Democratic City Convention
The Democratie City Convention for nominating candidates for city offlcers,will be held at the eourt house in the city of Alm Arbor, on Saturday, April 1, ]8ï, at 7 oclock, P. M. Kach ward will he entitled to the following number of delégales: lst ward 12 üd '■ ia 8d " 12 4th ' ie 5tll " tith " 9 A. D. BES1MER. Cliairman. The Ward Caueuses will be held at the followï ni places on Friday eveuing, March 81, 1M&, at Tand 1-iO'clook: lst ward J. F. Schuh's store. 2d " Leonard House. 3d ' l Court House. 4th " Firemen's Hall. 5th " Engine House. lith " McDonald's Stor. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat