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Although.losgingoperationsoii the lower streamsot the Saginaw district are about sus pended, no íears are foltfor a full stock of C tor the next seasou. Ahout 400,000,000 f t. of oíd loga are on hand to start witti. Sheboygan menthink thecedar of their . üon will be worth more to them thaa the pino as the growth on the river flats is heavy A Mamstiaue farmer braga that orí oí ss acres of land, he raised lwt year 850 bushela of potatoee.andBoldWO bushels of them for f 375, and that, at their present pnces, there rop wnald be worth 900. l'rank M. Clark and S. Bowera, of the U. b. hatchery at Northville, are, vyith the other fish commissloners, distributing white Csh spawn with a f ree hand. Two million have been P0V.aütSier of Flint makes an ossignment. I The Grand Bapirts daily üamocrat 'aas been paicittMd by the young men's publican club and Ib to appear with change of polibcal lUavysnow storm in the lumber diBtricts rejoice the hearts of lumbernwn. Grand Haven reporta Bix incheB of the "beautif ui; ' Sagnaw reportB eight inches and enow etill fall1Bf;. the Hollywood esamination, the j examinationofDe Rice elicited nothing to impairüietestimonyglven on the direct ex aminaüon. John F. Moundewatt testiQed that ïn Jan. 187Í) Hollywood askedhim to carry a boéy to Ann Arbor. The case gone over to the March term. At the Greenback conference in Grand ids, Mr. Potter of Laneing, proposed that 2,000 be subscribed to establish a daily oigan in that city. Several hundred dollere were pledged with understanding that Col. Morton of (Thicago, be editor. The plans for a narrow guage railroad from Detroit to Port Ausün are being favorably eonsidered. Membersof the Michigan legislatura are nearly all in tiieir places at Lansing, for an extra session beginning the 23d. Senator Winsor has a bul prepared authonzing an appropriation for the relief of the fire sufferers. The mayor of Marshall has raceived a telegram from an Ohio man, rcquesting the return of the body of his daughter. It was discovered that the woman had died iu a disreputable house in the aforesaid town, and that there were suspicious circumstancee connected with tliecase. . The Kalainazoo county agrioulturiü society proposes pnrchasing new fair grounds wiih a halt mile race track and pleasnre drive outsid of the track, at a cost of 1 2,000. The personal property of the late Bobert L. Soddes naar Aud Albor lias been sold at auction for $4,000 Twenty-ssven head of blooded cattle sold for $2,800. THE CANNON ÏBAGEDÏ. Cha. Colbath of Adrián, ehot Cbas. Canuou of Deerfield, becauae oí a difficulty growing out of a long-standing deut. The Cannon residence ia two miles northeast of Sisson's station. He owns 240 acres of land, and is regarded as a wealthy man. Nearly opposite is the residence of bis son, 3. H. Cannon, and a little farther south Uves another son, l'oth of whom have families. About five o'clock ■ little daughter of James Cannon uaid to har mother, 'Charley Colbath is going to graniipa'e." The mother saw the visitor, but as his going there was a frequent oecurrence, thought little abou' t. About dark as uhe was Hghting a lamp, Mis. Cannon heard two taps of a bel!, and both Bhe and her littie daughter recognized it as "grandpa'e be.l " She called her hueband, and as the father, mother and little daughter etood at the front door they heard eoniebody coming from the oíd gentleman'B house, groaning. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon hurried out, andsoon saw theold gentleman, whe said, "Charley Colbath has shot me." The wounded man was at once assiated into the house, placad on the bed, and the services of Dr. Gale and others were sscured. The patiënt was put under the inüuenee of chloroform, and a probé was ineerted to the depth of Cve inches alongtue track of the bal!, but without ïeaching it. lts course after glanciae against the llth rib was downward. The doctors were in doubt whether it lodged inside or outeide the pelvic boue. The wound is exceedinglj dangerous, and consideiing the age and cmdition of the patiënt, will probably prove mortal. The old man talked very freely saying that after Cclbath had had lied he got out of tUe bau, went aroundto the back of the housa to ring the bell and summon help, but tnat after pulling the rope twice it Droko. This accounts ior the tape of the bell heard by his daughter-in-law. The assasBin is described as 5 f eet, 7 or 8 inches in height rather heavy build, f uil face ánd eye, Roinan noBe, brown moustache and no fceard. Sheritï Bidwell has ofïered a reward of $5iO for the capture of the assassiD. Ralph J. Jevrell, arrested in connection with the bond frauda, has been released on f5,000 bail, ex-Alderman Minck and Alderman üardner going hia bail. The legislativo bilí f or the relief of fire sufferera provides for the distribution of relief through the agency ol the Detroit coinmissiom who will report to the governor. No amount has been inserted, but Mr. Winsor thinks that $265,000 will beneededto pay taxes, furnish them Bubsietence until harvest, seed lor spring crops, and means to rebuild their school houses. F. L.Olmstead, the Central Park, New York, Landscape gardener is in Detroit devising wa ys and means for beautifying Belle Isle Park. No Clue yet 10 Navin. One public-spirited citizeo, an ex-msinber of the comtcon council, announces that he will be one of ten men to gnarantee a reward of 1,000 for the return of the missing mayor. The new founry at Allegan was in operaüon in 11 days from the time work was begun on the building. Irving Bieb, foreman ia the Jackson Citizen job-room, feil from a step-ladder and brokehis leg. Five persons were prosecuted in Detroit, lor violation of the liquor law, on the 23d. In two cases convictions were secured. Bev. D. D. Gillett of Manchester, has bought land in Dakota and settles upon it; aleo P. Fellows, who settles in Jamestown. No clue has yet been obtained as to the where abouts of Jessie Blood of St. Clair. W. J. Dennie, treasurer of Columbia township, near Paw Paw, committsd suicide. Cause unknowu. A gold watch and $90 in inoney were found on his pereon. He was a prominent spiritualist. It is now believed that W. P. ennis the treasurer of Columbia township, Van Buren Co., did not commAt suicide but was murdered and robbed. Eis skull was found fractured as it struck by a club. The inaueet on the body ot David Blackwocd who cominitted suicide a uiüe east ol Novi, brought out evidenca that he was laboring under temporary insanity. A man ia the barn at the time attempted to get the razor a'way Trom Blackwood but was unable. Just belore committing the deed Blackwood eaid that there was going to be a wood bee, that he had been to Newton Wixom's and saw a pile ol brush by the side of the road; and that thej were gcing to ride him on that to make him confesa a great crime that he bad dono, and that they would sentence him to prison for life." Forty farmers at Hastings brought suit agalnst the Irving mili company for wli8at In store aud alleged to have been burned at the time of the destruction of their elevator a year ago. The farmers secured dainagas amounting to $8,620. The miil had used the wheal for grinding purposes, henee the verdict. Two hours work on the tax bill at Laming resnlted in Ihe passing upon 20 sections of the same. HeBry Wbite, near Saginaw City was Bhow ing off Bome sleight-of hand tricks with a kuife, whea it slipped and etuck in bie knee, the poiut going to the hollow of the joint, and he islikely to have a stift knee for lifo. WillKeye?, of Charlotte, was sent to Ionia for 60 days,Tues.1ay, for gtealing eloth for a saitof clotUesof 1 Friedman. Charlevoix wiü vote at the spiing election wbether they will purchaso ground west of the viilage for a public park. Ralph J. Jewellof Adrián l186". lease of all claim he may have on that 48,000 i check which which wr.s returned to the Umon Trust Company. Thi candymanulactoryot Putnam&Brooks, Grand Rapids, was burned on Saturdaywitb $50,000 loss. The stock was insured tor $18,000 and the building lor f6,000. Frank Foose of ML