.H. Colon, postinaster at Constantiue; L. C, WiTOdman, poGtmaster at l'aw Paw. A ditcli near Easc Tawaö Is to be ctit H fect wlde, 8 eot at the bottom and three ftet deep which expected to drain several Ihousand acrs of excellent farmlng land. It wilt be about ibree and a-hali miles Umg. grist mili at Eaat Taw.w has hum ritfged for cuttoa railroad ties and sawlnR cedar ootta. Ihe marriage oL Hou. N. B. Bradley, oü Bay City, ex-congressman and Mis. A. C Gaylord, of Saginaw City, was celebrated at the lattev place on Wednesday. Bowie'a foundry and ïnachiue thop, Mnnistc-e, bnrned on the 9ih at $12,000 loss. Frank Wix and Miss Dickens were rowued iu Oommerce lake on the 9th. Miss WJsou, of the skating party was saved. Mr. Wix coukl ha?e saved hlmself had he not exerted himseil to save Misa Dickena. E. F. Curtís, a prominent fralt grower of Spring Lake, was drowned while ekatiag on the9th. ■ . Wm. Jenks, James O'Brien and Alfred Welca, tlnee prisoners, escaped from Bav Connty Jail Wednesday evening, by puliing a piece oT boiler iron frtm tbe eeiling and sswiBg a eeven by fourteen iiicb hole, a::d tüen lowering tbemseives throu?,h the window to the ground with a rope mado of quüts. Tbere bas been no graat deptb of enow in the nortbern countles, Imt Bleighing baa been fair and tbe pine and cedar choppers bave been busy. On tlie the skeleton of muil i-ieutifled fts Tbeodore Shnitse, was found in the woods oí Miles Rover, two miles iioin Bast Sagiu:iw. A little money was found in the pockets and a sixbladed pearl bandled Irnife two bladea opened. The clothing. thoiurh damnged, was of better aiality thau that usuaüy worn by iabormg men. The skelet00 lndioatrt anelderly man, rather above t ras;e size. Mes. Judae Coolidge, of Niles, in Bteppins; from a carnaje on her return from a tea party at Hon. Geo. F. Edwards, feil and broke ber Arm. At an entertainment in (irand Bapids on the evening of the lOth, in v,hich 400 school chil dren partlcipated, an improperly coastructed platform on wbich the Httle ones ware seated, broke down, and about a dozen children were slightly injured. One lad sufferea a Droken Ii. VV. Waliace ot Port Huron, baB been enteros complaints agalnst liqnor sellers for some months, aud oonsequently earned their ill will. While leavlng the court room on the lOth, he was assailed by a large number of men, and egged in a shameful inanner. He intndsto prosecute Uis aBsailants. Henry Calkias, attending the Marshall high school, was taken seriously ill of malignant diphtheria. Hls recovory is improbable and as tnany pupils were expnsetl, there is much anxety on the part oí parents. The Nlles chilled plow oompauy has purohased six acres of land near the city and will expend $20,000 in buildings and machinery. Hastings is to have a down town passenger depot The Wholesale niiilinery store of J. C. Richardgon & Co., Jackson.burned on the lOth, Iosb 8,000. The plating works of Timberlake, the hardware store of Wells & Fuller wero also more or less injured. The former being on the second floor lost f5,000, the latter tiy water $8,000. Jonathan Sherinan oí Soathfleld near Birmingham was killed last week by a tree which he was telling falling upon hiin. A. H. Erskine a prominent young lawyer at Minden, jnstdied of malarial f ever. E. J. Jewell of Adrián has been arrested charged with consplrlagr with Mayor Navin to to defraud the Union Trust Company, Post, Martin & Co., and D. A. Ba6ton, ot New York. Bail was fixad at $5,0: 0. Jewell failed to obtaln it, and waa placed lo charge of the sheriff until Monday. Previous to hls arrest Smith & Touey, bankers, seized the hardware stock of Jewell for 18,000 iudebtedness. Jewell was endeavoriug to transfer his property to his wit e. State convention of the Young Man's Christian Associations of Michigan will be held at Jackson on the 23d, 24tb, 25th, and 26th day of the present month. A new discovery has beu madain the Sophie Lyons case. A mach talked of diamond, claimed as a dying gift of one of her early husbande, also clalmed by