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Dr. E. Ryerson, superintendent of educition in Canada from 1844 to 1876, has jast died in Coronto. The high wind and Bleet placed sad havoc with the telegraph and telephone wires on the 2lBt Senator HUI has so far recovered froin his surgical operation in Philadelphia that be is about to return to Washington. Chicago has invited 500 fire companies to meet in that city in September to engage in a tournament, and $50,000 in prizes are to be distributed. Beporte f rom Chicago show a slight increase in small pox in that city. Rumora that another temblé accident had occurred in the Hudson river tHnnel were based upon the íact that an explosión attributed to an electric diecharge during a storm occurred in shaf t No. 1, which iDjured five persons. The grand jury has indicted A. C. Soteldo first for assault with intent to kill Clarence M. Barton; second, manslaughter, in killing A. M. Soteldo, Jr. By agreement of counsel in the Sprague divorce case all charges of adultery were eliminated, and the hearing was had mainly on the (ïuestion of non support. Mrs. Sprague's petition was practically granted, the mother to have the custody of the three girls, and Mr. Spraguethe boy. Pullman, near Chicago, ia to have a $1,000,000 hotel , sa thoy advertís, hoping to make it a summer resort. The Newcomb-Buchanan compauy of Louisville, Ky., the largest whiskey disülling tion in tbeSoutb, hasraade an assignnient. Liabilities $1,200,000. Five hundred thousand dollars are olaiined aB damages from the City of Boston, íor the unauthorized use of.fv certain valve upon cylinder steatn fire enginep. The oíd Pennsylvania railroad depot at l'hiladelphia has beeu fitted up to receive the Ru880-Jewlsh refugeee, S25 of whom are expected at that port By the steamship Illinois. A. vein of pure cannel coal has been discoveted on a farm in Marión county, Iowa, about thirtj miles below Des Moines. Silas W. Snow, publieher of the New Bedford Evening News, having been detected in numerous forgeries, attempted suicide with chloroform. His f ather paid the f orged notes. Tb.9 President it is affirmed has decided to reetore Fitz John Porter to thearmy the tion, of how much pay he is to leceive ref erred to the attorney general. The coronei'a examining into the recent explosión at Chester, P., recommend that the partios wlio inaintained the dangeroas establishment be held to anBwer in court. Sergeant Masón, who shot at (ïuiteau is confined in a dark cell and deerns it unjust that he ahould sufler more rigoroua conflneinent than the convicted assassin. The Indiana Grand Ladge of the A. O. ü. W. has just met in Indianapolis. 'J'here are ty-Uiree lcdges in tlie state, witb a revenue of I $45,813. It is tt-e sentiineut of the newBpapei'8 that the return to Japan of the undistiibuted part of the indwnnity f umi paid tothe United Statea ia 1864, now araounting to 1,516,S4, ia only an act of cominon honesty. Mayor Harrieon's order to suppresB gatn blïnjr in Chicago has been issued, but the gam blers took no notice of it and the pólice did not I cnforce it. There must be the sledge hammsr of a correct public sentimeiit back of lawilit] is to be eflective. Goal oil has been diecovared at Litchfield, IU. An extensiva fire iu the Seaboard oü coinpani'8 werks Ohester, Pa., aggregates f 100,000 108B. Tho buHb against the bondsmen of T. Am broBe, defaultins ex-United States clerk Cin cinnati, for Í3.0J0, have been compromieea by the bondsnien paying $15,000, Estabrook & Wire's bolt, nut and screw manufactory and the Kimball clinching screw works, at-Miltord, Mass., were destroyed by fire onthe23d. Boiler explosione, attended by loss of life, arereportedfrom St. Louis, Mo„ Httsburg Pa., and New Carlisle, O. The appropriation of f9,500,000 for the reconBtruction of the navy is recommended by th8 house canvnUtea oa naval aflürs. The bill to authorize the placing of Gen. U ] S. Giant on the retired list of the army, with the rank of geaeral, was paesed by the ate. Prs.Agnewand Haunilton receive 15,000 for services rendered the late President Garfield; Dr. Bliss 10,000, Dra. Reyburn, Boynton and Edson f5,000. Roscoe Conkling has been nouiinated by President Arthur tor assoeiate justice of the O. S. Supremo Court. He was once nominated for similar poeition by FreBident Qrant, but deI clined. Honurs for Robcob are not as nuineroub now as they were then and he wül probably accept. A. A. Sargent, ex-senator from California, haB 'been nominated as succeseor of Minister] White to Berlín. A shooting affray took place oq the Burlington & Quincy B. B., near Macomb, 111., by A, J. Bradfield overtaking his wife, who was inaking off with a "handeoiner man." Bradlield received four shots, and accompanied by his recreant wife, lef t the train at Bushnell, where his parents reside. It is not known if lus weunds are mortal. The committee on public buildings has agreed to report a bilí appropriaüng f500,000 for a public building in Detroit, provided the Btructure shall Btaad on the site now occupied by the postoiiee; the amount to be increassd to $600,000 if a new site be selected. The bilí to pension Mrs. Garfleld was deferred to appear in regular oider, Mrs. Garfield not being considered in need. Oreat dissatisfaetion is oxpiessed over ihe factthat tickets to the Garfield memorial ser. I viees, Washington, are being rnade a matter of merchandise. Tiekets are being aold for f 10 and $20 each. The New York Eñe railroad have decided to complete a doublé track betweeu BiiSalo and New York. Investigations into the Peiuvian claim jobs are said to promiseunpleasant discoveries per tainiog to the ways of ceatain congressmen. House cominittee decides that the seat of the delégate from utah is vacant, neither Cannon nor Campbell being entitled thereto. The attorney general decideB that the nutster general has power to reject bida for mail service when sureties are insurncient. Senator Ferry will present a biU to eell pine tiniber lands in the former ressrvation of the Chippewa and Ottawa Indiacs of Michigan. It is now reportea that Dr. Bliss will roceive $?5,0.0 instead of $10,000, as previously reported, for semc8 attending the late President Garfield. Cratt. Holmes & Co'o grocery store m St. Louis, Mo., (cor. of Washington and Second Street) feil in tho night. It was a total wreek, the building alone was valued at $60,000. The walls wero 28 ani 22 inchea thick. lts weakness is a mystery. The last of the statuary f or the Lincoln monument, being the artillery group, haB arrived in Sprinpfield and will be placed in position with appropriate ceremonies during the appoaching extra session of the legislatura. Horace Randall, aged 30, whose business was destroyed by the recent fire at Haverhill Mass., cufc bis throat and fatally stabbed himself in the slde. He leaves a wife and three children. At Omaha, Neb., a new national bank, called the Nebnwka National Bank, has been organlzed, with íi capital of $250,000. A land slide at Saltpstre Cave ob the Richmond & AUegheny railroad, wrecked a train killing Paymaster David McMinn and injuring balí a dozen others. The Standard Oil Company, has been sued by Pennsylvania to recover the sum of f8,145,511 due for taxes on its capital stocfc. A select committee of nine on woman's rights has been created by the house. The widow of Daniel Webster, aged 85 yearp, has just died at New Bochelle, N. Y. The Menken Bros.' assignment at Memphis, Tenn., involves half a million dollar loss, It was supposed to be oneof tüestrongest houses in the South. N. Hilward &Co., an o!d Chicago firm has just lailed. The new Louisville directory -wil! give the city over 150,000 inhabitants. President Gowen confidently declares' that the Reading Railroad Pa., will not pay the $487,000 charged against it by the Government for revenue, but all the mortages upon the company'a property must be met before any sale of rolling stock to Batiisfy the ment's claim can be made. Chicago claims that during the current year j over $100,000 worth of hogs were stolen from ■ the stock yards. One man was arrested last week aa complicated In the affair. On the strength ol hia cnnfessien, a number of dealers and tradera abont tUe yards haye since been arrested. By the burning of tbe Flint glass inanufacj tory at Wheeling, W. Va., 400 menjare thrown out of employment. The Bloomingdale flour milis at Fort Wayne, Ind., have been burned by incendiarles. The large dry-gooas store of Kdwaid Malley New Haven burnc i on the 28th uit. Loss on building and steek $ 85,000. Insurod. It is reporte i that ex-Senator Sprague is in Washington using nis influenca against Mr. Conkling'e prospcDtive eloTation to offiüe. As high as $25 per ticket wai paid tor ticket3 to Mr. Garfield'B memorial services. Cairo, III., ia an islandtcity, being qi"te Burroundod by water whlch is fifty-three fC3t abore low watar mark. A bilí of ecceptiona has been filed in the tiulteau case. Thebillfor therttireinent oí Gen. Gran', wíll be strongly opposei in tho house. California senators afiirm that 1000 Chinamen land at San Francisco dall y. The testimony ia the case of Sergeant Masón who shot at Quiteaa is closed.


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Ann Arbor Democrat