Morris, N. Y., has been airested at Oiíod, charged with buralary.. Prof. Angelí receivod a bcarty welcome on his return to Ann Arbor. Members of the fac uity chartered a epecial car and met President Angelí at Detroit, He was met at the depot by studeuts and citizans to the number of 2.000 or more. A ;trucessien headed by the city band escortcl hiin to nis reeidence, where he made a brief aiidress. Tho site of the new postoffice building, Adn au, is to be on south Malo street. D. J. Mulligan of Chicago, forrr.erly of Fort I Huroo, Btruek a man witb a billiard cue in a Ctiicago saloon and it is feared the man will díe. Mulligan was arreeted, but was permitted j to furnieh $5,000 bail. A contract has been lot to siuk a BaJt well at Uluskegon, and the work will begin ately. C. K. RobinsoD, foruierly banker at East Saginaw, is a caodidate for the Bepublicau nomination for mayor in Oakland, California. Nine busheU oí elover seed were stolen from Jolin Kelly's barn, thrce miles from Corunna. The programine of a Banitary convenuon held in Ann Arbor this week announces papers and addresses from the mRyor oí Ann Arbor, JusticeT. M. Cooley, Frofs. Lundy, Lyeter, Prescott, Langly, Barrington, Drs. Kinne, Wight, Stevens ;Reve. Prudden and Duffield, etc. A sanitary convention will also be held at üreenvillo, April llth and 12tb, under the auspices of the state board of healtn. There ia no ice in Lake Superior, nor has theie been at any time during the winter sufficieut to Interfere with navigaüon. Provisions and supplies for the variouB legging camps on both shores from twenty to fitty mües from Duluth, Minn., have been taken out by boats, whicli have sailed frf quently f rom that harbor. Ttav ( itv is onthusiastic over the tion oí a "Chamber of Commerce." The eleotion of officerstakes place on the evening oftheÖSth. D. F. Co!e of Coldwater, a local politician and a eupposed wealthy man has been arrested ard lodgcd iu jail charged with having obtdinfid moBey underfalse pretences. non. elotes Trueedeil a prominent educator in Michigan died at Ann Arbor on the 27th. EHsworlh Mereditb of Aust'o, eci 16 jein son of Mru. Hackeit of Tyre, wps roí intly seriously injored by bcing cut with an axe in the knee eo fíat he wi'1 probably be c-ipplc i for lifé. The Bacice & Loomis iaw mili at Mt. Morris buraed al S3O.C3O los?. Tbieves a!so s'ole $180 in eash íiom thc lióte', while the fire vras in protrcss. jl. . tíeorge B.ury of St. Louis has bC3n ne:tea for forging the name of W. 3. Nelson lo a note. At Stony Cre?k, Oaklaml Cc, on the 28th, a young marrusd man nained Tred Gage was killed by bis fathei-iu-law, Peter Tic?. This latí! result followed an attaek made by Gage on Tica and the femile membars of the ily. L. McCu'lough, in jail at Harbor Springs, confessed to being anaccompHcBinthe inurder ol HenryMiller at Petoskey four years ago. Pat.McCarty ot Pete skey, and E.C.Bc3kwith of Jaskson. are also under arrest McCuUopgh etated tbat MeCarty killed Miller back of the Eehers lWary stable and thraw his twdy in the hay, and that Beiker and Uiinself assistad the murdorer. McCuHough doe 3 not eay what the motiTe was. It was suppot 1 Millar had quite a sutn of money with hiin, Beanett & Son's mammoth dry goods esHblishmeut, Jackson, was damagci over $10,. CCO by firc. The flrm carry an insovance on gcotls the itock of $125,CD0. Perley Pearsall of Grand Kipid, is under arrest charged with stealing wheat. A f 7.0C3 fice ocsnrred in Dick'a flouring mili at Hudsoa. The state senate has ppjscithe house antipolygamy resolution, also the bill appropriatiag $8,000 tor permanent iinproTement3 at the school for th blmd. Geo. Deav of Orian, 18 yeaveof age, suddenly dieappearc i and feareare entartrued tnat he is drowned, as when lait sean he was on the ice on Square la'ie. Wm. HaightescipcJfrom Tawan city Jail, Sunday af tsrnoonv without coat or hat. He had slippars on h fcet and pnted out duriDg the excitement iacaring for a femnle prisoner who wa? taken ith fit.


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Ann Arbor Democrat