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Víctor Hugo lias issued a protest agalüBt the I eentence passed on the Nihilist at St I burg. on the ground tliat clvilization ought to I interiore. King Milán issues a coagratulatory I mation on the elevation of Servia from a prlncipality to a kíriRdom. It is understood now that Skobcloffs diary reinarles were uttered in accordance with a previous undoratanding between bim and I Ignatiefl. Minister Lo well believes that natural citizens j ot üie United States, if doinieiled ia proclaiined districts of Ireland, cannot be exempted ] (rem the operations of the coerción aet. European stocks is reported to have taken a sudden tumble, owing to prolability of war fce tween llussia and Germany. lluevan nihilista have issued a declaration that if the condomned assoeiates are pcnished I they will avenge their deaths. Mr. Trescott, appoiated by Mr. Blaine to negotiate a peace between Chili and Peru, has I taken au important step in the right direction. C.hili agrees to sign a protocol to serva as treaty of peace it Trescott can ficd a Peruvian I ernment who will Biga it within ninety days Claims of citizens of the United States ana'.nst tho government of Nicaragua amount to several million dollara. For their ad]iwtment President Arthur is requeetod to arrange I with Nicaragua for a convHtion to oonsider "unadjusted claims." The Archduke of Austria was severely injured by his horse falling and rolling upon hiin. Fear existe in Constentinople official circles that war between Ruraia and Austria is inevitable. Tha Question of calling out the reserves is diacussed, The charge ag.iiujt MicLua, the asaailant of Queen Victoria, is high treasoa; detente, iusanitj-. Tho FroDCh acuate bas just discutsed cotnpuleory ptiinary educaticn, and rejected an Rmond inent by Jules Simou, lequiiing scboolmasters to teaoh pupilB duty towaid God nnd country. This amendment was-voted by tbe senate before last eenatoriBl elteUen, tttt rejected by the Dcpaties. The Mexican press ar igoouíiy (ienouncing Uie iraportaüon cl negro laboréis fot railway work. Sko'.'IoiI saya he is sorry, be had ld Uea of becoiir'!!: a siulitieal agitator. At a couticiiof Austria and Hungaiian ministers, the minister ol war announces the complete Austrian occupation ol Crivoscie, and does not anticípate tlie withdrawa! of troops soon. i'ortifications on the frontier, cosüng 1,500,000 florins, would be reqnired. An extraordinary meeting of delegations wil! be summoned for April. At a meeting of the Social Democratie Club of London to commemorate what they desígnate the glorious exesution of the Czar ! ander IL, resolutions weie passad thanking those who were instraments in the ment of the deed. The Czar visited his father'u tomb thiB week and droTe ia an open camage to the chapel, tho scène of the rourder. The Czw and Empresa prayed there and then drove to the Winter palace. The Secretary of SUte for War, Great Britain, In moving the "aruiy ,'estiaiates states that the cost of the ariny in 1882 would be L15,500,000 for 132,935 men. Six mass meetings were held at BerÜDSundayto protest against the Tobacco Monopoly bilí. Fifteen thousand people attended .


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat