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Feb. 8.-Tbo Senate resumed consideration )f the resolution declwii)-? that Ui pension urears law ouüht not to tw rasaed, and Mr Blairiuita favor made au i rgument to illus.ratetlie corrcetnoss of the principie upon which the arreara are based. Mr. Vest and Mr. y spoke against the resolutloa, ana .t waa lald :sM infovmally. The Senate víssd the biüs to niake poris of dellvery ut Kanjas City anti t-t. Joseph, Coleriek, oflnd. aMBayneof Penn., spoka m the apporttonment bill in the House. The impression gai-w that the bilí, in i te prtaent Corm, wiil not pass. Mr. Kasaou reported the rarifl Conimisslon bill. Beferredto thocouitnitteö of thfl whole. He stated he would aak its coneideration as early as tlie businuss of the House would permit, probably witrün one week. Mr. Bandall gave notice that he wou!d at the proper timo offer nn amendment provldinsr thal the comuiiBsion ehall conBist of two Senators, three Represantaüves aud four experts. The foilowing reporta were submltted : By Mr. Reed to re-eatablish the Court of Commiesionera on the Alabaina claiuis and to distrlbuto all unexpected moneys to the (ieneva award. Referred to the oominlttee of the whole. By Mr. Lacey, trom the committee on postoffices aud pot roads, to establish a postal savings deposit')ry as a branca oi llie postoffice department. House calendar. Februaiy 9.- lu the senute the bill for the ealo of portions of the Fort Leaveuwortu military reserratiou was reported faT-oi'abiy. The bi!I for promoting the efficiency ot tha Life SavSng Service, wlth nn ameudment creatina an additional statloD, was reported Bills were introö.cod ly Mr. Saunders for a bridge acrosB the Misaonri at or near Oinaha. By Mr. Grover providing for the organization of the District of Southeastern Alsaka aud a civil government therefor. The reaolution deelaring that the pension arreara law ought to be repealed was taken up. Mr. Oall submitted au Kuiendment providing pensious for needy and disabled aurvivore of tlie Indian wars prior to 1845, iucluding the Black Hawk, Creek and Seminf Ie wars. In the house Uir. Hewitt iutrodaced a bill fixicg a day for tho meeting of electors of President aud Vice President, and providing for and regulating the counting of votes for President and Vice President and for the dee'i6ion of questlons arising therefrom. Referred. By Mr. Buckner, for tba relief of the Freedman's Savinga & Trust Company. By Mr. Pouud, to requiio the payment ot costs in certain cases of trespass or conversión of material froui public land. Gonsideration of the apporliu:1 inent bil! whb again resumed and a2in WïLt over. The eenate amendment was oonct&rd In to the house bill appropriating f5,000 for the agilcultural and mineral specimens of the Atlaata exposition to bo placed in the National Museum. Total nuraber of persons "evioted" in Ireland last year, 17,811. Februaiy 13. - la the senate, bilis were passed to provide for the salo of tanda of the Miaiui Indiana in Kansas. To amend the artides of war (imposed m liuiitation of two years from the date of enllatment agaiast proseculious for deeertion.j To provide for the disposition of the Fort Lsarned military reaervation. Kansas (reatoring the landa to eettlement and cullivaüon ond requiring an appraiseuient so as to secure to the government theirincreased value.) To promote the efficiency of the navy (making drunkenness or incapacity, arising fiora inisconduct and not coiitractört in lino of duty, sufficient reason to prevent an officev of the navy beina placed on the retlred list aud allowng h'in, upon discharge by the President, one year's pay. Ia the House, a reaolution was adoptod calling foriuforiniition r!iiüv) to the alloged oacroachtDents upon Chicago Harbor. The ctiiitestant in theeUtetioa caaeof fiook v.j. Cutt. eflowa, was giantífi further time to take t-stimony. Mr. Horndon iutroduced a bill, pro posing a caaatitutional aiüeuiimut limitiuij the number of monibers of tha Home to 825. The supplemental censúa bill, iaaking available the appropriation for the pay of census employés waa passed. Feb. 14.- In tho Senate, Mr. Vanen mude a speech on the tuifï, in which he deplored tha burdena of ihe liigii protsetive isoiicy, whlch feil with the greatest weight upon the Sfrriooltural cIubb, aud did moreto retard tbe growtb and impair the wealth of the south than any other cauBe. The pension arreara reaolution come up, but Mr. Oall, who had been awarded the floor, drferred his reinarks another day. Mr. Edmunds then a)ked a vote on a mtion to be taken up, tbe Anti-Polygamy bill, and after an arrangement which ontitles Mr. Cali to retain tho floor for a speech to-morrow on pensions, the motive prevailed and tbe bill was taken up and laid over aa the next business in order, after Mr. Cali shall have flot bed bis reinarla. In the House, Mr. Willits from the Committee on Judiciary, reported the bill to vent persons living in bigamy or polygamy fram bolding any civil office of trust in any ot the Territories of the United States, and trom heing deiogates to Ooogress. Calendar. Tbe ' Oommlttee on Forpintn affaire reported baak, with t( i:...mmondation to lay ou the table, the refolution calünR oq lii President for all the corrospoudonce witli Eogland in relalion to the impriaoDniMt of H. ( i'Connor and others, now iu Irish jaile. Mr. Cox moved a substituto that the President roquesta for them a upeedy trial, which was doclared out of order. The proposition for anitfht Bession was voted down and the corsideralion or ttio appoitionsient bill reBumed. Mr. Oates a;avn notice of a motionhe would mako torecomn)it tlia bill with instructions to tb coinmittee to report tho bill ixing the number oi roprentatives at 250. Mr. Herbert proceeded to argn in favor of a siuall House.


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