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JUST RECETVED FROM THE Niágara Falls Brewing Co Of Niágara Falls, New York, Tle Best Lap Ever manufactured in the United States Far superior to eitlier Cincinnati or Mil waukee Beer. You will fiuil this beer ALWAYS ON DRAUCHT AT IIEISTRY BIIVÜER'S, NO. 50, SOUTH MAIN STREET. ('all and test it and satisfy yoursclf. Respectfully, HENRY BINDER. Waíches and Jewelry ! J. ttr& Si, 4G South Main Street, Dealers in the Leadinir AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Silvcr Cases, in Stem and Key Winding, Manufscturid hy the Leading Vatch .Companies. GOLD WATCH CHAINS ! Of Standard QuahLy aud Various Palterns. A Larca and Completo Assoitment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinss, BraceletsFinger Rings, And Studs. Silver Platefl Ware, "rom the Most Reliable Manufacturers at iottom Prices. The Repairing of Fiue Watches is in Charge of Competent aud Skilied Workmen, at Fair Prices. PRINCIPALUNE And 8ll5ij5vvBKST Une to St. Joseph, polnts Ín Iowaíígj-Atchlson, Topeka, DenlNebraska,Mlssourl, KauNfiyssun, Dallas, Galeas, New Mexico, Art.onn, MÖ3ivesion, tana and Texas. S CHICAGO ii ïü1'8 oul! nas u0 superior f ur Albert ,T . 5íl 5.Lca, Mlnneapolls and St. Paul. Universa -75?ÍL Natlonally reputed as ly conceded to íSS bein the Greal be the best equippod "5íÍr r;ir "u(.T,ro Uallroad In the World fot1'''; all clasi;s of travol. -fg-mo KANSAS CITY v V All connectloiis made víjL LÍCV In Union ftjftjr tfV Depots. y2y' Through VXiVXVi Trytt, Tickets via thisST C VyT and you wtll Celebrated Line oSAS n tTSTelIng a sale at all offices InyQjV Iuxiut, hutead tho U. S. and VV)ñy. oí a dla" Canada. íCv' AllVAfy. comfort. íabout Ratee orSKv7 f fS r8rei slcePlD8 '-'ars. ífK v T. J POTTER, FERCEVAL LOWELL, 3d V(ce Fres'td GetCl Manager, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111. MRS. LYDIÁ E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Foeitive Cara For all Female Complaints. This preparatlon, as lts name signifles, consista of Vegetable Propertles that are harmless to tbe most delicate invalid. U pon one trial the me rits of thla Compound will be recognized, aa relief is iminedlate ; and when lts use is eont inucd, In ninuty-nine cases in a hun. dred, apeHnane)itciirei8effected,asthousond wül testlfy. Ou account of its proven raerits, it is to-day recommended and prescrlbed by the best pbysictans ia the country. It will cure entlrcly the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrhoea, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarían Troubles, inOammatlon and Clceratlon, Floodlngu, aü DIsplaceraents aud the consequent spinal weaknesa.and is eapeciaUy adapted to the Change of Ufe. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterusinan carly stage of dovelopment. The tendency to cancerous humorstbre is cbecked very Bpeedily by lts usw. In i.xt it bas proTpd to be the greatftft and beat remrdy that hag ever been dlscovered. It permea tes every portion of the system, and (jiveai new llf eand vlyor. It remo-res faintness,Hatulency , dftstroys al', ora ving for stliniUants, and relieves weakneM of the storaach It euros Bloatlng, Ileadaches, Kervous Prostration, General Debllity, Eüeeplessncs, Depression and Indigestión, That tcéüng of bearing down, causing pain, weiglit a 'd backaohe, isahvaya pennanently curedbj íts use. it will at all ttmfift, andunderoll circumstances, act in barmony witta the Irw that governa the female syst-em. Tor KidneyCompfiints nf plther fcx ttlp rompound Is unsufpaaaod. Jjída E. Pinldiam's Vegetable Compound Isprppirtd tC3."i niid "t Westprn Avenue, I.ynn. Mnfs Price $ Six hot tint. ior (f.'.(X(. Sentijy mail in the ftmn of pUlfl, aisa iii the forra oflowsgas, on recripi ofprico, (LflO. r"1'" '.v"". it fit.'nT. Mrs. PINKHAM freeJy answwrs nll l ttr-r, nf In iiiiry. Scnd for paraphlet. Addren at kboTQ Mentían ífcrs paper. No faralIvslioHlrfiieM-ilhout T.YPIA K. PINKHAM UVFJt PILLS. Thty ruro CODCklpatkni, illouanfs and Torplu ty of the Llver. 25 cents Der box. Soldby C. E. Holmes [Oook hotel block FRED SORG, Dealer Is PAINTS.OILS.VABNISHES BBUSHKS, WINDOW QLASS, And all Palnters' Supplies of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 28 and 28 East Washington tot. ANN ARBOB. . % MICMIQAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Have on band a complete stock of overything m the Crocery Line. They buy their Toas, Coffee, audSugars In largo amounts, and at CasIL IP:r?oOs And can sell at Low Figures. 