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-ïlie Lawrence (Mass.) American of Maroh lOth states that "yesterdayafternoon.asMr. Frank A. Small Was eitting at the desk iu A. B. Stannard's office, in the Essex yard, three cata, wliich liave lived about the premises for soine timo past, came together in the building, and suddenly springing upon the desk, made a furious attack upon Mr. Small's right hand. They pounced upon him as they might seize a rat, biting and scratching in a savage munner. So vigorous and persistent were the three animáis, that Mr. Small had serious difficulty in defending himseli and driving them off. The cats appeared perfectly wild, seizing, climbing upon and tearing the window curtains, overturning and breaking a lamp upon the desk, until flnally, two rau out of the shop, the third hiding itnder a pile of lumber. Mr. Small covered his lacerated hand with a haudkerchief, and oalling two of the workmen, succeeded in dislodging Uw seereted cat, which thereupon made a dash for a window, going out through one of the lights of glass. Mr. ïmall had hia hand dressed by Dr. Dow. The strange action of tbecats is a matter of curious speculatie.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat