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Ann Arbor will Bubuiit lo vote of the poopie t they desire a $20,000 city hall and engine house. I The little two-year oíd daughter oí A..1 . Hrown of the Toledo & Bay City ralltoad. Bast Tawas, haa just died after oight hours oí intense euffering from being scalded. Mre. Brown had but a few inoments before taken the Uttle one trom the talie, and had gone after a cookie which Iho child wanted, when returnin ehe toand that the child had lallen backward into a pail of scalding water witn wlnch Mrs, Brown waB mopping the floor. Chas. Cannon of Deerfield recently shot by C. Colbath is in a fair way to recover. The criminal has been arrested and in default ot j 8,000 bail haB been sent to jail.1 Theetock held by ttie Wateon estáte in the Chas publisbing compauy, at Toledo, has been purchased by Alexander V. Hamilton ot Ann Arbor. It ís nUo understood tbat Dr. A. W. Chase has Eold hls ïoyalty in the Chase receipt boolr. The residence of Mp. M. S. Fox, Detroit, was robbed on the evening ot the 8th oISl,'W worth of jewelry and wearing appare!. Jeremiah Godfrey, one of the pioneer residente of Detroit, died on the 9tb, He accumulated a laige property and held various official peuitions in the city government. Jas. Bemif, fort Hurón, has been Eentenced to four years in the Jackson states prison for abducting Augusta Suiith. Michigan dogs captured soine of the pnzee at the sreat bench show in Pittsburg. ] Navigatioñ te opened between Alpena and Bayjcny.anathe tug Winslow of Drtroit paBsed Cheboygan onthe9th Lound for ManístUMre. Hickok wife oí the late Capt. Jas. Hickot, of Charlotte, took adose of morphme by mistake whtoh it is feared wffl prove.fa taL öeo. Besoemar, Jr., of Nileswas throvm fren a horee with such forcé that he died in a 'TÍpOTtTfrein 200pointB in Michigan, ehow I over 1 500,000 bushels of wheat in elevatore iludwarehouses;S8,000buehel8Of corn and liS 000 buBhelB ol oate, and tUe general cundí tion of th wheat erop on the ground The Port Hurón and northwestwn depot at Mindeu (fire district) has been agaln destroyed by fire with larga amount of merchan"wm McCJaa of I.ansing while couplicg care on the D. L. & N. K. B. at Mecosta was killed on the !th inst. TheMaBonB have just dedicated a most beautiful hall at Charlotte. The suite embraces 12 rooms. Three cottages well filled with girls under disciple at Btate reform school Adrián, are nowlnrunntaK order. The several teachers and matrons are: Miss L. Johnson, Saginaw;Grace Bradley, Three Oaks; Miss H. Leaver, Mrs. Bush, Lansing; Miss F. Hall, FUnt; Miss Massie, Adrián. Dr. Ban'l Todd is thesuperintendingpbysician. Mr Charlea oL StJohnshasa poplar stick around which ie coiled the skeleton of a snake, with tbs wood grown nearly over it. He wm 3end it to the Detroit rauaeum. On Monday afternoon Mr. Sweetl and, a paüent at the Kalamazoo inBane asylum, was walking out ia charge of attendants, wuen he made a break and ran away. He has not yet been recaptured. His honie is in Clinton connty and he is a finely educated man. His insanity ia of a mild type and he has not been regardeddangerous save under the influence of liquor. In this condition he was regarded a lunaiic to be feared. Thetug Winslow backed out before reaching Manistique and is trying to ükip trom the ice and get to Maekinaw doek. The Algomah was agalu tast in the ice on tho 9ih. The special se-sion of the legislature closed onthellthmst. Co!. P. W. Nortis late superintendent of the national Yellowstone Park, has a document for consideration before the U. S. eenate asking for compenBation lor expentes incurred and services renderedfroni 1877 to 1878. When Mr. Norria was Srst appointed there was no appropriation provided to meet any expenses, and no specified salary, but in July 1878 he was reappcinted at a salar of $1,500 a year, provided for by aa appropriation made by congrees, and Mr. Norris now petitions that he be compenuated for the fourteen months precediüg bis appointinent at the same rate. In bis petition Mr. Norris urges upon congress an early appropriation