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Au eifcvator in the Wrigley Building, Newark.N. J„ feil, killiug three men. Tbe maehinevy for sloppiLii; the elevator was out of order. Secretary Huut iias received a banüsoine SpltZbergen polar bear skin uiade iuto a rug, a Kift f roca the U jitoi States siiip Alliancp. Xt-e Controller oí the Ourrency Um antbor ized tho Elret National Bank of Loraine, Ohio, to bejnu business wisti a capitai of $50,000. Senator Loguu has beun suiïering (rom uu attsekof rbeumatismior fv?rai days, nni 19 stlll coufiued to hls kt-uso. Five bodies have been miovered from the Midlotbian coal mine, Chesterfieldcotmty, Virginia. A vigoróos proteöt against the adruission of Dakota as a state Is made by holden of Yankton couniy bond, who presont damagiug charge oí unfair deallngs on the part of citlzens, commiaaionere and ieslertatrm in respect tosaid sei:ur The Fust Methodist church, Racme, ha3 just bamed. The church cost $88,000 and the orgau f8,800, and the destmclioii of both is complet The issue of the now 5 cent nrfield poetago stamp will ba out Maroh lst. Senatar Blair of New Hampshire has introduced a resolution propoMïig n eonstitntional amendm6ui. Loprohibit the manufacture of and trafflc in alcohoHc liquois. Bivereity of opinión exiitB with consressmeu on the subject of ap portion ment. There will be difflcuKy in agrcelng on tiie proper nunibur of represeutatives (or the wholo country and ttie'r distriautiou amouff the Btatse. 'Die Methodist Book Committeo have decided to sell tho Si. Louis property with view to changing tbe locality. The search for the bociies of the victiuis of the filidlothiancoal nine disaster has been stopped by fivo iu the mine. Tweuty-eeven bodies are in the mine. John J. Fllnn, of the editorial etaff oL the Chicago Daiiy News, has been appointed by the Presideut Consul at Chemnitz, ttsrmany. Ihe salaiy is $2,000, and the fees collected tliere in 1880 were over S17.000. A Bhooting affray took place on the 9th iu the office of the National Bepublican, Washington, growing out of an article published about a rnonth ago reflecting upon the character of i. M. Soteldo, clerk to the señale committee on railroads. Conflicting testimony is given as to who began firing but newa editor Barton was wounded siightly and Soteldo ssriously Dr. Bliss removed tlie bullet irom Barton'a neck, but physiciaus were unable to remove the bullet from Soteldo, who, il is thought will die. He was removed from the editorial rooms to th hospita], the wound was la the back of the neck tho ball havlng shattered the vertebrae and lodgad in the throat. Soteldo's wife and child are in Ohio. The grain eonimisswn house of Harlow, Spencer & Co„ tít. Louis, Mo., have suspended. J An effort is on foot to perfect plans for ' ing an American exposition iu New York in ' 1883, A krije uuinber of representativos from different parta of the couatry met at the Grand Central Hotel on the evenlng of the lOth to discues ways and uieans. Hon. Phllo Parsons of Detroit, preuidüd, Soteldo is still alivn but piralizad from had downward. He cannot live but a short time. During consclousness ie made bis will and charged the shooting upon Barton, who is ranidiy recovering. tle also stated that his reputation had beer ruined by publlcations iu the Bepublican rjflecting upon him in connection with the star route bu&ineps. He had been charged withattempüug to blacUmall. Senator Beek etates that if arrean of pensions are granted to pensionets of all our wars regardless of thoir circumstancea, lt will bankrupt the national treasury. Some 200 students from Rochotiir University in atten.1ar.oo at Oscar Wilde's lecture, were too utterly too, r.nd tbe pólice iuterfered. A Chicago youth drank two quarts of whiskey aa a Binall-pox