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Additional local on second page. Law commencement Mrcb 29. Field day at the opera house March 17. Registration day, Wednesday, Marcli 29. Wm. Deube) bas one to Ypsilanli to live. Little Hack has been to New York city. Dressed pork yesterday brought $8 per huudred. Ground will soou be bioken for the new postoffice. Meses Bieemau, the old calf buyer of Saline, is dead. Dr. O. C Jenkins makesa trip to Milan eyery Thursday. The Hazel Kirke coinpany put up at ' the Cook house. . . R. E. Frazer lectura! ia Fenton 1 ilay and Sunday. Cramer is talked of for mayor on the democratie ticket. A man by the name of Talon kept the ] flrst hotel in Milan. Schuyler Colfax lectured to a fair sized a idience last eveniug. The uuiversity and homeopathie hospitais are full of patients. The council 'had thcir usual monthly ' grind Monday eTening. ( Several persons were rushing the sea san Friday with straw nata, j Anton Schaible is slowly recovering from a four weeks' sickness. The sum of 167.80 was expended by ■ chief Ciarken during February. Ailes & Gratton nianufactured the iron steps for the Hamilton building. , K. O. M., turn out to-nieht, as , tant business is to be transacted. : Bills on the general fuud ordered paid by the council figured up $611.05. , Miss Mary Livermorei3 to lectare in ] the opera house Saturday evening. 1 M. C. Shaw, a pharmacy student, died Thursday afternoon of pneumonía. Jas. Toms, the owner of Ziou green 1 house, has over 5,000 potted planta. The Ypsilanti reform club will nomínate a temperance ticket out and out. Prof. Wm. P. Wells will deliver an addreas to the law students the 23d iaat Prof. Baur will go to Caseviiie sometime next weck on railroad businest. Policeman Millman report 10 arrests in February and the whack up $37.41. Koch & Haller, the f urniture dealen, are out with a new advertisement to-day. Mike Widenmann of the seoond ward mashed several flngers one day last week. Chas. Lang, who was injured by the caving in of a gravel bank, is laid up yet. The funeral of the late Mrs. Jno. Burg of York township, was held Thursday. There are now in the university the same number of students as last year, 1,514. George Washington ik, sheriff of Bay county.. We have a J. Gould in this city. Öeveral hundred citizens and students went to Detroit Saturday to sec the artist Rossi. Fred Stabler shipped tl ree steers to Europe Thursday that weighed 5,250 pounds. The pioneer society will hold tueir next meeting in Ypsilanti on the lst Thursday in June. Rev. J. C. Wortley was given a donation at the M. E. paraonage in Saline last evening. We had a very pleasaut cali Monday from Joe D. Miller of the Manchester En terprise. A canning and drying establishment is to be started in this city by the fruit growers. Annie Pixley will appear at the opera house to-morrow evening. The play i immense. Aid. Besimer, Dow and Fleming will scttle with D. L. Gales, who is indebted to the city. The Sophia Lyous matter was adjourned until Saturday when Judge Josliu wil! be present. The question of building a town hal in Manchester is being agitated by the Enterprise. -President Angelí is to deliver a lecture before the studenls' lecture association in university hall. The Piske university jubilee singer are to give a concert in thia city in the early part of April. Treasurer Schuh was unable to get hok of $727.22 and so returned that amoun of tax uncollectable. Tickets for Mrs. Livermoro's lecture Saturday evcning can be secureU u Watts' jcwelry store. At the last spring election Will J. Ilerd man, the temporáneo mcn's candidato for mayor.polled 433 votes. Mrs. J. T. Sunderland preached at the Uuiversalist church in Manchester, Sun day morninj and erening. A week froin neit Tuesday the annual meeting of the W. C. T. IL, will bc held in the Unitarian ckurcb. The Milán Sun has againchaDged ownership and the paper is now published bj Messrs. Smith & Putnam. Mrs. R. Ranny aged 95 years, mother of Mrs. J. Austin Scott, of this city, died Monday in Elizabeth, N. J. Public debate between the Jeffersonian and Webster societies nexl Monday evening in the law lecture room. Harlow H. Howe who has been Yisiting in Murpheysboro, 111., for the past four nionths, returned Saturday. Benj. Atchison and Miss Marieüe Bennctt of Salem were married Wednesday by the Rev. H. W. Brayton. The band boys were driven froin the court houe and now practice in the base ment of the Unitarian church. Business at the Cook house the past two weeks was ahead of anything ever kuown in the history of theJiotel. At the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Steele will deliver a discourse on the Mormon question. A brother of "Humpy" Hill of Berden county, carne to tuis city Friday and returned with him on the evcninj; train. The report of the city treasurer for January and February was read to the cuuncil Monday evening and accepted. . The Chicago World malíes the statement that Miss Annie Pixley is the best cotuedy actress on the American stage. The general term of couri will open next Monday. The jurors will be expected to be present one week trom then. D. F. Flynn has taken the contract to lay the foundation walls for a louse to be built for a Mr. Stickney in thesixth ward, There is to bu a conventiou of tbe Michigan tile, brick and drain association nexi Tuesday and Wednesday in Lansing. There will be no city greenback ticket nominated. The members of the party are so lew that they couldn'l poli ton volts. C. M. Clay Peters, sou of G. A. Peters of Scio,' gradúate lawclass '81, is travelling for a Milwaukee wholesale hat anrl tur house. The executive committeu oí tlie auricultural society wil! meet at the cuun house next Weiinesday to revise the premium list. The tiangsterfer eonfectionery coiapany have reufjd the vacant store, and also the room now occupied by Uie Courier biudery. City treasurer Bogardus of Ypsilanti, returced $568.64 uucoüected tax; W aller P. Howard, township treasurer of Salem, only 53 et. The infantdauguterof Thos. and Helen Worden, of Orange, Ionia counly, died Saturday at the residence of J. F. Bailev jO NorthSeld. Zacharias Roath lias been presented by Golden Rule lodge F. & A. M. with a $35 past masler's jewel. It was furnislied by B. F. Watts. The Psi Upsilon fraternity of tbis city entertained President White and Prof. Fiske, the millionaire of Cornell uniyersity,last week. Parties owning part-paid priroary school and swamp state lands, can pay their principal and interest at the county treasurer's office. The conventions will now soon be called. The republicans it is said will place a ticket in the field at least 10 days before election day. The residences of J. D. Baklwin and Dr. W. W. NichoJs and the university hospiul have been connected with the telephone exchange. And now the citizens living near tbs corner of Thayer and Ann streets would ike a gasoliue lamp to light their foot steps on dark nights. Judge Cooley is in Netr York, where ie will probably remain for sometime ad usting railroad differences between a number of companies. It would bave puzzled a person to bare lept track of the number of tramps i the custody of offlcers Tuesday. Thej did a land office business. The bare announcement that President Angelí is to lecture on China, in university hall this eveuing, should cail togelher an immense audience. F. Stofflet is the latest candidate for recorder on the citizens' ticket. He is ' a ütiff back, dyed in the wool, rampant republican tetnperance man. Robt. SDhilhng lectared in Ilangsterfer's hall last evening on the evils of monopoly. He ought to have been heard by every laboring man in the city. The coming spring election will doubtedly be red hot. Judging from present appearances there will be some terribly disappointed office seekers. Leonhard Gruner will sell at administrator's sale, the house and lot on Second Street belonging to the estáte of Sophia S. M. Wetzel, on Saturday, April 15. The eminent üaeedian, Thos. Keene, will appear in the Ypsilanti opera house this eveuing as Richard the Third. Several persons are going down from here. The city attoruey of Ypsilanti has been instructed by the council to commence suit against those parlies who ure selling liquor without ha ving; filed their bonds. On account of the sickness of Col. Sylvester Lamed, he was una'ole to be present at the temperance meeting Sunday, which was addressed by members of the club. To-morrow afternoon there will be held in the parlors of the Presbyterian church a unión praise ineetiDg of the woman's home and foreign missionary society. "The Coming Man" isMrs. Livermore's ideal and cleverest eflort of this worldrenowned lady. She stands peerless as a lecturer. Tickets at Wati's 35 and 50 cents. Those persons who persist in running over the grase in the court yard shoulc be arrested. It is a shame thc janitor permits them to do so. Oíd JeíT wouldn't allovv it. Two boys wbo luought it would bo a nice tlmig to go trampiog, were before justiee Winegar Baturday. Tbe bdys were hcld uiiül their f rieuda could be comiiiun icaleil wilh. J. Fred Slanderer, wlio has bcen eugag ed in business in Dexter for the past 1 years 8 coming back to this place to live His many Dexter friends regret tkat he ia to leave them. Last Friday Bishop Hanis and Gov Uuldwin of Detroit, President Angelí President White and Prof. Fiske o Coruell university,, were entertained bj Prof. Palmer. Jerry O'Brien is a candidato for recor der on the democratie ticket. When it is remembered thc ofüce is worth frum $400 to $G00 per year there in nothing like makiug a riffle for it. The latest persou we heard mentioned for tha mayoral yesteiday ou the democratie ticket was