Real Estate Transfers

Tlie füllowing are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, March 15 : WABItANTY DEEiS. Jno. Wal lace to Wm. A. Fisli, 165 acres sec 7 Lynaon, $4,500. Abram Filkius to las. M, 3weeting and D. B. Northrop, 20 acres sec 36, Superior, $600. Milton Reynolds to Jacob Lulz, 4 acres sec 22 and 28 Saline, $200. Wm Bush to G. J. Pease, 15 1-20 acres Ann Arbor town, $1,500. Jeremiah Lawton to Lyman Wright, lot in Dexter village, $300. John Bebb to Levi (Jhumberlaiu, property in Ypsilanti, $40. Pounlain Watling to Berry Watling, 80 acres sec 20 Ypsilanti, $2,000. John Kuehl to John Kuehl, land in sec 17, Freedum, $2,000. Lewis Kluneuiger to Conrad Voyt, 70 acres sec 4 Lima, $5,500. Russel Mills to Annie Wood, property in Saline village, $300. Richard Snell to Michael Weinman, 40 acres sec 2 Lima, $2,150. Jno. Logan to Wm. Burtless, 40 acres gec 16 Manchester, $1,000. Ruinl Mills to Mary Batey lot in Saline $500. John George Richert to John Jacob Richert. 5 acres sec 32 Scio, $300. Edward C. Comeskey to Daniel Maroney, 20 acres sec 16 Norlhfleld, $340. George Kirkpaugh to l'eter S. Waldro 120 acres sec 36 Manchester, $9,000. David Rockwell to Frederick Weidemyer, 40 and 1-2 acres sec 31 Lima, $3,400. William Emerkk to George D. YTiard, 129 acres sec 12 Ypsilanti, $7,710. George D. Wiard to Edwin Vorce, 80 acres sec 12 Ypsilanti, $4,200. Parmenio Davis to Wm. Nelson, 40 acres sec 31, Lima, $3,400. FraDk Wood to Seilick Wood, lot in Ann Arbor, $500. Lydia A. Clark to Warren Kimble, property in Manchester village, $600. Maria B. Field to the trustees of the M. E. church of Dexter, lot in Dexter, $900. Isaac T. Braman to Wm. II. Warren land in York $5,000, Albert F. Vanalta to Eugene Donovan, land in sec 12 Northrield, $3,100.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
John Wallace
William A. Fish
Abram Filkins
James M. Sweeting
D. B. Northrop
Milton Reynolds
Jacob Lutz
William Bush
G. J. Pease
Jeremiah Lawton
Lyman Wright
John Bebb
Levi Chamberlain
Fountain Watling
Berry Watling
John Kuehl
Lewis Kluneinger
Conrad Voyt
Russell Mills
Annie Wood
Richards Snell
Michael Weinmann
John Logan
William Burtless
Ruinl Mills
Mary Batey
John George Richert
John Jacob Richert
Edward C. Comeskey
Caniel Maroney
George Kirkpaugh
Peter S. Waldron
David Rockwell
Frederick Weidemeyer
William Emerick
George D. Wiard
Edwin Vorce
Parmenio Davis
Dr. Parmenio Davis
William Nelson
Frank Wood
Sellick Wood
Lydia A. Clark
Warren Kimble
Maria B. Field
Isaac T. Braman
William H. Warren
Albert F. Vannatta
Eugene Donovan