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We are the only authorized agents in this city to sell the W1IITNEY BABY CARRÍAGE. Please cali and examine tUem. They bear the highest reputalioa and are sokl at the same price as inferior makes. Koch & Halier, 52 South Main slreet, and 4 West Liberty stieet. "To what base uses may we come at last" said the ball player, as he plowed the home plate with his nose. Do not be deceived. - In these timei of quack medicine advertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find oue remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters we eau vouch for as being a true and reliable remedy, and one tuat will do as recommended. They invariably cure stomach and liver complaints, diseases of the kidneys and unnary difliculties. We know whereof we speak, and eau readily say, give them a trial. Sold at flfty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. Music teacher - "O yes, Miss Clotilda likes playing tunes well enough, but she shudders at the very mention of the scales." Retired cheese-monger's wife (loftily) - "I should hope bo, indeed!. You'll bear in mind 6ir, that we've nothDg to do with the business now." Don't die iií thk HotrsB. - Ask druggist for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, flies ants, insects. 15c. per box. The grand scrsmble for appointments under the municipal officers has just legun, and one of them has already hung up bis sign in his office: "Lady applicants for clerkships will please weep in the ante-room, as the recorder suffers greatlj from damp feet." CITY ITEMS. Wantkd. - A place to do general house work by a middle aged wotnan. For particulars apply to Mrs. Cleff. Imus pays cash for live chickens. Wanted. - A situalion asclerkor salesman, or any other capacity, by a youug man thoroughly competent. Apply al this office. Mrs. L. D. Fitch, over Roland's tobáceo store, has just received a full line ol new goods. Ladies wishing SARATOGA WAVES, SWITCHES of all engths and colors, BACK and SIDE COMBS and JET and cut STEEL ORNAMENTS of every description, will do better by calling upon her bef ure purchasing elsewheVe. Dressing ladies' hair a specially. Will go to the rusideuce if desired. Clock For Sale.- A "Grand Father's Clock,"left alJ. Halier & Son'S for repairs some years ago, will be sold to pay charge. J. HALLER & SON, Anu Arbor, Mich. Evergreens. - Norway spruce for sale. From 4. to 8 feet high. Apply to J. B Uavis, box 1,310 Ann Arbor. Wantkd. - Young Germán girl to learn the Hair trade at Mrs. L. I). Fitch's. Will pay one dollar a week during apprenticeship. No other nationality need apply. Byron Green having regained his health, offers his services as auctioneer. Residence corner of Fourth and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor. New Maple Sugar at Kearney'a. Important to travelers. - Specia Inducements are offered you by the Bur lington Route. It will pay you to reac tueir advertisement found elsewhere in this issue. Cady's Catarrh Remedy.a sure cure for cuturrh, is for sale at Holmes' drug store Cook hotel bloei. Opening and Closing of the MailsMails leaving Ann Arbor, East and West, wil close as follows: GOINO WEST. Way Mail 6.30a.m fhrough and Way Mail 10.50 a. m Way Mail between Ann Arbor and Jackson 4.50 p. m Night Mail 9.00 p. m GOINO EJST. rhrough and Way Mail, Night Line, . . . 6.00 a. m Ihrough and Way Mail, Sunday and Monday, closes Saturday and Sunday night -9.00p.rn rhrough and Way Mail 10.25a, m., 4.50p. m sonta south. ToledoandWay .7.00 a, m Eastern Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 12 m and 6,80 p. m. Western Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 6.20 p m. Jackson Mail and Way Mail between Jack si u and Ann Arbor distributed at 11.15 a. m. Monroe and Adrián pouch, 10.15 a. m. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster leaves Tuesdays, Tiiursdays and Satur davs at 9 a. tu. ff[ n tO(lper day at home. Sample 4J 10 4ZU worth$5free. AddreiS Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE! CRANO ENGAGEMENT Of the Renown'ed Tragedienne IMIxss Fannie DAYEHPOUT Thursday, April I3th, 1882. Supported by a Magnificent New York Company. Reseryefl Seats al Watts'. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT. RECORDER' REPORT Oftbe City of AnnJArbor, lor the Vcar End iiiK Jaimiirj 31, 1883. GENERAL FÜND. OR. 3y balance on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 8 532 46 1881. Oct. 18, By appropriation 6,000 00 Dec. 21, By safe of Relief engine 64 16 8 6,596 62 1881. DR. Feb. 7, To warrants Í 282 11 Mar. 7, " " 159 39 April 11, " " 287 85 May1 " " 287 60 June 6, " " 610 24 July 7, " " '931 Aug. 1, " " 168 30 Sept. 5 " " 223 40 Oct. 3, " 162 80 Nov. 7, " " 905 75 Dec. 5, " " 702 56 Dec. 12, " " 423 61 Dec. 28, " " 100 00 1882, " " WlojS Amount on hand $ 983 69 GElSEUAL STREEÏ FÜND. CR. By balance on hand as per report of January 31, 881 8 493 31 1881. July 7 By transfer from contingent ■fund 300 00 Oct. 3, By sale of bridge 3100 Oct. 10, By appropriation 10,000 00 Nov. 7, By transfer from Contingent Fund 800 00 Dec. 5, By transfer from Contingent Fund 500 00 12,124 31 1881. DR. Feb. 7, To warrants 9 78 Mar. 7, " " 43 75 Apr. 11, " " 84 96 May 2, " " 43 68 June 6, " " 202 01 June 30, " " 205 00 July 7, " " 347 82 Aug. 1, " - 26 04 " 6 " " 303 65 " 13' " " 195 88 '■ 20 " " 60 00 sept-2. :; :: ' 7 " " 103 23 ■ 29 " " 1 75 9 ' " 96 03 " 17' " " 170 63 5' " 274 85 " 29' " " 143 64 " 30' " " 74 00 Oet. 1 ' " 300 00 " 3 ■ " 89 00 ■" 12' ■' " 391 75 '■ 13' ' " 7 50 Nov. 7 " " 184 82 Dec. 5. " " 493 47 " 12, " " 7,352 07 1882. Jan. 9, " " 28 88 811,297 16 Balance on hand $ 827 15 FIRST WAltD FUND. CR. By balance on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 8 301 76 1881. Oct. 10, By appropriation 1,000 00 8 1,301 76 1881. dr. Apr 11, To warrants ï 7 ol June 6, " " 35 45 July 7, ' " 66 35 Aug 1 " " 61 44 SeptS " " 47 00 Oct. 3, " " 38 45 Nor. 7, " " 31 '5 D; : - ::;::::::;::: %% J882' " " 1608 452 61 Balance on hand S 849 15 SECOND WAKÜ FUND. CR. By balance on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 ï 78 42 1881 Oct. 10, By appropriation 500 00 8 1,278 -J2 1881. DB. Feb. 7, To warrant 1 00 Apr. 11 " " 3 50 June ti, " " 9 68 Aug. 1, " " . 283 14 Sept. 5, ' " 302 48 Oct. 3, " " 27 75 Nov. 7, " ' 34 78 Dee 5, " " 72 19 1882. Jan. '.I, " " 4fi 111 $ 7S 62 Balance on hand $ 497 80 THIRU WARD FUNl). CK. By balance on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 '. 12 1881. Oct. 10, By appropriation ],000 00 8 1,000 12 1881. DE. Apr. 11, To warrante Ï 17 06 May 2, " ' 1 28 June 6, " " 306 66 July 7, " " 228 35 Aug. 1. " " 76 50 Sept. 5, " " H 05 Oct, 3, " " 71 63 Not. 7, " " 116 65 Dec. 5. " " 37 59 1882. Jan. 9, " " 25 30 S 895 64 Balance on hand 8 104 48 FOURTH WARD FUND. CR. By balance on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 $ 268 96 1881. Oct. 10, By appropriations 800 00 8 1,068 96 1881. DR. Mar. 7, To warrante $ 1 50 Apr. 11 " . " 8 25 May 2, " " 2 50 July 7, " " 287 2:') Aug. 1, " " 9i 91 Sept. 5, " " 26 15 Oct. 3, " " 73 78 Nov. 7, " " 73 10 Dec. 5, " " 219 51 1882. Jan. 9, " " 17 50 $ 808 45 Balance on hand $ 260 51 FIFTH WARD FUND. CR. By balance on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 8 291 52 1881. Oct. 10, By appropriation 300 00 8 594 52 1881. DR. Mar. 7, To warrants $ 5 00 Apr. 11 " ' 5 SO May 2, " " 6 25 June 6, " " 4 00 July. 7, " " 108 90 Aug. 1, " " 20 99 Sept. 5, " . ' 51 00 Nov. 7, " " 45 7"i Dec. 5, " " 155 34 Dec. 12 " " 19 00 1882. Jan. 9, " " 7 50 $ 429 23 Balance on hand S 166 2'J SIXTH WARU FUND. CR. By amount on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 S 181 11 1881. Oct. 10, By appropriation 1,000 00 $ 1,181 11 1881. dr. Apr. 11 To warrants $ 150 June 6, " " 49 13 July 7, " " 35 40 Aug. 1, " " 141 08 Sept. 5, " " 304 09 Oct. 3, " " 134 80 Nov. 5, " ' 138 86 Dec. 5, " " 57 69 1882. Jan, 9, ' " 1 08 863 12 Balance on hand Ï 317 99 CEMETERY FUND, CR. By amouni on hand as per report of January 31, 1881 $ 49 06 1881. By sales of lots 32 00 $ 81 06 1881. dr. June 7, To warrants $ 27 46 July 7, " " 13 63 8 41 09 Balance on hand 8 39 97 CONTINGENT FUND. CE. By amount on hand. as per report of January 31, 1881 Ï 3,127 59 1881. Mar. 10, By liquor tax 330 40 Mayl, " ' ' 4,695 93 Sept. 9, " E. K. Frueauff. 17 " 9, " B. P. Granger 10 00 Nov 11 " C. G. Millman 177 95 " H " A. W. Porter 170 65 " 11 " liquor tax 478 97 1882. Jan. 31 " licence? 143 30 8 9,134 96 1881. dk. July 7, To warrants 347 01 Mar. 7, " " 474 65 July 7, " " 31 12 Apr. 11 " " 59122 May 2, " " 285 71 June 6, " " 286 91 July 7, " " 282 04 " 7, " " 300 00 " 9, " " 274 85 Aug. 1, " " 208 43 Sopt. 5, " " 218 37 Oct. 3, " " 315 29 " 17, " " 132 69 Nov. 7, " " 1,188 45 Dec. 5, '■' " 895 95 1882. Jan. 9, " " 324 06 8 6,137 75 Amount on hand ? 2,977 21 Respectfully submitttd. W. W. DOUGLAS, Recorder. GreaT loiiialn Me - ATAUCTION - AT- No. 12 HURÓN STREET Cominencing on Thursday, April 6 Consist'mg of Horses, Carriages, Lumber Wagons, Harness, Stationery, Groceries, Farming Utensils, Furniture of all descriptions, Tinware, Crockery, and other Goods, SALE POSITIVE, And to continue from day to day until all are sold. Sale of horses Sat urday ; also 30 Canarj Birds. See large bilis, M. M, GREEN, B, GREEN, Auctioneer, Something new under the Sun ! UnilCrum n llí)US(-'h(jl1' whiríh tries lUUotnULU v ít. Your Grocer wilj GROCERY - - - - show it to you ! ExamPackage. - - - - ■ - ine it. Nothing ia it but just wliHt you want. The goodg would cofct you doublé the money,bought ín the retail way. K your dealer does not keep the "Household Puckage," order from us. A Circular and sample of theoods, sent free by mail. Household Specialty Co., Chicago. ANOTHER NEW DEPARTURE. THE Is just what you HOUSEHOLD! want! Your d- MEDICINE jgist will show it to CH ES T .you, Every houseliold needs it ; you will pay twice :he money and etbss, somewhere else. The Chest will please you. Circular with full description of contents mailed free to any address if your Druggist does not have it on nand. Household Specialty Co., Chicago.


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