Moses Seabolt. It vrould be a wise selcction if he would only con sent to be a candidate. Frank Beaman of Marquette wko was arrested for breaking into the house occupied by the flagman at the railroad crossing on Detroit street, was senteneed to Ionia for Ihree months. Joseph Donnelly and 5o otlier citizens would like to have a cross walk laid from the south side of the court house to the opposite side of Hurou slrect. Tlieir wish ought to becomplied with. Real estáte in Ypsilanü has taken a boom, while more buildimgs arelo be put up this seasou thin tor the past several years. We are giad to note the thrift aud prosperity of our sister city. Sunday was'a most beautiful day, and the citizens and student were out in full 'orce. At least 3,000 persons visited the river while otlaers were out iiiri!j themselves in other portions of the city. The funeral of Mrs. C. Binder, mother of Chas. Binder, was held Saturday. The remains were depcsited in the vault, and removed Monday to Manchettc-r where Mrs. Binder f ormerly resided . B. W. Waite's team bioke through a )ridge in Scio last week. The horses were in the water half un hour before hey could be got out. The driver, Will Morrison, also met with a narrow escape. Enterprise: The common council cut hc marshal's bil) for a year's service from $180 down to $75. That's the price they )ay the clerk and the attorney. Who wouldn't be an office holder at these rices? Aa entertainment was giveu at the Uuiarian chuieh last evening by the young aeople's club, consisting of jubilee sonjs and recitations, and papers were read on plantation folk-lore and the ongin of negro inusic in the south. Eliza F. Willets, wifo of Richard O. Willets; Ann Arbor town, died Monday it ibe age of 55 years, 8 months and 24 days, of inflammation of the bowels. Funer this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the iouse ou the Dixboro road. The following places have been designated by the aldermen as the places where the board of registratioh will be held: First ward, Krapp's shop; second, A. Hutzel's store ; third, court house basement; fourth, M. Rogers' shop; flfth, firemen'shall; sixth, McDonald's store. At the charter electiou in Dexter Mouday the following officers were elected: President, C. S. Gregory; recorder, AVm. C. Clark; treasurer, H. C. Gregory ; trusteefi, Geo. S. Crampton, B. B. Williams, VVm. Warner; assessors, Geo. Sill, Geo. C. Page. The president and recorder are lemocrats. C. H. Richmond bas been appointed special administrator of the eslate of Thos. Earl, deceased. It was generally believed that Mr. Earl left a will, bilt on examination of the papers in the safe which was opened Tuesday, nothing of the kind was found. His estáte ia valueci at $16,000. The great trouble with contractor and builders just nów is to know where all he bnck is coming from to put up the many residences in contemplation. This b of course owing to the large amount of building to be done summer verywhere. It is thought brick will be worth 'rom $8 to $10 per thousand. The following officers hare been electeh by the Milan tent K. O. T. M. : Sir Kt. commander, Dr. Bessuc; L. C, R. B. Hall; R. H., A. B. Smith; F. K., Will II. Whitmarsh; S., lleury L. VanWormer; M.A., A. O. Kelly ; P., Geo. H. Gifford; lst M. of G., L. O. Hilchcock; 2d IM. of G., W. W. Shurtz; sentinel, Chas. H. Kelsey ; picket, H. A. Taylor. The Memphis Avalance in referriug to Miss Annie Pixley commented as follows: We have heretofore recorded our conviction of this gifted actress and pretty woman. In her line 6he is nonpareil, cgpibiniug the frolic and chic of Lotta with the archuess of Charlotte Thompson. We know no actress who could combine so much in this part as does Miss Pixley. Roeorder Douglas reports the condition of the financies of the city as follows: General f und, ou hand, $1,221.31; general street, on hand, $519.77; first ward, $449.04; second ward, $983.50; third ward, $105.73; fourth ward, $857.21; fifih ward, $165.88; sixth ward, $303.62; contingent fund, $2,159.87; cemetery, f und, $2.72; dog tax, overdraft, $7.20. The cuildren attending the third waid school who live east ofthe Toledo road, and who go and come on Miller avenue, have been late many times this winter on account of cars standing across the avenue. In some instances they have been compelled to await the pleasure of train men for half au hour at a time. It is an outrage, and the nuisance should be abated. Those persons who are the most enthusiastic in nomiuating a citizens' ticket, propose to cali a meeting of citizens irrespective of party, and in advanc of the other nominaling conventions. It is expected that the candidates will be indoreed by either the democrats or republicans, in which event they hope to elect some of their men. But in case there is no eudorsement they will go it alone. The spring series of