'he large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, Is ( good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. 'hey Roast thelr own Coffees every week, aiu none but prime articles are used. heirBakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cake.' and Crackers. CaU and see theni. ACKSON PIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - ' IDIR-A-IUST TILE. All our Draln THe are made of Fire Clay, are of unusual strength and light wetyM, which ma tcrially reduces the breakage and expense of transportation. The ditching for tbis class of tiling is less expen slve, as they do not require to be laid belowfrost, but only deep onough to escape the plow. While this is more eronomical it also aids in obtainingia better "f all" or grade to the dram. A f uil assortment of all slzes, for sale in small quanllties, or car load lots, at the FERDON LUMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Agenl. Yes! Yes! KELLOCC'S LIVER INVIGERATOR ! Is wliat you must havo to cleanse tho syslam of ail bilious diseases. A bottle or two taken during the spring months will fit you for the change of season, aud make you foel well and no mistake. KELLOCC'S INDIAN LUNG REMEDY ! Will cure you of ül THROAT and LUNÜ DISÈASES, such as Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, etc. Por the croup it is the very best remedy in use. Mothers, remember this, and give it a trial. KELLOGC'S Champion Ointment ! Cures piles, oíd sores and all skin diseases. Of its kind it is truly the Champion of the world. KELLOCCS MGIC RED DROPS Thuy are rightly named. It acts like magie, as a cure for all ACUTE PAINS. Every funiily should keep it in the bouse, and don 't f orgel it. KELLOCCS Family Cathartic Pilis Beat auything of the kind ever taken to cleanse the system, try thero.and if not satisfactory.your money wil! berefunded. Go to your druggist for all the nbove medicines. L. B. Kellogg & Co-, Prop., Ann Arbor, - ■ -Miohigau, Sam. B. Revenaugh, Ia dow taking the Best Glass of PMopphs In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. COODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COUBT HOUSE. EBERBACH&SON, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attentlon to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own Importation. A f uil line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. STTTIDIEIlSrT'S Are cordially Invited to examine our stock as quality and prices. eberbach;ason. - ) Tli-c i- Chicago & Western Is the 0LDE8TI BEST CONSTRUCTEDi BEST EQUIPPED I and henee the LEADING RAILWAY, OPTHE WEST AND NORTHWEST! It is the short and best routo between Chicago and all pointe in Kortsern nilnols, I wa, rkrta, Wyemisj, Notrasis, Calibráis Oregos, Atlsoti, Utah, Caloráis, liaba, Jiostass, Vida, sai for COUNCIL SLUFFS, OKfi2 DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, PEADWOOD, 3IOCX CITT, 35l Stpldi, Stliloises, Oduatui, tnl all Polsts Is tÏ9 Torritoriei, sad thu Wast. Allo, for BUwaulreo, SroeaBiv, Ijhïqsh, Ehebog, ïaroaatto, Toai is Lao, Watartovn, Isajitsa, Koeiin, Ueatitis, 8Ü Casi, Ulnaeapolis, Euroa, Volga, Fugo, Elsma:;ï, Winoaa, LaCrcise, Ovatonsa, asi all poioi: Is Üiiacton, SatoU, Wltcoasia si the H:rtawtst. At Council BluffS the trains of the Chicago & Western and tlie U. P. E'ys depart from, arrive at and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago. cloBeconneitionsaremadewiththe Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & [rand Trunk R'ys, and the Kankakee and Pau Handle Routes. Close connecttons made at Junctlon Points. It Is the only line ruimig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BITWKKN CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. PVLLMAM SLEEPERS ON ALL NT'HT TBAINS. Insist upon Ticket Ageuts selling yon Tickets irta this road. Examine your UcSets, and refuse tu buy it' they d not read ver the Chicago t North-Wcstem Railway. If youwishthe B?st TraTelin? Accommodations ru will buy your tickets by tttfs route, ani JH tk none otlier. All Xlekot Agnts sell Tickete bv this liae. MARTIN III 1HITT, Ssl V. C. A Qttiliisg'ï, CMoajo. Genuine Milwaukee Lager Beer Depot.


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