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Mareli 8.- In the Senate Mr. Garlacd i duced a blll ior the construclioD, coinpletion i repahlng and presurvation of the levees on the Mississippi Hiver. Temporal ily tablcd, subject to his cali. Mr. JackBon reported the original bilí nppropriafiDK $25,000 toconüauethe improTements of Memphis Harbor, Tenn. The bUl for a commlsBioa on the alcoholic liquor Uaffieeameupand Mr. Bayard'u motion to mrnt. it to the Finance Committeo waa jected, yeas 19, nays 28. The Chinese bilí was thon proceeded with and Mr. Platt (Rep., Conn.) spoke in oppositio. The measure was objectionable to him as a race legislation and i as striking at the natural right of men to labor. A vote was then ordered upon Mr. Ingalls' amendwent limitíng the suspension of tne coming of Chinese laboréis to ten yearu. The amendment was defeated on a tle vote- yeas, 23; naye, 23. The debate was resuaied and ] continued to the hour of adjoumment. In the House Mr. Harria reported the bilí I authorizing the construction of veesels of war for a navy of the United State. Committee of the whole. Mr. Haskell moved tht the House proceed to consideration of the business on the SpeaSer's table, stating his object was to take np the Senste Anti Polygainy bil!. Agreed to. The biil authorizinR the purchase of theFieedmau's Bauk at Washington and appropriating $250,000 therefor, was passd. The Senate biU was passed direcüng ttie Secietary of War to pay over to 6ociety of the Ariny of the Cuinberland 7,500 to aid the ei-eotion of a statue or monument to Gen. James A. Garfield. Maren 9- In the BenRte tbe cbair presented a commnnieaticn from the cavy departmeut with the craft oí a HU tccommending an increaee of 500 enlistad men in the naval service. Ad amendment to the bilí providing for a commission on the alcoholic liquor traffic waa adopteü, providing that not more than three commisüioners should belong to the same political party, or advócale of prohibltion The Chinese bill was taken op. Mr. Hawley urged ed that the measure was contrary to the principies ol American legislation. Mr. Jones replied to Mr. Hoar, arguin that the provisions of the bill were not in violattoa of American I ideae, and were necesaary to the welfare of the Pacific etates. Various ameudmento were propoeed and discussed by Meeisrs. Hawioy, Shormar,, Miller, Edmandp, Brown and Butler, when the vote was taken and the final passage of the bl!, stood, yeas 2% nays 15. In the house the following lilis were favorably roported from the coinmittees: To ereet timo baila at various porte; to eatabliah a niarina hospital at Clncinnati; providing for the cancellation of stampa on tobáceo exported by i-ail;toestabliBhau international cominifision on marine signáis; inereasing the pay of offlcers of the army aftr 15 years seivice in the same grade; grantinR the nse of tente to the grand army of the republic at tbe Gsttysburg celelration;fortheadm63ion of Washington territory as state; directing that all public buildings sLall bo constructed of materials found in the state in wbich they aro elected. The House vont into coimnittee on the Agricnltural Appropriation bill. Mr. Hoar antagonized the position taken by Mr. Turner in bis apeechindenunciation of a protective tanfl, that tke farmer loat by a high tarifl, and supportedthenegative of that propoaition. The bill was discussed by Meesrs. Holman, Hazeltine, Burrows and Dunne), and afteramendments, the coir.mittee finally rose, reported the bilí to the House and it paesed, Mrch 10.- In tbe Senate Mr. Vost offered a resolution directing the Secretary cf War to use Bt6amer8 and other vessels belonging to or now employed by the goyerninent on the MisBissippi and it tributaries in the transportation of the rationa and suppliea furnished thesuflerers by the recent overflow, and proïiding for the necessary expenses thereof. Passed. Mr. Dawes reporied back the Fortification Appropriation bill without amendment. The bill for the .inmission on the alcoholic liquor trafflo carne up and was discussed upon the pending ainendmeuL Mr. Bayard said the euppresston of alcoholic stimalants would increase the use of opiates and drugB. He moved an amendment to includa an incjuiry on thls point ameng the others lo be assigned to the commission Mr. Bayard's amendinent waa lost by a paity vote, and the bill was then reported to the senate trom the committee of the whole and the number of the eommission fixed at seven-in order that diverse sentiments on the temporánea issue might be sufflciently represente!, and the time within whieh the commission shall report fixed at eighteen montks. The biH was then passed - ajes 3Í, noes 14. ín the House, the Speaker presentid inemorials, eigned Beparately by younc men, young ladiee, women and men of ütab, asking for the J suspensión of further action on all bilis relating toütah and for the appointment of a com mission of honorable and unprejudioed men and women to inQuireinto agd determine upon the state of affaire in that territory. In committee of the whole Uie bill for the relief of a P. Chateau gave rise to some discusBion, pending whioh the committee roso informally, and the House passed the Senate joint resolutlon anthorizine the Secretary of V?ar to use govemment vessels for t!ie transportation anddistributlon of the ratlons f umished by the United States to the sufferers by the Mississippl river overflow. At the night session 77 pension blus paseed. Maren 13.- In the senate the following bilis werereported: To provide lor the allotment of lands in severalty to Indiana, and to extend to Indians the protecti n of the laws of ttw States and Territorios. Calendar. For the erection of a public building at Hot SpriDgs, Ark. Calendar. For the appointment of a cominittee on public expenditures, to cousist of Beven senators. Calendar. Mr. Walker roportsd fioni the committee on public lands a bilí to (ïuiet titles to cartaln lands in Ihe Upper Península of Michigan granted to aid in the construction of a railroad frorn Ontonagon to the Wiscousin state line. Calendar. In the House the Speaker annonnoed as the Belect committee on woman suffrage, Mess. Carcp, White, Sherwood, Stone," Hepburn, Springer, Vunce, Muldrow, and Shackieford. The Speaker presenteii a memorial of the legislativo aseemblí of Utah asking congress to Bospend action upon Utah affaire until by the committoe investigation the facts are learned and a tangible foundation laid forrational proceedings. Referred. Mesara. Lord and Laoey offered a concurrent resolution of the legislature of Michigan relstWe to polygamy. A biD to establish a railway bridge cross the MissisBippi.betweeu Wabaeha aad a polotbelow the mouth of the Cliippewa river, Wisconsin, wa passd. Match 11.- Tho house met ü) contiauance of 1 i Mondaj's seeaion. The speaker annonnccd as I uuflnished business the consideration of the I I anti-Polygamy bill, and tho pending qufsüon ] to be on seconditíg the demand for the preI yíous question ou thb third readlug of the bill. I Mr. Regaa appealed to Mr. Haskell to allow aD I opportunity for oflering amendmonts. A long discussion of the bilí and various amenamente I tollowed, after which th bill, exaotiy in the I shap in whicli it came fromtheienate.passed, I [ ya 189, nays Í2. The seuate took up the postal appropriation 1 liill and discussed atnendraents to the housa 1 proTision, which ia that wheneyer a Star route I contracto! sublets a contract, at a profit, the department inay arrest it and make a new ] contraet with thesubcontractorfortheaanuai pay given hini by bis employer. The senate committee makes this apply only to contracta i hereaíter made, and allowB the postmastergeneral to make the transfer at bis diecretion. Without action, theBenateadjoumed.


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Ann Arbor Democrat