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At a meeting on Tueeday the creditors of he Bank of Lyocs and Loire favored the aeceptmce of a compromise providing for the payment of fifty per cent. within tvro months, wit U bonds payable in a Gxed number of years for the re3t of the liabilities. An American school of classical studies is to be esfiblished in Athens, Greece. Dr. Goodwin of Harvard, to have chirge. A fire occurred at the Berlín Terminus Station Railroad, canead by the explosión of au nfernal machine concealed in a box which had jeen insured as containing valuable dress goods. The sender of the box waa arrested. Dr. Schliemaun will coinmence iuimediately his excavations on the site oí ancient Troy. EigUt members of the trade 6yndicate, rid, cbarged wlth inciting a tradesmau not to pay new taxoe, were arrested and lodged in jai], as they penisted in a refusal to fiad bail. The elections on the lst inst. of RepiesentativeB to the Hawaiian Assombly retuined twenty-seven membetB, three of whom are whites, the others natives, A Kingston, Jamaica, dispatoh state9 tuat the pesple are agitatiug retrenclunent and a more económica! government than they hare had for the past ten yeaie. Lieutenant Danenhower wlll not b allowed to leave Iikuhk for St, Petsrsburg uotil the weather ni&dera' :s. Other BUTTiyora of the Jeannette will lenve at ones. Gladstone proliibit3 iaquiry in o the werkiag of the land act ia Irelacrt, on the ground of itsbeing prejudicial ti the interets of the government. Theseverity of the vreather hei d'iyen Herzegoviniansinto the adjoining State of Montenegro, where tliey are bwng relieyed by Buasian funds. Buesian steainer Vf sta haa bc n sunk in a collision in the Black Sea. It ia said that all on board perished. Tb's is eupposed to D saine vefsel which L'eutsnant Baranoli commandea duriug tho Bueso-Turkish wa'-. öourepore India'asbsupartiaily destroyed by fire at a loas of ftSCD.O. The hydrauüc and riverside preagca were tota"y burnei, The fire is believc 1 to have been of incandiar y origin. Italians in largo numbeu are eïttling in Vera Cruz. The Soez Canal has beeu blockii with iteamers;for some time. They ar now mov ing.


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Ann Arbor Democrat