Philip Vía Rensselaer a rich New Yorker from the oíd Knickerbocker family, shot hiinself at the Brunswick hotel oa the 22d. His wife was rooiuiug in the same hotel Ín another apartinent, both had attended the inlnetrels together the nlRht betore. A. L. Moriison oí Illinois, has been nominated U. S. marshal for New Mexico. Jas, Aehworth who resignad the collectorship of internal revenue Philatelphia, last month, died ín Florida on the 22(1. The sentenco of court-martial in the Whittaker casa is disapproved by the President. Fire in the business quarter of Ripon, Wisconsii!, destroyed property valued at $160,000. Another fire in Middleport, N. Y., burned the opera house at a loss of f40,000. Eider Morgan has just lelt Cuattanooga, Tenn. witti 100 Mormon oonverts expectlng to le jolned at Nashville, by 75 more en route for Utah. Fiad. Douglass' son Challes is uientioned as Minister üarnett's probable successnr at Liberia. One of the pastors in Rising Sun, Ind., refused to sign a peütion for the pardon of Mason. Bscause of it public sentiment is eo against him that he will probably be obliged to resign. Capt. John Bertraio, n Salem, Mass., sea captaiu, has juBt died leaving an eBtate valued at 6.000,000. In the U. S. Senate on the 22d., several noininations were considered and confirmed, among them being those of Judge Blatchford of New York asassoclate justice of the supreme court, ad Messrs. Jas. Turner and Chas. Ewers of Michigan Ls consuls at Amherstburg and Wind&or. The heuse has passed the Chinese bill without cliaug' , as it carne f rom the senate. It is believed the president will sign the measure promptly. A bill to make the Agricultural Bureau an execulivo department has teen favorably reported. Nine cases of small-poxaud ñvedeaths wero reported at Chicago on the 28d. The disastrous floods in the south sériously alfoct llie most valuable portion of the cotton bult, and will malerially dimlniah the production of that staplo for the present yeai . A man nanied O'Brien was taken from a Lake Shore train ou the 28d., wlth small-pox. He boarded the train in Chicago sick, but the nature of the disease was not dlscovered imtil the train was nearing Ottawa Lake, Mich., when the conductor notified the health anthorlües In Toledo by telegraph. Considerable excitemeut was manifestad among the other oc cupants of the coacb, which was a sleeper. The coach was disinfectcd and the passengers translerred. Owlng to the strike of 700 inouldera in Troy, N.Y., nearly all the shops are closed, thvowing 20,000 men out of wort Thetugboat H. G. Spratt in Philadelphia explodedon the 23d doing Y50,000 ddmage and killing some men. The high wind blew down the Washington Ice house at Elgln, 111., which held 28,000 tons of Ice. Coimcil Bluffs is to have letter carriers oL duty on and af ter July 1. 4. eon of Fred Douglass would lik the niission to Liberia. Shipherd, the Peruvian statistician, charges that Collector Robertson of New York, was the only government official who had any personal interest in the Peruvian Company. Dr. Susan Edeon denles tbat slie f urnished uews from the late President's sick room for the benefit of stock operators, but intimates that one of the male physioians diü. Wlth the withdrawal of the military from Omaha, Neb., demonstrations indicating a disturbance were again made by the strike. Royal B. Conant, the former cashier of the Eliot National Bank, Boston, has been pardoned. Conant was convlcted two years ajeo of embezzlhig abont $70,000 and was stuiteneed to seven years' imprisonnent. He has served two yeafs and is pa' -Imed on a basis of poor aealth(?) Southworth & Co.'s wbolesale grocery house in Cleveland burned at a loss of f200,000. The poet Henry W. Longfellow dled on Friday afternoon aged 75 years. The penalty f or niling up tii e hules in a punched coin is f8,000 or imprlsonment for five years at the discretion of ths oourt. TheObio legislatura is soniewhat excitad over the statement of a uiember froui Cleveland wbo afflcms tbat lobbyiets in the iuterest of the canal transfer and Olnclnnatl belt railroad scheice offered uim $800 in money and a $7,600 certifícate of stock to recomruend th passage of the UU. Speaker Hodge claims that two representatives were paid f500 each to support the scheme. A resolution to investígate was ordered. During the laitseven days 117 business failures have been reported in the United States. Incendiary fires on Ontario, Sago and Cedar streets in Cleveland destfoyed neariy $300,000 worth of property. In the senate an adverse report was submitted to restrict the issue of national bank notes, and a favorable report was made appropriatIng $6,000,000 fo; the improvement of the Mississippi and f 1,000,000 for the improvement of the Missouri. Five men in Pennsylvania, one in New York and one in Illinois were hung en the 24th. F. M. Qoldberg, an attorney, of Mllwaukee, has been arrested charged with extorting money under false preteueep, and with havlng maintained a gambling house. A petition for the pardon of Mason ing 5,000 nanies was sent to the President froin 1 Wilkesbarre, Pa. One hundred dollars was ] sent to Pbila.1elpb.la to be added to the 10 cent subscription íund íor Mrs. Masón end the I baby. The poet Longfellow was buried Sunday afternoon in Mt. Auburn cnnietery. Two hundred ard forty thousami dollars paid into the Aikansas state treaBury SHved the Memphis and Little Rock, R. R., from auction sale. The Chinese minieter says that he had not yet determined, t o transfer hls embaesy to Spain, In case the Chinese blll la signed by the President, he says that under the bill soine 10,000 Cuinauien in Cuba and 20,000 in Ceutral America and Mexico would be torced to remain there because the;, could not go bome without stoppiag at San Francisco. Many embarrasing couiplications willensae upou the bill l)ecom ing a law. S. P. Rounds of Chicago haa at length been uomiuated by President Arthur for public printer. A plan is favored Ib conitnittee for making au ounce instead of a half ounce, the limit for slugle letter postaüe. City und federal officers ai Sau Fraucisco are accused oí a conspiracy to cheat the Rovernment by sinuggling opium. Twelve new cases of small pox aud five deaths ís Chicago's record for two days. The Richmond & Plttsburgh railroad bridge caujjlit file, and owing ti) high wlnls eet contiguos buildings on fire, doinsr f600,000 damage. A bilí for tbe reduction oí the internal revenue, by tlie entire abrogatiou of certain taxeB and the modificatlon of others, has been agreed upon by the ways and meauB committee of the house. Judge Swain holds with referetice to Sergeant Mason's trial and sentence that "there is material varianobetweenthe allegationand proof, and the convictiou ought not to be sustained." Secretary uf the Navy Huut uuderBtamls that he is soon to give place to :i succesaor. Gen. Butler has iuterviewed the President upon the Chinese (luestion and states that the Chinese bill will be vetoed, hut that the President will sign it witli the 20-year clause reduced to 10 yeara. l'orty new cases of Buiail pox were reportad at Clncinnati on Tuesday- the largest number yet reported in one day.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat