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Sterling: & Co!, of Toledo Are offering at very low prices RARE and CHOICE patterns in all grades of CAR PETINO. They can show the new designs and colorings in BODY BRUSSELS ! TAPESTRIES ! AND INGRAIKS1 In WALL PAPER they. have some elegant novelties of English Importation. In DRAPERIES and LACE CÜRTAINS they cannot be excelled and their prices are exceptionally low. STERLINO & CO., KW and 198 Summlt St. Successors to Baker. Sterling & Co. C. M orlein's CELEBRATED Cincinnati Lapr The Best in the World ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! It wil] provo a vcritable Fountain of Health to all Dyspeptics. It is made at the Largest Brewery but one in the World. On Draught Always fresh and spark'ling at George Clarken's Sample Rooms, Opposite the Court House. JUST RECEÍVED FROM THE Niágara Falls Brewini Co. Of Xiagara Falls, New York, Tb Best Lapr Ever manufactured in the United States. Far superior to either Cincinnati or Milwaukee Beer. You will find this beer ALWAYS ON DRAUCHT AT HENRY BXrSTDEIfc'S, NO. 50, SOUTH MAIN STREET. Cali and test it and satisfy yourself. Respectfully, HENRY B I ND E R . Watches and Jewelry ! J. Hier! Si, 46 Soutk Main Street, Dealcis in the Leading AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Silver Cases, in Stem and Key Winding, Manufaetured by the Leading Watch Companies. GOLD WATCH CHAINS ! Of Standard Quality and Yarions Patterns. A Large and Complete Assortment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinss, BraceletsFinger Rings, And Studs. Silver Platefl Ware, From the Most Reliable Manufacturers at Bottom Prices. The Repairiug of Fine Watches is in Charge of Competent and Skilied Workmen, at Fair Prices. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. SISCOVEBER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positivo Cure For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifles, consista of Vegetable Propertios that are harmless to the most delicate lnvftlid, Vpon one trial the merits of thU Compound will bo reeognized, as relief is immedJate ; and when lts use Is continued, Ín ninety-nlne cases ia a hun. dred, apermaiientcureiseLFected,asthousand will testlfy. On account of its proven merits, it is to-day recommended and prescrlbed by the best pliysicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrhcea, irregular and palnful Menstruation, all Ovarían Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlngs, all Displacement and the consequent Rpinal weakness.and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterusin an early stae of development. Tho tendency tocanceroushumorsthere is checked Tery H[ ■edily by its uw. ín íct it has proved to bc the ffreatct and best rcmcdy that has ever been dlscoTered. It permeatcseveryportionof thepystem, andsfive dow llfeand vigor. It removes f ointness.flatulency , destroys all rraving for stiuiulantti, and relieves weaknes of the st'Omach It cures Bloatlns, Headaches, Nervous Prostratlon, General DebiUty, Sleepleasneiw, Depression and Indigestión. That feellng of hearing down, causing pain, weight a i backache, te always permanently cured bj lts usc. It will at all times, andunderall circumstances, act In hnrmony with the law that go veras the female system. For KidneyComplnints of clt]Kr ?rx ttis compound la unsurpasscd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ia prepared nt 3-ï" and C8 Western Avonue, Lynn. Mass, Prico $1.00. Six bottlcs for $5.00. Sent by mail ín th form of pilis, r.l3in the form ofTjozenges, on receipi ofprice, (ii.on, per box, or ftitber. Mrs, PINKHAM f reely answera all letters of Inquiry. Send for pani phlet, Addroft M ibeve Xmttio thia jmjtw. No famlly shoulil "e without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' UVEK PILLS. Tliey :uro CoOSttpKfclon, Hlliousuei and Torpiu ty of theLlvur. 25 cents Der box. 8oldby O. K. Holmes Cook hotel blook Livery Sale and Boarding Stable I have opened a Livery, Sale and Board' ing Stable opposite the Court House on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at an}' time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts and handling track horses a specialty; good references given. ï. IRW1N, Ann Arbor HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasj the pleasure to Inform the pubHc that ho ia ready to receire them in hisnewbrick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Kverything in his line wiU be flrst-clasa, and At Reasonable Rates. He returns nte sincere thanks to all his old customers f or thelr generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing to anlarge his already growing business. WN Tied My Tog Lose? A. A. TERRY, F. WACNER & BRO., MANUFACTURKRS OF FIRST-CLASS WORK ONLY, CÁRBIAGES. BUGGIES, . WAGONS, CUTÏEES, BOB-SLEIGHS, ETC. Repairing of all Kinds Done in the Best Manner. All Work Warranted ! Particular attention given to Horse Shoeing. SHOP ON SECOND STREET, Between Washington and Liberty StreetR, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. Al-L WOltK 801,11 CHEAr FOR CASH. EBERBACH&SON. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of "rench Hair Brushes ] AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of ' Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, , AND I 'ure Chemicals of our own importation. I A full Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prici8. ' STTTÜEliTTiS Are cordially invited to examine our stock as i uality and prices. EBERBACH&SON. ' Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of PMoppis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOGK, East Side of the NEW COURT HOÜSK. fèed sorg, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS JAIISHES BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplles of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington tstANN ARBOB. - MICMIQAN RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington &tif Hare on hand a complete stock of every thiug in the Crooery Line, They buy their Teas, Coffees, and Sufjax .s In large amounts, and at Casli IPicceB And can seli at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Seli, í l good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast theïr ou-n Coffces every week, a i none but prime articles are usea. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakvt anti Crackez-s. Cali and see tnem. Genuine Milwaukee ' M (j) C Z öi Lager Beer Depot.


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Ann Arbor Democrat