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News Of The Week

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Jacob HeuBOD, a Swiss, waB fouud Mondity on the railroad track west oí Niles in a dying condition, having atteuipted suicide by cutttng open bis abdomen wíth a razor. He is said to have a wife anü two children in Port Huron HÍ8 physioians think k oannot recover. J. C. Knowltoa, attorney, has the prospect of t.ecomtug postrnpster at Ano Albor. A party ot ten left Bri{htoa m the 2'JLh witti two cars ot agricuitural impleruentB, household goodB and stock for üakota, toking not less than $15,000 in gooJs and inoney. Win. Lañe has been convicted In Detroit ot an attempt to poinon eorge W. Allen lastsumuier. The Democrals aud Naliouale, Grand Kapidf,' nouiiuated a joint city ticket, each party takiug onehalf the tickei, as follows: E. B. Dikeman, mayor; Jotm T. Holmes, judffeor pólice court; AmosD. Green,.marshall; Cornelius Fox, director of the poor. Portland claims the best school honse (12,000) for the money, of any in the state. Herman Hartenbeig, in the employ of F. B. Bichardson & Son on their stock farm near usoola village, was gored to death by the brated Hölsteln buil "Roecoe." Hartenborg had the eole charge of this vicioue brute, and onTuesdayafternoon went to the building in which the buil was confined in a stall. No eye witnessed the desperate figbt for life betweea Hartenberg and the buil. ilrs. RichardBon called Hartenberg to Bupper, and after waitiug a shoit time went to the barn and eaw the buil loose on the barn floor and Hnrtonberg lying in the corner. Mis. R. at once gave the alarm, and raen ruahed into tho bain, securel the enraged monster, and found Hartenberg dead. tfrom the appearance of the body It seemstbe buil had trampled him after goriug him. It is thougbt that while Haitcuberg was engaged at woik tbe buil got loow and aseanlted him so uavagely that he vrtt analile to escape or even cali for belp. The state dental association held ita 27th u nual Bession at the Russell house oa the 30th. The meeting waB very laigely sttended. Miaa Dr. H. L, Martindale, of Gran.t Rapids, and Dr. B. J.Be Vries, of Holland, graduatea oí the university class of '82, were admitted to memberehip. Miss Martindale is the firstladyelected a meinlwr of the association. In a discussion on the treatment or aeciouousteeth tlie subject of grnpe sugar was touched upon, Br. Barrett, of Bnffalo, mado the Btatement that glucose was ons of the most harinlesB, most useful aui rnoat nutrious articles knowD, and Vnat its diecovery was oue of ihe most rewarkaWa bleesraRB of modem times. The case of the First National back of Ft. - Wortb, Texas, against Frank Grandall, of Duudee, Mich,, is now on trial. The suit is brought to recover the amount oía draft erroneously made out fov $5,000 in Crandall's f aïor.instedd oï 500, on which tho full sum first named was drawn. Charlotte is pleaeed with the uews of the „nminntinn hv the President of the Hou Isaac D. McCutcheon of tbat place for secretary of Montana territory. Joha Slater of Big Rapids?, lias been mested by tbe sheriff of Wexford eounty for forgeiy. He tonnd a check and signed t e o wner's name, drawing $230. Phineas M.Edwards, son of E. M. Eiwatds, one of the most prominent citizens of St. Jo. Beph died suddenly this morning aged 27 years. Col. Wm. D. Wilkine, weli knowu as a literary man, as well as a military general, died of apopiexy In Detroit, Friday noon, 31st uit. Col Wilkins, Sidney D. MillerandGeorge Hen drie married daughters of Hon.G. C. Trowbridge. Col. Wilkins leaves a widow and tour children- Mrs. Otto Tillman, of Washington, Roes Wilkins, a gradúate at Heidelburg universlty, Charles Trowbridge Wilkins, a junior in Michigan Univereity, and Mary Wilkins, at BChool in Albany, N. Y. A meeting of veterans of the Mexican war aud of tbe war of the res Dellion, also of the varlous military companieof the city, met and took sultable action in honor of nis memory. Dr. A. S. Kuapp a prominent physician of South Lyon bas just died. i The27th.annnalsessionof the State Dental Assoeiation closeii with a banquet at the Russell Honse, toasts and a grand time generally. President Metcalf read a very carefully prepared and interesting history of dentisti-y in Michigan, coveriug a period of more than 40 years. Another attempt was discovered this week of prisoners attempting to break jail, a stone had been lif ted and tunnel started . It was about fivefeet in length, the appearance of the dlrt indicated tbat work had been suspended for several days. Tbe dirt excavated had been putinto the sewer in small quanHties. Dr. H. S. Noble, husband of Edna Chaffee Noble, the elocutionist, has been appointed assistant physician in the Kalanuazoo Insane Asylnm. A fine programme is out for sanitary convention to be held iu Greenville, April llth and 12th. There will be an address of welcome by Mayor R. F. Spragne and others. The f ollowing are among the important topics to be discussed: The water supply of Greesville, present and prospectivo; The relatlon of the newspaper press to sanitery reform; The prevention and restriction ot diphtheria and soarlet fever; Effect on public health of overflowed lands adjaoent to Maple river; The disposal of decomposing oiganio matter; Pure air; wby we should have it and how we shall get it. Sixty thousand bushels of seeds are now being distributed among the suffarers by the forest fires. Oorunna proposes to have a f15,080 school house that will be as well worth braggiDg about as the new house in Portland. The scow Greenback from Port Huron April lst, is the first arrival at Eaet Tawas this seasom. The Kirkwood hotel, Detroit, refused to enertaiu the Fiske Jubilee Singers Kt regular rates, after learning that they wers not ''white folkB." An Immense concourse of friende, civic and military eocieties, attended the funeral on Sunday afternoon of Col. Wilkine, Detroit, F. A. Cablll brotherof Gapt Edw. Cabill of Lansing feil from a train near Fort Wortb, Texas, April lst and was killed. Experts broke open the safe V. S. Soner's store marine city, also of J. Mans store Bteal ing f800 aud $700 respectively. Members of the Bay City Chamber of Commerce have purchased the Frazer House and formed a stock company wíth apaid up capital of $50,000. In less than two hours after the formation of the company the botel was leased to F F. Pickering of Kalamazoo, for a term of seven years. He will take possession in about sixty days, during wbich time sonio $15,000 worth of improvements are to be made. The case of Calvin C. Burt against 70 Michigan dentists for $20,000f or alleged professional services, has been rtsumed in the Wayne Circuit Court, Detroit. A disastrous fire occurred in Otter Lake consummg some 6,000,000 feet of lumber belougiug to S. J. Murphy; loss f 45,000, A row of dwelliugs belonging to C. B. Benson also burned and 14 families are homeless, many loBicg their all and no insurance. The M. C. E. R. lose three cara; about the same time the farm house of J. Staples, three miles away, was burned. The whoie business is believed to have been incendiary work of tramps. Gen. L. S. Trowbridge, collector of custonis, Detroit, has beén in Washington sevoral days looking after permanency in nis position. The question seems to rest between Jas. H. Stone and present incumbeat. Mr. Trowbridge thinks he is now solid with the majority of the Michigan delegation. " A tormer domestic in the family of Hon. Phllo Parsons, Detroit, brought suit against nim for improper treatuaent. After protracted Iavcstigaüon in court the jury in ten minutes biougbt io verdict or not guilty. Resd city witb. 15,000 peopl claims a business boom. D uring 1881 aboat $50,000 were expended in buildings, which ineluded tnree brick blocks, one brick hotel, a new M. E. chureb. and 41 d welling bouees. The building the coming year will far exceed that af last jear, amou? which lyill be an opera house. Duriag the eevere thunder aloiui uu Sunday last ïiKhtDtag struck the house of Mr. Kben White, two miles west of Thvee Hivers. It passed down the ehimuey into tho parlor, to;-e the ollclolh upder the stove, drew all tho carpet tacks without injuiing the larpel, ripped a sllver off one plank in the Hoor, kuocked tho caBiug off ouo door and lusidiously made lts exit to the outside, rtrlpplnK a few piocws of siding trom the building. The family, who slept in the second story, were disturbed from their usual Sunday morning nap but were not serioualy injured. In the People and Hollywood oase tlie attorneys state they are prepared to ive bail in the BUin of 15,000 for Dr. Hollywood. There wili be an effort to have ainount fixed at that sum. Uwiüji to unpleasaut complications iu the Post and Triliuuf, Jas. H. Stone, buainees ager, bas repigned, although Lis contract called for Eoveral months' Bervice yet. Joba léate, sou of the ex-supervisor of Harrison lownship. near Mt. Cleinens, wa8 leading a colt to water. Whlle playing, the colt suddenlyjerked th yoang maa holding the halter with euch force as to break hls neck. Alexaoder Dinguioud Btabbed Will Allen fataliy iu a Vassar saloon on the niglit of tlie 4tb. Both had Deen drinkius. Congressman Lord on railways and canals favoring a suivey of propoBed routes for the Michigan ship canal, cites in support of the troject and of the appropnation of $10,000 therefor "the little oppoeition of naton, the shorteuing of riistance, the more favorable ciimate, the lengthened navigation season and the lesBening of its penis, the inadequacy of present routes anil the prospectiva increased of theae difflculties.


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