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Fiw ciib3 of the raüway doek at Cheboygan were carried cfi by the ice tbis week. The ferry Bteamer Algouiah towed two of theai bick agaiu. The ice ia tho river is broken up and moving out. W K. Kennedy, of Liberty, near Jackson. Uas jast sold merino sneep amounting in the agrégate to $2,800-five ewea selling tor $löü each, and the balance ranging fiom f33 to $125 per head. He bas one ewe for Which he bas been offered 200. Mr. Kennedy has established a good reputation as a dealer in fine wool sheep. He has gone to Vermont for another Vrof CoSk of Lanaing, has jast returned f rom New ïork with a oarload of Jersey catüe. one for himself, th remalnder for Judge Isaac Maratón of Bay City. Frank Hoover. a recent gradúate ot tue Three Rivera high school, haviüg charge of a school in White Pigeon townuhip, was eeverely ïnangled by the cars on Saturday. Itis though he will recover. An aUeged swndler was arresteJ m Wes Bay City with aeveral checks upon hia person one on Michigan Saviags Bank, Detroit, $250 drawn in favor of John Steffans. Abner Stephens, who eettled in thi stat when it was a territorj, died in Ridgeway on üielöth, agedSlyeara. A valnable vein oí coal has been diseoTercd uearthe aurface, a mile from Fluehing. Abont noon on the 15th-two men entered the office of tte receiver of taxes, Detroit, one f whoin claimed to have come to pay his dues, While Treasurer Crosby waa manipulating the tiooks a short distan from the safe, the other got innide the counter and made offwith Bome $700. The taxpayer in the exciteinent slipped . away. and no clue to eithei' men. The city of Adrián has ben made defendant in an action for the reeovery ot damages,principallylhoseof the Franklin Bank Note Coinpany, which claims 825 for engraving and printing the fraudulent bonds. Judge Cooley of the Suprema Court of Michigan, wiU be called upon as arbitrator, to settle, if possible, the claims against the city of Adrián. A. Olaxton Oaiy, Manager of the Franklin Bank Note Company, says that Navin ordered the bonds upon what was dcemed good authority. Last eveuing, 15th inst., the Adrián city council adopted a preaiuble and resolution disclaiming any interest or part in the whole business. At a late hoir City Recorder Stanton was arreBted en sospicion and confined in jail. Col. Deland of the Saginaw Herald has beeü granted a pension of 80 per month fiom the goyernment, commencmg last May. Brazil MaiTin oí Ovid, lost 30,000 in wheat oplion and has uiafle an assignment. ü. F. Bunelly of Albion has failed. Liabilities large, assignment made to I. V. Irwin. Smith Brothers & Co., of Three Rivera, have organized, for the manufacture of Miller and Hogeboom's inyention called a bran and middlmgs disintegrator, hare the factory building up andaré putting in their Students of the Michigan Univeraity, propose to boycot the Daily news of AnnArborfor publishing an article reflecting upon them. Mrs. E. W. Mobs, wife of a business inan in West Bay City, recently eioped with V. W. Henry. an itinerant feather renovator after contracting bilis for jewelry, etc. Th pair wore traced to Corunna by the husband, and Henry was arrested, bat offers $600 to settl. E itiniates of expenses for the next fiscal year in Detroit: Health department, $8,000: fire department, $131,935,36, inclodlng f 4,560 for the equipment and maintonance of a nw protective patrol eompany; pólice áepartment, $158065, including pay for 160 patrolmen at 700 each per annum. Sam Wiener has just died ol smau-pox ai Stanton. Great alarm prevaüs lest the disease spread, as many were exposed. Mrs. Laura Swift, wife of the late Franklin Swift of Arm Arbor, was found dead of paralysis on the morcing of the 17th inst, W. B. Burtof East Saginaw, has just sld for $39,000 his interest in the Moulthrop & Lewis mili property. Foster&Giftord, lbiongrocerH,are reported to have failed. The sexton at Stanton ref used to bury tho small-pox vlctim, and henee delay until touight, the 17th inst. Great excitement prevail?. In the Christiancy dirorce suit deposilions are being taken to rebut Mre. Chrlstiancj's evidence to tlie original bilí. There U nowa special examiner taking testimony in New York city lo contradict that giyen by Miss Mary ChaiBberlain and Charles Qoodman, and another In Laneiüg, Mich., to contradict the testimony of Mrs. Chrietlancy and her mother, Mrs. Lnginbeel, as to the cnielty ol Mr. Christiancy to Mb wife while they lived together in tbat city, and the intemperatehabits of himself and son during that period. The complainant han