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Guard againet disease. If you fiad yourself gelting bilious, head heayy, niouth foul, eyes yellow, kidneys disordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, take at once a few doses of Kidney-Wort. lt is nature's greit assistent. Use it as an advauce guard - don't wait to get down sick. Kead the advertisement. Some close calculator has flgured that it costs twenty-tUree dollars a minute to keep the house of representatives going. Bucklik's Abnica Salye.- The best salve in tlie worla tor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sall Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaius, Corns, and all kinds of skiu Eruptions. ïhis salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Euerbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mansfleld, Ohio, is the only town of 9,000 people that has a free letter lielivery systeoi. 'Mr. John Sne'inan lives in Alansüeld ; at least he repairs fences theie. A Genebal Stamfebe.- Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at Eberbiich & Son's, for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any aflection of the Throat and Lungs can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at the above drug store. Eagan a Troy slonecutter, wants to whip Sullivan for $2,500. PILES! PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Need Suffer. A snre cure for the Blind, Bleeding. Itchingand Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 and 30 years' standing. No one need suffer flve minutes after applying this wonderf ui soothing mediciue. Lotions, Instruments and Electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itehing (particularly at niftht after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice; gives instant and painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and nothing else, Read what the Hon. ,T. M. Comnberry, of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indiau Pile Ointment: I have used scores of pile cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment. For sale by all druggists. or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. Jas. E. Davis & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Mich., Agents. For sale by H. J. Brown & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. CITY ITEMS. Aüction. - Assignee sale of gold gilt frames and oil paiatings, sale commences Friday night, Cook nouse block.; Creat bargains can be had at Joe T. Jacobs' matumoth clothing etnporiurn. Extra bargains in New and Secondband Pianos and Organs. Large stockStools and Covers. Instruction books, Violina and Guitars, Accordeons, Banjos, etc. Best strings only 15 ets. Sheet music discounted to all purchasers at WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. Important to trayelers. - Special Inducements are ofïered you by tbe Burlington Route, lt will pay you to read tucir advertisement found elsewhere in this issue. Persons desiring to use the 10 cent bus of J. S. Earl's should leave orders at CasperRinsey's grocery store, opposite the Cook house. All calis will receive prompt altention. In order to reduce bis stock of clothing Joe T. Jacobs is offering gieat inducements for people to buy. Henry Binder would beg leave to cali attention to the medicinal qualities of the lager manufactured by the NiagaraBrewing company. (■ A public benefit. - On January 16th an elegant line of Parlor Cars was placed on the Michigan Central railroad, between Bay City and Mackinaw City, leaving Bay City at 8 20 a. m. and Mackinaw City at 7 20 a. m. , every day except Sunday. These cars make connection at B'iy City with the Michigan Central trains to and from Detroit, Jackson, Chicago, and all other principal points in Michigan and the east, west and south. Passengere should make a note of this fact, and select their route accordingly. Byron Green, having regained his heaHh, offers his services as auctioneer. Residence corner of Fourth and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor. Don't fo.get to buy a twenty-flve cent bottle of Dr. Kellogg's Lung Remedy for colds and coughs. Sold by all druggists. Stuilents will find it to their advantage to look througb Kearney's stock of lamps. Cady's Catarrh Remedy.a sure cure for catarrh, is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. HENRY MATTHEWS, Has the pleasure to Inf onn the public that he ia ready to receire tbem in lus new bnck MEAT MARKET! OKE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything In hia line wül ba flrst-olass, and At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all hls old customers f or their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new euatomers 10 bis new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing tn nlarge hij airead y growing business. IttÍeONLSeDCINeE Dl IN EITHKIt I-I01 II) OU DHï FOBH II L] That Act at the saine time on' 3 tes inm, tes bowszsM n aïïb tes siDirirs. ; m MWHY ARE WE SICK?i ■ v liecau$e we allow these great organ &H KJ6íC07íw clogged or torpid, and poüonouiwA Jkhumws are therefore forced Into tht bloodl A that êhouldbe expelled naturally. W WILL SURELY CURE I Mkidney diseases, wk liver complaints.u MlMI.ÜH, GON8TIPATION, tJBIMAKT R DISEASES, WEAKNESSEt, I l AND NEIÍVOCS UISOUDEHB, lÈby cauiing free aetion Qf these organt aniiU II restoring their power to throw off diêiait. Why toffer Itillou paini nnd achil ■B Whj torntnted irlth PI let, Comtlpattoni ■ U Whjr f riRhtened orer dfiorderod Kldneit Q H fhj endura nerrona or lick headacheil I II Uu KIDNE WORTand rtjoice In htalth. Q I It il put up in ry Tecetubl Fori, In tin H !■ c&iiB oue package of whicb makel ilz quArti of WÊ ■ ■ medicine. Alao in IJquld Form, Terj ConeaB-H J t r atedt f or those that cannot readily prepara lt. F V II fgr It acts vr lth equal efficiency in alther form. H U GEI IT OF YOCR DRUGGIST. 1'RICK, 1.00 WÊ M WELLS, UICHABDSOK Co., Pnp'i, M 1 m (WU1 aand the dry post-pald.) BraLDIffTOH, TT. Q Livery Sale and Boarding Stable I have opened a Livery, Snle and Boarding Stable opposite the Court House on Fourth street, where liveryvigscan bcobtained at ahy time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts and handling track horses a specialty; good references given. P. 1RW1N, Ann Arbor "O "DOO OM TH -J C Qfj HAT." T W3 k r O co ie j,) 5 L Cfil il aí-2.2 L " tfl ■ 58 j HAT8 = 2 AUN ARBOB, O" mcB. o F. W ACNER & BR O., MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS WORK DNLY, CARRIAGES, BUÜGIES, WAGONS, CUTTERS, BOB-SLEIGHS, ETC. Jiepairing of all Kinds Done in tte Best Manner. .A.11 Work Warrahted I Particular attention given to Hohse Shoeing. SHOP ON SECOND STREET, Between Washington and Liberty Streets, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. ALL WORK SOLD CHEAP POR CASH. BOERHAAVE S ThcKnifeandLigfttnre nrpTii arethe resori. tor ntlIAL Protmding. Blccfling REMEDY . Piles, All Ointments $1.00 jl box. and Liniments Fail. m BOERHAAVE'S r!ECTAL REMEDY makea the knife the ligature anti tli cihihtv uniiecessarv. tt_rg2 tui 118 ttie Kowel. li"iiisiinil hecis il, rhe woit case ot tLMiS will De rcli!Veil_ll 'lEN A1ISÜT1C8. Send us by mail, One Dollar and we will mail you a box; af ter usinghalfof it, if it fails to answer the recommendalion, return the other half, by mail, and your dollar will be returned ai once. Ño one with Rectal Troubles should be without the Rectal Remedy. Household Speclalty Co., Agent8 lor the U. S., Chicago. DfirQuanvrc "Fifty Years and up ÖUtnnftAïtO ' geldom f il to linwru nilDC induce Viirious Kiriney MUntl LUnL T,.ouhes, Urinarv Dis$1.00 A BOTTLE. tiirhances. and Iiiflmn -- matinn of Ihe Bbxl.ii-r &c, leading - how often - to "jiriglits Ui.-eü.se." It will cis! One -Dollar, sent ti man, to iry a omue ot "JSUHHÜ.A. . VMl'S KIDNEY GURE" Relief is Warranted in every Case. AfleriisinK half the bottle. if vu lliink it is nol itihipu-il to vmii' ilis"eZÍ!ÍHüMru77íñ7herialfichw,h is left. m the óTïïrina'l package. nnd %nur mo7iep_wül_be returned at ouce. It has done wonders luring more than ffty years of use. Bougie, Catheter and Syringe are discarded as harsh and useless. Try Boerhaave's Kidney Cure. Household Specialty Co., Agents for the U. ö., Chicaeo. Notlce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, made on the 23d day of February A. D. 1882, six months from tnat date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Margaret Harris, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said probate court, at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or befere the 23d day of August next, and that such claims will be heard before said court on Tuesday the 23d day of May, and on Wednesday the 23d day of August next, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, February 23, A. D. 1883. WILLLAM D. HAKRIMAN, Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. ST1TB OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw gs.