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Five deaths and ten new cases of finall pox were reported m Chicago íor Sunday last. The first car of through freigbt to New Orleans from San Francisco without breaking bulkhasanivod. Itwas fonrteen and a half daj-8 en route. A tubular boiler of eighty horse power in Shumway fe Co.'s iron works, Chicago, exploded just before the uien arrived to begin work. ThU8 loss of life was averled. The boilerhouse was deinolished and the raain building badly shattered. A heavy rain and wind in New York city caused the walls of a new building on 128th 8treet to fall, and a daughter 19 yearfs of age of Wm. Jarvis was killed. Judge Van Zile has been renominattd as trict attorney for Utah. Mr. Saigeant, the new minister to Berlin,has been banquetea. Ex-Senator Conkling's confirmation is looked for but it is expected there will be some discussion and opposition. It is stated thattheappointmentof President Hinsdale of Hiram college to a foreign ministry is under consideration by President Arthur. The circuit court, Chicago, decides that the banking firm of Preston, Kean & Co. of Chicago, are liafce to taxation for their personal funds invested in their bank. News from the Wisconsin lumber districts is very discouraging, on account of the warm weather. Logging has been suspended. Secretary Hunt wanU congress to appropriate $86,000 to detray the expenses of the obseivation of the transit of Venus in 1888. In the sult of P. T. Babbitt, seeking to restrain the Mutual Union telegraph company fiom issuing certain stock, the court refused his application to have the cffices of the company examined or to compel the production of the oompany's contracis in court. The supposed object of Mr. Babbitt in making the applicaüon wa9 to get au insight lnto the company's business to which he is a representativo of a rival interest Great loss of property and Bome ives is reported srom the breaking of Miseissippi levees. Befugees from theflooded districtsare arriving at Memphis in large numbers. The wreek of the Boliver levee brings damage to the levee alone of over $160,000. The senate confirmed Roscoe Conkling aasociate jueüce of the United Staten supreme court, and Aaron A. Sargent minister to Germany. The vote on Mr. Conkling'a conflrmation is unders tood to have been 39 yeas against 12 nays; eight demócrata and four republicana The MisBissippi Senate hopes to put a stop to discrimination in freightrates by imposing a privilege tax on railroadB that permit it The attempt to bridge the Thames riverat New-London will lail in the Conneeticut Legelature. The wife of Justice Harían is critically ïll in Washington. Her ohildren are all with her. The Bev. Eiward E. Hale will soon sail ?or Europe, going to Spain with his artist daughter, who intends to copy Bome choice vaintings. The president and people of the United States have sent congratulations to her majesty in having been providentially protected f rom the assassin. A Chicago lady has saed an undertaker for $5,000 (lamages for burying her infant, who diedof small-pox,inarough pine box worth $1, when she had paid him $25 for a coffin. Mt Washington has jast been vlsited by a hurricane, the wind blowing regnlarly at 120 miles an hour and by gusts at 150 miles. It is announced that Masón will be sentenced to three years imprisonment at Leavenworth, Kan., for shooting at Guiteau. In a bar room fight on the eteamer "Gen. Lythe," H. H. Bishop, ason of ex-Gev. Bishop, of Ohio, shot Lerey Hart, of rtttsburg. Hart's arms and shoulders were badly injured. A laad slide at Troy, N. Y., delayed traína J and moved a house. Another at Cohoes, covered the track of the New York Central road for several hundred feet and caused a blockade. The railway track for three miles between Bordentown, N. J., and Trenton, is covered with water, and there are no trains that way for New York. H. G. Dun & Co. of the Mercan tile Agency report 131 failures last week. A Helena, Ark., paper states tbat the floods will set that country back five yeare. Great excitement prevails in San Francisco over the report that, anticipating a stringent anti-Chinese emigration' bil 1, there would be an enormous influx of Chinese to tliis country witkiu the next few weeks. A loss of $20,000 is reported from the burnlng of the Guthrie county conrt house. Dead Shot, l)andy Jim and Skippy, three Iudian scouts, were hanged at Fort Grant, Arizona, last week. Proposals for mail service on 3,000 star routes have been acceptod by the postoffice department, with bids aggregating $4,000,000. Senator Conkling declines the supreme jueticesbip and the president has made the anno uuce in ent that Mr. Clarence H. Seward will be noininated for the place. The final scores in the six days pedestrain in New York city were as follows: Hazael, 600 üesandone lap; Fitzgerald, 577 miles; Noremac, 555; Hart, 542 and two laps: Hughes 535; Sallivan, 525. The poBtoffice at Valley Mills, Bosque county, Texag, and nine other buildings have been demolished by a cyelone, and all the stamps destroyed. Senator Morrill of the finanee committee reports adver?ely on the bill to permit the paymentof customs duties in legal tender notes. The supreme court holds in the "sugar case" that the dutiable quantity of sugars dependa on their color and not on their saccharine strength. Financial circles of Boston are disturbed by the suspension of the banking house of Chas. A. Sweet & Co. Liabilitles nearly $8,000,000. A $20,000 statue la to beerected In ton to the nieinory of Chief Justice Marehall' Hazael, the winner in the New York walkiog match, received n ridmg-whip mounted with diamonde. The f 80,000 gate mony is to te divided among the bIx competitors. A department of indiiStries is proposed, with the two divisions of agricultura and commerce, the head t f the department to be a cabinet offlcer. Senators frcin the far wett deeired the final disposelof the Chinese immigratiou bill on the 6tb, but dld not efftct their wishes. The measure is receiving seriom and frank discusion.r Senator Edmunds has been offered an appointment to the supreme btnch but does not want it The Ohio supreme court declares illegal the attempted cnneolidation of the rallroads under the name ol the Ohio railway company. Tbis decisión is pleasing to Jewett but nnwelcome to Vanderbilt. Great interest are inyolyed. A fire in Oberlin, O., destroyed f50,000 werth of property, one building was a drug store where liquors weresold greatly to the annoyaBCi of prohibitionists.


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