Mrs. Lewls, turnsoutt ba one tolen from Boehm & Wright, Dotroit, about a yearago. At least lt is in their possession, with the evldence strong in favor of tbe claim. Sophie Lyons ia In Jail at Ann Arbor, sick oí sore throat. A. S. Ellsworth, a leadiag dry goods uierchantof Hadson, basassigned. Mrs. Hiram Welen of Charlotte, who bas been twice under treatment for insanity, has been arrested, cbarged with an attenapt to kill her hnsband. A very bold burglary was perpetrated at th residence of Dauiel Scotteu, Springwells, a Detroit suburb. Over f 1.000 worth of silver. fnr-lined garments, etc, were taken. Although Miss Seotten was awakened by the bargUrs and gave a most vigorous alarm, the villains got away with the plundsr. ïhey eSected entrance by prying open a window at the rear of the house. Windows and doors were opened preparatory to a hasty retreat if necessary, betore they began operatlonn. Hugh S. Peoples and Dr. Hollywood of Detroit, were arraigned on Moad.iy, the fornipr lor being acoessory to and the latter for the morder of Martha Whitla. Both were committed without bail. i he noted landscape architect, Olmstwid, of Central Park, New ïork, will visit Detroit to give views as to improving Belle Isle Park. Warrants are out for Navin's ai rest, but his Wheranouts are unknown. Mr. P. H. Conger who sacceeds Col. Norris aa superintendente! Tellow Stone Park Í8 not a relativa of tho Michigan Senator. Mr. Stoarns a meinlier oí the Adrián common council, in New York, etated to a Herald reporter bis belief thfit Nayin harl gottea n j immense amouut of money out of the water bond swimiie wbich will be apparent as the checka come In for payment. McCoy and Ayers pp.w mili burnefl at Carlill:c at Y10,000. W. H. LimUersa prominent cltizen oKireenvili?, has Just dïeil of ayopiexy. CheboyKan Harbor is opon and tbo westher warm and sprinc like; a vessel loft Chicago for Muökegon to get a cargo of luraber of the 18th. An alinostunknown thing atthis Beason of the year. Annuul sfSiiion of th8 rand Iodg6 K.uigbts of Honor of Michigan is in ssssion in Detroit. Chief Dictator Merritt anbmitted an interesting and gratifying report. The nama of tho postolüce at East Miluu has been changed to Coan. The steamer Wi3consin suuk olï Grand Haveu, having ruu upon the north pier with eufflcieot force to niake i hole 1(5 feet by four. Cheboygan wants a pulp uiili. Taain T Har-, of B.ittle Crebk has had liis eft foot auaputated, to sfivo hls lite, sasi ne , having begun froni a woun. Lord'a sash aml blind taotory at Muir bu witU $16,000 loss. (iïorKe Üleiuienniu, J r., oL Port Huiou, bas been killed at Biuker, Montaua by a mine ea.fing iu oa biin. He was a member oí a fitua tbat Uatl beau orgauizeJ (or carrylng on the business ot sineltiuss;. 15. H. Thomas, of Jacksou, who robbed Camp, Morrlll & Co.'s store of $10,000 worth of Bilka, wascaptured at Toledo ou the 14tb. (ireat exeitenent prevails in St. Olalr over tii (iieappearauco ff IssBlooS. No clue t.o hsr wherrabouts is discovered. Win. Bilsbovrow of Aatwetp uear Paw í'hw atlempted sulctóe. Ba wil probably 'iie. Dipbtheria prevalía alarmlngly at Hudsoii. Judgo jUlis ol Kalamazoo Ems coininencüd bis first term of the circuit court. irivei was sentí to Ionia fir tltteea months, tor mbuziliui; $2.50 irotn hte smployer. Mr. Kose 1 1 '!!-i Rupuhlioau, gons to Baatou Harbor to ug-igo ia a newspaper entwpriae. Mr. Futler remalna In St. Jobna aud conducís the Bepablioan. The report in Adrián that the bankers Smith &ÏO" ble to f81,000 by ihfeNavin crookisdness, caused great excteu;;;;ii. Túe report was lminediatel; i!nie3, aud the bar.k 8aiclt belnflrit-clasa fiuaucial stmpe. No nevT developmentoin the fraudulent bond business and uo men ru-rests made, is tUe late lnformailon fiom Adrián. Dr. B. C Kd2i and bis son Frauk were pifisent at the death-lsed of Prof. F. Kedzie oí the Mississlppi ajjricultural. college. Tbe remair,9 are especiad iu Lftualng ou the 16tb, where they wlll be interrei).


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