- In the Matter of the Estat af Sophia S. M WeUel, deceased. Notice is hereby given, That in pursuance of an order granted to the undereigned Administrator of the estáte of said de ceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probat for th County of Washtenaw, on the 85th day of February A. D. 1882, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the premisos below described in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in said state, on Saturday th flfteenth day of April A. D. 1882, at ten o elock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased the f ollowing described Real Estáte towit: Lot No. three in block No. three, north of Huron street, range three east in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, LEONHARD ÜRUNER, Administrator. Dated February 26, 1832. Estáte of Charles Kitson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the eounty of Washtenaw.holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 23rd day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and two. Present William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Charles Kitson. deceased. James Kitson and Michael Duffy the administrators of said estáte, come into court and represent that they are now prepared to render their flnal account as such administrators. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 21st day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is f urther ordered, that said administrators give notice to the persons interested in saidestate.of the pendeney of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, WK. G. Doty. Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the payments of the principal and interest due ou a certain mortgage bearing date October 27, 1868 executed by Charlotte D. Silkworth to J. Moreau Smith, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deedsforthe county of Washtenaw, stat j of Michigan, on November 2, 1868 in Liber 38 of mortgages on page 5T5. which mortgage wa3 duly assigned on January 13, 1872 to Ransom S. Smith by an assignment recorded March 1, 188'.;, in said Register's office in Liber 7, of assignnients of mortgages on page 812 (which said mortgage is now owned by the estat of said Ransom 8. Smith, deceased) by which said default the pow'er of sale contaiued in said mortgage has become operative. and no proceedings at law or in equity naving been instituted to recover the debt secured oy said mortgage or any part thereof; and ther being now claimed to be due and unpaid upon the said mortgage and the note accompanying the same, the sum of two hundred and forty-seven dollars and sixty-two cents. Notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to satlsfy the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage, together with all other legal costs and expenaes of sale, at public sale or vendue to the highest bidder at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waflhtenaw and stat of Michigan (that being the place for holding the circuit court for said county) on Wednesday the seventh day of June 1882 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to a prior mortgage recorded ín Liber 35 of mortgages on page 508 in said Register's office) which said premises re described as followi: All the f ollowing described lands situated in the town of Sharon, Wasliteïiaw county and state of Michigan, being the east third of the north east quarter of the south west quarter of section number thirty-four in township number three south of range three east, comm-ncine at the center of section thirty-four aforefiaid running thenc west on the quarter Une to land owned by Josiah R. Stout thence south eighty rods to land owned bv Jeremiah D. C'ory, thence east to land owned by John W. Cowan. thence north eighty rods or the quarter line to the place of begiuning containing thirteen and one-third acres. DaUd March 1. 1888. W. B. SMITH, Xxecutor of Barsom S. Imith. M. H. BREN KAN, Attorney for executor. GooiyfiafsNewDriii Store The Oíd Crenville Stand, No. 5, South MainSt. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH ! T Prcscriptions Compounded Day and Níght. CEORCE ARDNER'S Hotel and Restaurant, opposite the Michigan Central Depot. Accommodations for Travelers. Meáis at all hours. A lunch counter in connection with his restaurant. GEOKGEARDNER, Pkopbietor, Ann Arbor, Michigan. C. K. Holme, proprietor of the City Drug store has the choieest lot of perfumes and the LARGEST STOCK of PURE DRUGS in the city. Also everything in the Toilet and Fancy goods line, at prices lowerthan anywhere elao. Prescriptions carefully compounded. No. 12 Cook Hotel Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. THEAÑÑlRBORBAKERY I have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastry cook, and I am furnishing a quality ot bread that has never been excetled in this city, I am also making some of the nicest articles in the line ot pastry, tnany of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor, A good assortmentof groceries and provisions will be found at my store. AU orders for goods in my line will be fillee) and promptly delivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. A. R. HALL No. 2- N. Main St. LEÜNARD HOUSE, TF. LEONARD, Proprietor, Ann Arbor, Mfóh. RAILBOADS. lyriOHIGAN CENTRAL KAILBOAD. TIME TABLB, NOV. 13, 1881, GOING WEHT. i ï.- IT "'- i &llïlil!l __ _?_ ga la ?fi 54_ &a A.M. A. M. P. M. r.M. p. M. P. M. Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.35 5.55 4.05 8.00 9.50 G. T. Jane 7.15 9.53 6.10 4.20 8.15 10.10 Vayne June... 7.52 10.29 6 42 4.4 8.45 10.40 Ypsilanti. 8.40 10 48 7 05 5.05) 9.08 H. 3 Aun Arbor 8.40 11.00 7.24 5.22 9.25 11.17 Dexter 9.04 7 48 5.39 9.44 Oheleea 9.22 8.0,í 5.52 10.00 Grasa Lake 9.50 8.32 6 12 10.30 Jackson Ar. 10.10 ' ' 9.00 1150 Jackson Lv. 10.20 12.15 6.55 a.m, 12.45 Albiou 11.04 12.50 7.40 11.55 1.22 Marshall 11.50 1.30 _ 8.05 12.20 1.43 PM du Battle Creek.... 12.19 1.55 S? 8.40 12.47 2.07 A. M. Galeeburg 12.53 a.m. 9.15 Kalamazoo 1.18 2.36 4.50 9.35 1.35 2.47 Lawtoo 1.52 5.25 2.13 üecatur 2.07 5.42 2.32 Uowagiac 2.29 6.07 3 57 Nlles 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.37 4.15 Buchanan 3.08 7.02 8.42 Three Oaks.... 3.38 7.37 4.12 New Buftalo... 3.53 4.52 7.40 4.35 Mich. City 4.23 5.18 8.08 5.03 5.28 Lake 5.13 6.02 8.54 5.51 6.18 Kensington 6.00 6.50 9.45 6.40 7.1C Chicago Ar. 8.50 7.40 10.35 7.30 8.C0 QUINO EAM-i ■ STATUS, i & --f % II 11 ?_iYí ?aíáLí A.M. A.M. P. M P. M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7.00 9 00 3.40 5 15 9.1C Kensington 7.50 9.50 4.30 6.05 10.0C Uke 8.35 10.27 5.1Í 6.50 10.40 Mich. City 9.25 11.13 6.00 7.38 11.83 New Bnflalo... 9.50 11.33 6.25 11.55 Three Oaks 10.03 6.40 A.M. Bnchanan 10.30 p.m. 7.06 Niles 10.45 12.18 7.37 9.00 12.45 Dowaglac 11.13 8.06 1.12 Decatur 11.39 8.331 1.37 Uwtori. 11.55 8.531 a.m Kalamazoo 12.33 1.38 9.30 6.50 10.25 2.30 Bale8borg 12.53 5" 7.08 Battle Creek... 1.28 2.15 m' 7-40 11.08 3.20 P.M. Ï O. Marshall - 2.17 3.00 ►. 8 06 11.33 8.4e ilbion 2.46 3.21 -ï-=- 8.32 11.55 i.lí A.M. A.M. Jackeon Ar. 3.45 lackson Lv. 3.45 4.05 7.15 9.30 12.40 5.00 3rassLake 4.10 7.40 9.50 Jhelsea.. 4.40 8.03 10.07 Dexter 5.00 8.17 10.1 Ann Arbor 5.22 5.07 8.40 10 34 2.04 6.25 STpsilanti 5.38 5.23 8 66 10.48 2.20 6.41 iVayne June... 6.02 5.45 9.17 11.08 2.44 7.05 3. T. June 6.35 (i. 15 9.45 1135 3.20 7. Detroit Ar. 6 50 6.30 10.00 11.50 3.35 8.00 The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chicago at 3.30 In the afternoon and makes the folmwing stops, Michigan City. 5,30; Niles. 6.27; Kalimazoo 7.40; Battle Creek, 8. 16; Jackson, 9.28; Vpsilanti, 10.40; 0. T. Junction, 11.25; arrivingin Detroit at 10.40 P. M. 'Sunday excepted. ÍSaturday & Sunday excepted fDaily. llENBY C. WïNTWOBTH, (H. B. LKDTABD, O. P. . 7. A., Chieago. Qt.n'l Manager. Detrnl TOLEDO, ANN ARBOE K GRAND TRUNK A RAIL.ROAU, Taking effect Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1881. Trains run by Columbus tinie. jloing North. GoingSoutb. Sxp'ssTMail. I "STATIONS. Mail. Kxp's P. M A.M P. M. A. H. +6.25 +8.25 Toledo + 5.55 +9.25 6.28 8.28 North Toledo +5.52 9.22 6.38 8.37 Detroit Junction. 5.42 9.13 6.47 8.45 Hawthorn 5.32 9.0ó 6.55 8.25 Samaría 5.23 8.55 7.10 'J.10LuIu 5. 10 8.40 7.15 9.15 Monroe Junction 5.0 8.35 7.2! 9.25Dundee 4 55 8.25 7.38 9.37 Azalia 4M 8.13 7.52 9.50 Milán 4.30 8.00 8.00 9.57 Nora 4.25 7.50 8.07 10.03 Urania +4.1? -t.4ri 8.20 10.15 Tínsilanti Juncti'u 4.08 7.33 8.35 10.80 Ann Arbor.. .. +3,55 +7.20 10.50 Lelands 3.35 1 .... 11.02 Wordens . .... .... +11.20 South Lyon +3.05 1 H. W. ASHLEY Gen'l Superintendent. Opening and Closing of the MailsMails leaving Ann Arbor, East and "West, wil close as follows: GOING WEST. WavMail 6.30a. m. Throughand Way Mail 10.50 a. m. Way Mail between Ann Arbor and Jackson 4.50p.m. NightMail 9.00 p. m. OOING KiST. Through and Way Mail Night I jne, . . . 6.00 a. m, Ihrough and Way Mail, Sunday and Monday, closes Saturday and Sunday night '9.00 p.m. rhrönghand Way Mail 10.25a. m., 4.50 p. m. ïOING 8OUTB. Toledo and Way 7.00 a. m. Eastern Mails distributed at 8 a. m . and 12 m and 6.20 p. m. Western Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 6.20 d. m. Jackson Mail and Way Mail between Jackson and Ann Arbor distributed at 11.15 a. m. Monroa and Adrián pouch, 10.15 a. m. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster laaves Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays at U ft. ra. j Chancery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN-Tbe Circuit Oourt for O the County of Washtenaw, iu chancery. Ambrose Kearney, complainant va. Joseph Clinton, Jane Clinton and Christopher Kearuiw, defendants. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of said court, made and entered in the above entitled cause, on the twelfth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty one, notice is hereby given, that I shall sell at public auction, or vendue to the highest bidder, on Friday, the seventh day of April, A. D., 1882, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the east front door of the court house , in the city of Ann Arhor, Washtenaw county, and State of Michigan, the following described real estáte, being the same mentioned and descrihed 'n said decree, towit: AU those certain parcela of land known and described as follows, viz: Lot number uineteen and twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-two, and lot sixteen, except one acre off, from the weet side described in the plat of the southeast quarter of section number nineteen, township number two. south, of range six, east, in tiie State of Michigan, as recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Washtenaw county in über M. of deeds on page 274. PATRICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Coromissioner, in and for said l'ouuty ol Washtenaw, _ John K Lawrence, Solicitor for Complainant. Aun Arbor, February 21, 1882. Chancery Notice. The Circuit Court for Washtenaw County, in Chancery.- Henry J. Wagar, Cumplainant vs. Fraucis E. Wagar, Defendant. Itappearingsatisfactonly by affldavit to me, that the defendant Franuis E. Wagar is a nonresident of this state, and resides in the state of New York; on motion of E. 0. Kinne, solicitor for the complainant, it is ordered that the said defendant Francis E. Wagar cause herappearance in tliis cause to be entered within four i mouths from the date of this order, and that ! in case of her appearance. she cause lier angwer to the complainaiit's bill, to be flled. and a copy thereof to be served on eomplainant's solicitor within twenty days after service of a coiy of said bill, and notice of this order, md in uefault thereuf, that the said bill be taken as confessed by the said Francis 4E. Wagar. , And it is further ordered that within iwfiii) d&ya the said complainant cause a üotke of this order to be puolished in the Ann Ahbok ! Deuocrat, a newspaper printed in said county, and that the said publication be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six successiTe weeks or that he cause a copy of said order to be personally served on the said defendant Francis E. Wagar, at least twenty days before the time herein proscribed for her appearance. C. JOSLIN, Circuit Judge of said Circuit Court. E. D. KINNE, Solicitor for Complainant. Dated. February 1, 1882. Estáte of George D. Hill. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of waahtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on riday the 3rd day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of George D. Hill, deceased. On reading and flling the petition duly verifled of Henry R. Hill praying that the administration of said estáte may be granted to himself or some other suitable person. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the flth day of Maren next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assignedforthe hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session ofsaidcourt.then tobe holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arbiyr Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Henry Conlen. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. O ss. At a session of the probate court, for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on fc'aturday the 25th day of February in the year on thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hnry Conlen, deceased. John H. Conlen the executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and represente that h is now prepared to render his nnal account as guch executor. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Saturday. ths 25th day of March next at ten oclock in the forenoon, be assigned for examini ng and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then tobe holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, insaid county, and Bhow cause if aDy there be.why the said acoount should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, bycausine a copy of this order to be published in the Tht Arm Arbor Democral a newspaper printed and circulatiug in said county, three suecessiv weeks previous to said day of heai ing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Jtidp of Probate. Wil. G. Doty, Probate Register. CAUTION. AN ACT requiring the holders of unrecorded deeds to record such deeds or furnish the same for record. Section 1. The PeopU of the State of Michigan enact, That whenever any grantor who has heretofore conveyed, or sball hereafter convey any real estáte within this State, shall have or hold in his possession any unrecorded deed or deeds through or under which he derived title, of any lands by him so conveyed, it shall be his duty on the written request of his grantee or any subsequent grantee, to cause such deed or deeds to be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the proper county, or cause the same to be delivered to such grantee demanding the same for the purpose of rerording within twenty days from the time when such written request shall have been served upon him. Sec, 2. If such grantor shall neglect or refuse to record such deed or deliver the same to such grantee after having been requested so to do, as provided in the preceding section, within the time above limjted, he shall be 'liable to said grantee, his heirs, representatives or assigns, in the penal sum of one hundred dollars damages and also for all actual damages occasioned by such neglect or refusal to the person or persons entitied thereto , to be recovered iu au action on the case with costs of suit. Approved June 1, 1881. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot Washtenaw Oss.- In the matter of theestate of Fanny J. Henion, minor. Notice is hereby given.that , in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned guardián of said minor by ihe Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waslitenaw, on the flfteenth day of February, a. n. 1882, there will be aold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the courtnouse in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said state, on Saturday, the flrst day of April , a. d. 1882, at teu o'clock in the forenoon of thal day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale,) the following described real esate to-wit: A parcel of land described as commencing in the center of the road, running Kouth through the center of section sixteen (16) in the township of Pittsfleld, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, two (á) rods south of the center of Pittsfield ditch No. one, running thenee southerly along the center of siiid road four chains and ninety-three linies to the center line of "aid section, thenee along said line east Mineteen chains and ten links, thenee northerly parallel with the east and west center line eight (8) chains and fourteen (14) links, thenee west parallel with second line twelve chains and flfty links to the quarter line, thenee on a line straight to the olace of beginning, containinK flfteen acres of land. Also tne following described land in said township of Pittsfleld: Commencing in the center of the road and the center of Pittyfi.fild ditch No. one on section sixteen (Ui), running thenee northeasterly along the center of saiü ditch twenty-four chains and thirty four links to the north line of the south half of the northwest quairor of said section sixteen (16), theuce east one chain and sixtytwo links to land owned by David Codj, thenee south parallel with section line twelve chains and flfty links to the half quarter line, thenee by a straight line to a point in the ceuter of the road two (3) rods south of the starting point, thenee along the eent-erof the road to the place of beginning, containing :welve acres. AARON B. HENION, Guardian. Dated February 15, 1882. Lord & Thomas, Chicago, 111., have this paper on ftie at their office. Nos. 9 and 10 McCormick ilock, where they will be pleased to show it to j our townsmen who may be la that city, or makug advertisiug contract FOR SALE OR RENT The present resldence oí Mrs. F. A HM, with Tho Xu n i a. aj o i 11 i n er Consietine of about 40 acres, 80 of which can be cultivated. Rent, $800, or the House aml 8 acres will be rented seperate. Rent $600. The above property is also for sale by tbe lot, or by he acre, or iu larger quantittes. TITLE PERFECT For further particular enquire of H. R, Hill, office No. 3 Opera House Block, or Wm. M. White, Canajeraga, New York. OSCAR O. SORG, írorsK, sign, AND Fresco PÉtii, ALSO PAPBB HAXGING. SHOP NO. 60 SOUTH MAIN SL, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.


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