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TTILL'S OPERA HOUSE H. R.HILL, - - - Manaoeh. ONS NIGHT ONLYl MONDA Y EVENING.APlULüd, 1882. THE LEE BIX STAB COMBINATION ! By Permission of A. M. PALMER of the Union Square, Theatre, New York. THE GBANDEST PLAY OF MODERN TIMES ! IMMENSE SUCCESS I CROWDED HOUSES EVERÏWHERE ! AN UNPRECEDENTED RUN ! LEE & RIX'S STAR COMBINATION In the Interesting Emotional and Favorit Play, by the autuors of the "Two Orphans," ''A CELEBEATIJD CASE.'' New and Magnileent Scenery carried by this company. A company of Unsurpassed Excellence. For abl cast of charaoters and other Particulars seo newspapers and programs. PRICES OF ADMISSION : ADMISSION .. Tt, 50 and 25 cents. No extra charge for reaerred seats now on sale at Watts Bros. ' Jewelry store. TTILLS' OPERA HOUSE. H. R. HILL - - - Manaoeb. The Acknowledged Musical Attraetion, two nights, commenciiif; PRIDAT, MARCHI1, 18 8 2. Appearance oí the Justly Celebrated H. B, MAHN'S GOH IC OPERA COMPANY! Approved by all to be thelargeet and most complete organization in America. Friday evening Von Suppe's Popular Opera (ideutifled only with i(s company.) 'BOCCACCIO.'' With its ripples of exquisito harmony. The scones are iaid in suuny ltaly, the land of song. Last Orand Performance Saturday evening, Audran's latest opera, 'THE MASCOTTE." PRICES OF ADMISSION: Parquetteand flrst row in Parquett Circl $1 Parquette Oircle , 75 ets. Uallery 50 ots. No extra charge f or reserved seats, to be placed on sale five days in adanco,at Watts Bros. 'Jewelry Store. F. Sl A. M. ANN ARBOR COMMANDERY NO. 13 K. T. Regular Conclave held the flrst Tuesday evening of each month at the Asylum, in Masouic Hall. at eight o'clock. ZINA P. KING, E. C, JOHN KAPP, Recorder. WASHTENAW CHAPTEK, No. 6, R. A. M.Regular convocation at Masonic Hall on Mönday evenings on or preceding each full moon. Visitiug uompanions will be cordially welcomed. WM, Q. DOTY, H. P. Albebt Sobo, Sec 'y. GOLDEN RULE LODGE No. 159, F. & A. M. Regular meetings at Masonic Hall, Thursday evenings on or before the full of the moon. DEWITT C. FALL, W. M. N. D. Gates, Sec'y. I7RATERNITY LODQE. No. 262, F. and A. M.- X1 Regular meetings Wednesday, betore the Hrst full moon in each month. Special meetings !or work until furthernotice on each Wednesday nvening at 7 1-3 o'clock at Masonic Hall on South Main street, Ann Arbor. Vf. D, IIARRIMAN, W. M. W. F. Stimson, Sec'y.


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