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A Fortunate Kiss

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in the University of Upsals, la Sweden, lived, a young student - a lone youth, with a great love for studies, but without means for pursuing them. He was poor and without connections. Still he studied, living in great poverty, but keeping a cheerful heart, and trying not to look at the future, which looked so grimly at him. His good humor and good qualities made him beloved by his young comrades. Onue he was standing with some of them In the great square of Upsals, prating away an hour of leisure, when the at;ention of the young man became ar■ested by a very young and elegant lady, who, at the side of an elderly one, ■ wíuueü slowly over tlfe place. It was the daughter of the governor of Upsais, living in the city, and the lady with her was her governess. She was . generally known for her beauty, and ' for her goodness and gentleness of character, and was looked upon with great admiration by the students. As the young men now stood silently gazing at her as she passed on like agraceful visión, one of thetn exclaimed: "Well, it would be worth soinething to have a kiss f rom such a mouth!" The poor young student, the hero of our story, wio was looking intently on that pure and anjr lic face, exclaimed, as if by inspiration, "Well, I think I could liave it!" "What?" cried his frienda in a chorus, "are you crazy ?" Do you Itnow her," etc. " Not at all," he answered, "but I think she would kiss me just now, if I asked her." " Wliat, in this place before all our eyes?" "In this place, before your eyes." "Well, if she will give you a kiss in that marmer, I will give you athousand dollars!" exclaimed one the party. "And II" "And I!" cried three or four others; for it so happened, that several ricli young men weie in the group, aud bets ran high on so improbable an event, and the challenge was made and received in less time than we take to relate it. Our hero - ïny authority tells uot whether he was handsome or plain; I have my peculiar reasors for believing he was rather plain, but singularly good looking at the time - immediately walked off to meet the young lady. He bowed to her and said: "My lady, my fortune is in your hands." She looked at him in astonishment, but arrested her steps. He proceeded to state his name and condition, his aspirations, and related simply and truly what had just passed between him and tiis companions. The young lady listened attentively, and when he ceased to speak, she said, blushing, but with great sweetness, "If by so little a thing so much good can be effected, it would be foolish in me lo reruse your request," and she kissed the young man publicly in the open square. Next day the young student was sent for by the governor. He wanted to see the man who had dared to ask a kiss of his daughter in that way, and who she hadconsentedto kiss so. He received hini with a severe and scrutinizing brow, but after an hour'a conversation, was so pleased with hün that heasked hini to dine at his table during bis studies at Upsals. Our youug frlend now pursueif his studies ii! a manner which aoou made hini regaraed as the most promising schokt at the Universiïy. Three years were Dot passed ufter the day of the first kiss, when the young man was allowj ed to give a second one to the daughter of tlio governor as his in tended bride. He becaine later, une of the greatest scholars in Sweden, as much respected for learning us for his character. His works will endure forever among the works of science, and f rom this happy uuion sprang a family well known iu Sweden in the present day, and whose wealth of fortune and highpositiou in society are regarded as amall things compared with its wealth of goodness ana


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