BOine of the most prominemt citizens ol Lansinf? to testify, and claims that he will prove beyond deubt that both his wife and her mother committed wilfui perjnxy in gWing thir evidence. In the exaniinatirn oí Peoples and Hollywood, eharged with the murder of Martha VVhitla, the principie eyent ot the day was the ntroduction of Frank De BUie, who swore that Peoples sought to hav him marry Martha "Whitla in the raonth of November, 1878, and that a few weeks later Peoples and Hollywood together tried to induce him to carry away and dispose of the dead body of the same Martha Whitla. T. S. Patton, son of Justice John Patton, was fatally shot in a saloon in the Potomac Quarter of Detroit on the evening of the 17th. Conflicting reporte are afloat, but the trouble, it seemB, grew out of "the drinks." J. W. Spitzer, an old dry goods merchant of Centreville, who has been in trade for many j-ears, made an assignment on the 17tb. Llabilities and aséete not learned. James M. Yelob, Jackson, the lawyerchar? elwith eonnection withthe theft of silksfrom Camp, Morrill & Camp, has been bound over in the 8um of $2,000. Alderinan Willard Stearns, of the Adrián city councU and Prosecuting Attorney Watts, who have been in New York investigating the great bond Bwindle, have returned. The ceuncil at ite meeting Saturday night discuesed offering a reward of $2,000 for the capture and return of Mayor Navin, and the county officiali are considering upon offering a similar eum. Bay City is to have a Board oí Trade. A prominent lumberman., it is said will f urnish $76,000 as a part of a fund of $100,000 with which te build a new first-daes hotel at Bay City on condition that others oentribute the balance of thefnnd. The FraBer Honee is eloscd. Jacob "Wood man, a farmer oí Unienrille, Tascóla Co., had 18 uneep, valued at f200, Btolen from his place recenüy. On tbe following dfiy he traced them tnward Bay City and fcund, by the aid of officers, that the animáis had been slaughtered and the mutton and pelta sold to dealers in both clties. The ears which had Goodman's mark upon them were cut from the pelts and bidden in the place where the slanghtering took place. Charles Chambers, a man of 35 years, is under arrest charged with belng implicated in the stealing. The stock of logs at Cheboygan for the nex season's cut will be largely inexcess of forme yeara. Thompson Smith will have 40,000,000 f eet or more; McArthur, Smith & Co. from 15, 000,000 to 20,000,000 feet, and other milis i proportion; so that the entire cut for the nex season, it is estimated, will not be less tha 100,000,000 feeL Manisteei claims to manufacture more ghmgles than any other place in the world. Total lumber out 224,825,752 f eet; number of sbingles 020,648,000. The cut of lumber for the year of 1881 exceeded tliat of 1880, 10,210,952 feet; while the cut of Bhingles was 180,218 400 greater. Hon. L. D. Norria of Grand Rapide, one o the earliest utudents of Michigan Universit havingentered witU tho cluss of 1845, bas aCcepted an invitation to delivor the address at .he anDual commencemeiitoí the Law Department in March. ThreeBivera ia to hare a large ibUehment. This new iadustry willgmtly ncrease business in this already thrivlnf; city. T. D. Evans, head rollor In Wyandotte iron milis bas been presentad wítU a gold-headed cane by fellow employés. The Belleyue Cre consuined the enüre block on bota sides oí Main street north ol Jefferson. The burned building couaprised the business ol the place and aggiegate a loss ol nearly 50,000. Frank Stauton, Adrian's City Recorder, uae beeu made temporerily insana through Impllcationinthe bond Bwiudle. He is utiil ia jail. Judge Swift fined Mr. C. B. Mabley, the enterprislng clothier of Detroit, $75 and each or bis clerks $2 lor obstructing Woodward are. in one of bis heavy clothing sale. Mr. Mabley willoarry the case to the supreme court and public Bentiment indioatos that he ought to win bis case. The residenco of Albert Holmes, Marshall, was robbed on the 20th of a gold watch and chain. No clue to the thief. Capt. Bob't P. Hill of Kalamazoo, for several years commander of Co. O., Second Regiment of Michigan State Troops, has resigned. Chas. McAUister, Kalamazoo, eonvicted of obtainins money by false pratense, has boen sentenced t three years at Jackson. Majer R. F. Jndson of Kalamazoo, has received the appointment of revenue gauger for the third Michigan district. John P. Douseman has been appointed treasurer of Maranette county, in place of the late defaulting treasurer.


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