for what he claims, as his financial circumstances imperatively require its payment. He further states that from an accident while on duty at the park, "caused by a bucking" horse, he received injurie from which he will probably never recover. To the amonnt of $1,805 57 is appended a bilí of $1,374 83 of expenses incurred for board, etc, making a total claim of $3,180 41. A woman in Muskegon feil down a 60-foot well and will recover, having sustained only teiuporary in jury. Midland expects to start a hoop factory. Caro bas sabecribed orer $1,000 to .secure the next Tusoola county fair. Col. John L. Burleigb it is siid will abandon newspaper work and go on the stage as a performer of Shakesperean characters. He has already appearcd in a nuinber of Michigan cities. The fathers in Birroingham are not pleased that a billiard room has recently been opened in that orderly town. Oroul Bros. of Detroit have just made the largest leathflr belt ever used in Michigan, which is to coavey power to rollers used f or pressing steel at a low heat in the Detroit Stee Worke, at tha Grand Trunk Junction. It is ninety-six feet in lengtb, three feet wide, and consisto of two thlckneases of the best steere' hide. It contains the covering of fifty-two steere, selected f rom 300 of the best that could be f ound. None of the bidés used weighed less than eighty pounds. Mrs. H. Norton of Pokagon, died suddenly of heart disoaae at Niies, where she had gone shopping. Fair sleighing is reported at East Tawas, but there is no ice in the bay and boats are running regularly to Alpena. Atwood Hillyerof the state reform school f or girls, Adrián, has resigned his position. His dnties to be performed by the matron, Mise Hall. The treasurer of Hampton towaship, Bay Co ., 8 reported f900 short ín bis account. A report that a son of Gov. CroBwell is under arrest tor highway robbery in California is deuied, although it is said the young man has imbibed the wild Ufe of the groat wflflt to aremarkable degree. Cornnna is excüed over another atterapt at üwosso to secure the county seat. The resolutlons passed Dy the Michigan logielature have been reported to both houses of congrese. A report on the present condition and needed improvement of New Buffalo harbor, Michigan, has been submitted to the house of representativos by the secretary of war. Total estiniated cost of suggested improvement, $150,000. Thethlef who robbed Mrs. Fox of Detroit of eome 1,600 valuables, has been caught and will donbtles serve a term at Jackson. He b a Gorman young man named Yanders. A f6,000 Cre is reported in the village of Crystal Lake, ncar Stanton. Vernior's store and throe other buildings were dostroyed. Detroit postmasters wlll probably have more help hereafter, Mr. Lord havlng secured an additional allowance of f6,000 per nnum for the current expenses of the Detroit office. Kalainazoo, Jackson and Detroit are anxious to ecure the next state fair. The Detroit board of trade has elected John K. Molver oecretary and treasnrer. Col. FitaaimmoBS of the Tecumseh broken bank, gives place to a succsBsor as commander of the first regiment state troops. Eleven car loadg of horees nnd Uousehold Loods left Oassopolis Ibis week for Dakota. Many.oí thosagoing go to stay;othersare leay1 ing eood taras nnd ara going as speculatcra. Cclbatb, for shooting Cannon at Deeifield.b bound over to appear for trial in tho circuit. I court. Iq default of 8,000 bail he is etill in It ís estimated that the log erop of Muskegon vallej wlll fall short.about 200,000,000 feet thin Boason in conBequence of a great lackof snow. I Fred Twist lost on the F. & P. M. raüI roal by belng crushed between two cara at Hol ly. John Minoclr, tor the killlnc ot Jas. Carr at Bedford, has been acquitted on the ground of insanity, and wlll be taken to Ihe Kalamazoo iDBanewylum. SinceOctober.Jobn W.Barryof Jaclsonhas purchased and shipped 7,000 buuhels of clover 9ed . Other buyers have handled correspondInaly large quantities. A wild deer bas wintered in the woods near Fenton.


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