prevoutive. It was effectual. The liquor killed hiin in less than two hours. Neely & Hambletou'a grata elevator, Chicago, burned with loss on grain f ne&rlj f50,ooe. Auatin CHirbiu ut Manhatten BeaoU fame, wants the contract or carryiuij mails aciosg the sea at $600,000 per year. Soteldo the younger ha beon arrested for shooting bis brother, and Barton also. Ah he was behind his brother, and the shot entared Soteldo from behind, it was Baid that it coukl not have been firó by Barton. Abülha8 been introduced to give the wife and daughterof the late Indian Agent ïïeeker each a quarter of a section of public land, on payinent of the land office fees. Wi6conain will probably re-enact the hang ing penalty for murder. Capt. Eüds, Ktatfs that if U. S. government does nat co opérate in hia Tehuantepec ship railway cheme, he propones to get foreign aid. Miss Walsh of Hyde Park, Chicago, gets a verdict of $4,250 against Hammond JPiatt for breach of promiso. The earnings o( the Western Union telegraph corapany ars sald to be now at the rate of $10,000 a day in exceso of thoae of last year. Soteldo died fnm hls wonnds reccived In the National Republican office, oa Satarday night Dlelmau'fl piano factory, New York, burns' at a loss of $100,000. A C reman wa8 fatally injured by fallins? walls. The carpet yarn mili of Tbos. Sohofield, j Manyank, Pa,, burnsat f40,000 loss. John HayB, pinprietor of a coal mine at Salineville, Ohio, bubs the Pemsylvania Railroad for $100,000 d;iraag99 for unjust freight diecriminatiou against him. The Senate bill appropriating $5,000 for pgricultural and mineral specimens from the Atlanta Expositlon for tho National Museum at Washington has been concurred in. I). W. Vanderhoof ex-bookkeepor for the First Natioual Bank, St. Paul, Minn,, has beorí arrested for embezzliug $i8,000. Luke Ronsom, a resident of Hinedale, a Chic go suburb was foand dead on the streef, where he had been innrdered and robbec!. Tho Globe agricultural works, London, Ont. burned at a loss of 10!) raen are thrown out of employ inent. Dr. Boynto, who so faitlifully cared for President Garfield is about to loave Cleveland; olng to Kansas to engage m wool growrag. Five huudred and aeventy worktnen eni n the atona cutung department of tlio Albauy Capítol building have been discharged, haviug ïsed op all the material on . hand. lt is iikely ,bat the mon will bo Mie until mwigatlon redens. Mberfc E. Boone, cbarged witb cousoirius to iefraud Ui Uniteil States m conueetion with tho alleared straw lionds for mail contraoÈ, ta aut on i The coronar's jury in th Soteldo im brouffht in a verdict tliat A. M. Soteldo oame to hls deatb. from a piatol sliob woi" lier, A. O. Bo.teldo. i ment, proprietor of Coneress HrII hotwl ; brotherof ti.e widow, IsId 'V securlng oouai 1 1 defend A. 0. Soteldo. ColJ Ewd of i 'McaRO, of GulteaB notoi : !■■ tradertake the ca lo has been committed to jall wil L Difflculty ia reported.iu fludinuasuitíibiasuccassor to secretary Hunt, who ha3 been invited, to take bis furmer place on ttw ooortot c!aim. VVhsu the Presideut wül, Hunt wont. Ko Kun Hu, Havard's professor of (Jbiuese is dead. C'orniüisBion bouso of Geo. H. Bmall & Co., of St. Louis has suspended. Johu C. New of Indiana has betu nominated for assistaut secretar; of tbe 'treabiii y. Daiuage ín apprehei the rise of the waters 1 1 tiie Miesisiiippl be'cwcon Heleun, Ark., aud isieinpbie, Cenn. Ntgrocs ai at work ou e ievee nigbt and iay at points showing weaknew. Mr. Wiliits has reportad to tb house from the judiciary coaimlUee a bil) "to prevent persons Uviug in bigaaiy ov polygamy f coui holding any civil office of truat iu any of the territorial of the United Stat-js, and bom belng delegatcs U oongtesi."


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