teachers' examinations will be held as follows: Ypsilanti, March 29, in uaion school building; Ann Arbor, March 31, court house; Chelsea, April 5, union school building; Saline, April 7, union school building. For furtber accomuiodations of teachers tbe secretary will bc at his office in Iha court house, the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, until June 1, 1882. As our citizens will not have an opportunity of seeing the great tragedian Thos. W. Keeno, this season without going to Ypsilauti, we are pleased to announce tbat he will play this eveniug in the Ypsilanti opeia house. He will take the character of Richard the Thinl. Thost leaviug hero oa the afteruoou trains eau return at 11.17, thus having ampie time to witness the entertainment. Select your scals at Watts' jeweliy store. As to who shall be the democratie nom inees for aldernien from the different wards, is one just now interesting the people. Already the following candidates are menlioued: Thos. iiearns, Frank Ortinan. Michacl Fleming, G. F. Lutz, lliram Kitredge, and others to hear from. It my be that not one of the tnauy men lioued will be called upon to oceupy a seat in the counci!. The office is not a very desirable one, and yet gome men thiuk it is a big thing to b an alderman. Whew ! If gaining recall aftur recall at the close of every act be proof of success, then Mr. Thomas W. Keene may well count his first appearahce in Richard III. at the Boston theatre a triumph to be reraembered. It was indeed, a strong piece of acting says the Boston Globe. And the Boston Herald adds: Mr. T. W. Keene's second performance of Richard III., wis equally successful with the first, and won - and merited - an arnount of applause from the large audience piesent, which any theatrical star of the first magnitude might be proud of. Thirteen calis in one evening are a compliment worth havlng, and indícate the regard in .which Boston play-KOers hold ihis grand ood actor. It is well kuown that for somo time Mr. E. II. Hudson of the Cook home has had an eye on the St. James, and that Nelson Booth, half o-.vner, has been over anxious to have him tak the management. Saturday a lease of the pioperty was signed, and Monday morning Mr. Hudson stepped in as landlord. He has rented the St. James for one year with the privilege of two. Under his management the hotel xlil continue to flourish, and although he will have his kands full running bolh hotels, he is fully equal to the occasion. Mr. Woodard, the popular clerk of the St. Jarnes.will.continue in that position. Of Mr. Hudson's popularity Thb Dkmocrat bas before alluded. The annual reunión and banquet of the Phi Delta Phi society of the law department, at the St. James Friday evening was a grand affair. The committee on mvitalion was J. C. F. Bush, M. J. Ne)lank, Ausjtin Hawley : on reception, C. E. Pieice, E. F. Tierney, O. E. Sauter, C. E. Templ, H. W McArthur, C. P. Doolittle, R. B. Latham, C. D. Long, E. W. Parkhursl; on arrangements, E. F. Tierney, A. C. Denison, D. M. Alston, J. S. Heaton, H. M. Snow. After a merry greeting by the Phi Delta Phi quartette an address was delivered by Wm. P. Wells, of Detroit. L. F. Bartels offlciaed as toastmaster. The menu was fine, and Mr. Frank Kice, of the St. James, ully sustained his well koown reputation aa acaterer. The democratie city committee i& as 'ollows; First ward, Gottlob Luick; second, A. D. Besimer; third, P. Winegar; ounh, M. Fleming; rifth, F. Ortman; ixth, J. H. Stark. Ward committees: First, C. H. Richmond, J. F. Schuh; second, A. D. Besimer, J. Hoffstetter, P. HcKernan; third, Wm. Mclntyrc, P. Winegar; fourth.O. L. Spaffora, A. Kernper, Alex, McDonald; fifth, Frank Ort man; sixlh, J. H. Staik. There is no use waiting until the very last moment jefore calling the city convention. It is an injustiee to the candidatos whoever hey may be. All the democrits need do s to place an unexceptionable ticket in he field and it will command the unanmous support of the party, and can be elected. Will it be done? Quite a sensation was créate i Tuesday vening on account of the attempted hooting of Miss Fanuie Hobson.dauguter of the taxedermist, by S. A. D. Bycraft. t is Uleged he went to the young ady'& residence on West Hurou Btreet jetween 7 and 7 and 1-2 o'clock, and rang he bell. Miss Hobson answered the cali, nd as she opened the door Bycraft fired. ?he ball f rom the revolver utruck her in he forehead and glanced of. It was a very narrow escape. Bycraft was arrestd at bis father's residence and taken to ail. Yesterday he was brought before ustice Winegar, when he gavt bail in the urn of f 1,000 for bis appearance for eximitiatioii thi.s morning at 10 o'clock. ealousy is said to have been the cause of he shooting. Bycraft denies the charge iml wil! attempt to prove an alibi.


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