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Sidney Dillon has been re-electea preB.ueut , oí the board of directora of the Union Pacific raUroad. The annual report shows CinctaBati pork on the d.cllne, otber cities coming to the front in this industry. It has been decided judicially at Montreal that the funds of the Globe mutual Insurance coinpany in Canada, plus $100,000 deposited with the Canadian govarninent, can be used i wholly for the benefit of policy holders in the Dominion. An infant child of the late Chiuese professor, Kn Kun Hua. died at Cheyenne, Wy., while the family were on their way to China. Mr. Conger prevented the reference of the WU lor a commission on the alcoholic Üauor trafflcto the finance committee ol the.senate, and the useasure rematas before the Benate tor future consideration. A bilí is to be presentea in oongress whlch imposes a tax of 100 upon every glucoBe I manufacturer and dealer in the United State and a tax of 10 cents on each ponnd of glucose in solid torin and 1 on each gallón in uqum form. Western representaüves ol the glucof industry are in Washington and have oflered argumenta in opposiüon to thebill belore the couimittee. Senator Edmunds it w reportad was not pleased to bé nominated Bíter Conkling. He would probably have accepted f invited firet and may decide to accept yet. Win. E. Chandler expects to be nomimited Secretary of the N&vy Telegraphic reporto indícate that Senator Ben HM is not as well and fears are entertained that he wlll not recover. A frame house in Fcrt Wayne, Iod , in processof onnstruetioD, was blown down in the I galeof Thursday last and four men working on it were hurt. JohnDavif, father of theowner, vsascrushed to deatb, another man suffered broken bones. , Brady f the Star ront businesp, ïsheia in f20,000 batl. The bail in the remainder of the cases was fixed in saus ranging f rom f 1,000 to 5,000. Tbere is a "woinan in the case" alsoheldinbail. . I Director Stephen H.Condict, of ti e Mechanica National bank, Newark, has been arrested on a civil euit brought by Receiver Frelinghuysen, bail being fixed at 260,000. The charge is that Condict had knowledge of the situation of the bank, and that he personally profiUed by eenling such inforinauon. A cotton mlll in Montgoinery, Ala., with a capacity of 1,500 balee, commenced work this week. A lively time was experienced in the New York postofflee the other day, bi a lizard from a Jamaica mail batr, makinit ito appearance on the stamping table. The Committee on TerritorieB report favorably a bilí lor the admission of Washington Territoir as a State. The popnlation cl the State Ib OTer 75,000. Señor Romero, special envoy of the Mexican öoverninent, is in Washington to confor with Secretary Frolinghuysen relativa to a treaty of reciurocity between this country and Mexico. The Hennepin Canal bilí has boen Introducid into the Senate ssking an appropriatton of $ 1,000,000 for this project During the monthof February there were 103 deaths trom small-pox in Ohieago. Gen. Lee's heirs are pressiug their claim ior the recovery of the Arlington estáte. Sereral pension bilis were passed ia Washington at the night sessioa Jt'riday, lOth. Misslssippi valley enflerers petition congress for more aid. The star roat eonspirators have f urnished bail. There is probability Üiat Senator Edinunds will reeonsider and finall ƒ accept the office of asBociate juetice. Business failuros ia the United States iu the past seven dayp, 143 in number are au increase of 15 over the number for the preceding week. It is stated that a bilí for the reduction of dternal revenue taxes on whiskj and tobáceo has been agrecd to by the ways and means cominittee. The Senate has confirmed S. M. Cutcheon, United Statea attorney for the eastein district of Michigan; Rnlus Ingallï, quarterinastor general ót the anny. The tarifl commission bill is the first on the docket U. S. senate lor Monday morning. A eteam pipe on the, "Sidney," Ohio river sealded to death three persons. Several others were gerionsly burned. The Vanee flour milis at Veuiee, 111 , burn at a Iobs of $30,000. A $40,000 fire oceurred in the Aiken's block, Worcester, Mass. Two minera lost their live in ïiahanoy City colliery by the gangway not being properly timbered. The superintendent was held in court as roaponsible, with recommendation to mrcy. The Fourtti National Bank oí New York, has lost $70,000 by It. H. Cromwel!, a defaulting clerk. The Vicksburg, Miss., Herald expresses the opinión that in spite of the overflow a good cotton erop wiU be raised. The floods will enrieh the land and increase the crops, and are in that respect beneficial. The Utah legislatura ha just closed. There was ataeit recognition of the lactthat the üay oí polygamous legislaüon has forever passed, and the final adieus to the halls where ior twenty-flve sessions they have held coinparatively undistur!ed sway were not without a certain dignity and pathos. Down to the passage by the Senate of the Bdmunds bil), the Legislatare was disposed to tieat lightly all attempts at interference either by Congress or the government. Since that they hsve become aware that a crisis in their history is upon them and the younger monogamous element weuld probably have met it by concession had not th older and polygamous element determined to stand on what they deern their rights, whatever the consequences. Sergeant Masón, for Bhooting at Guiteau ha8 been sentenced to eight years imprisonment The true Indian policy- and it is favored by Secretary Kirkwood - is not raid and robbery by the whites- but for the Indiana, hornee, educatioD, protoction and responsibility to law. Debat on the tarifl question has begun in the U.S. Senate. J. H. Stev'en has been confirined aa pay director of the navy. Labor strikes with BeriouB trouble imminent continue at Omaha, Pittsburg and Milwau - kee. The Detroit and Cleveland steauiers are out, henee navigatiou may be said to be open on the lower lakes. Letters trom Messrs. Conkling and Edinunds decliuing the justiceship are made public. Petitions for the unconditional pardon of Srg. Mason are receiving ready signatures. The new nomiüations of President Aithur aro Judgtí Samuel Blatclifntd of New York, to be I aBBOCiate jusüce of the suprema court; John j Ruesel Young, ministor to (Jhiua. A $99,090 fireis reported at Biddleford, Me; ] $K0,0O0 ftt W.nnepeg; $05,000 at the rolling inilie, New Bloomüeld, Pa; $ 6t,000 at Ht. Louis. I Mo.. and f 30,000 at Janesville, Wis. Ira Holmes a well kuown Chicago rea! eetate aan wasrobbed last Thursday ol $42,000 I in n6gotiat)lo secnrities. The matter was kept qniet, tbe thieye?, who prove lo betbree I notorious crook=, were arreste;!, and the I entire amount was.recovered. Aíter uprotracted aud heated discQWioD.the honse of representativos paesed toe Edinunás I antípolygainy bilí as it carne Irom the pénate. The house has begun the consideration ol the substituto bilí to restrict and regúlate the I immigration oí Chinese. Lieut MellTille of Jeannette arctic expedition writes to his wife that he has no hope ol finding his lost comrAdes alive. Jay üould propoBes to prosecute those who have soughtto defame him and destroy his credit. Alleged abuses ia the inauageinent of the soldier' home at thenational capital re belng inTestigated. Jas. GoMon Bunnett cables Secretar Hunt from Paris that the steainei Lena ha been placed at the disposal cf Lisut Harber to use in the Jeaunotte aeareh.


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Ann Arbor Democrat