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Johu Belkuap, the gambler, and thirteen of his associates, in Chicago, hu-re been held in $ 200 bail for the violatiou of the gambling law. Mrs. Jessie 6'romoutasks ior tbe restoratioo of 12 acres of land in San Francisco, called Point San José reservation ; wbieh she says she purchaaed in 1860 and was deapoiled of by the United States Walker hall, the finest of the Ainhorst college buildings, barned on the 29tb, at a loss of $250,000. The Shepard mineralogical oabinet, the finest in the country, was alone valued at $80,000. TEEBIBLE STEAMBOAT DISASTER. The Mississippi steamer Golden City, en route to Cincinnati froin New Orleans, bumed on themorning of the 30tb, just after arrivins at Memphis. Although so uear shore the loss of üfe was creat. She carried a crew of about 60; had 40 cabin passengere, 28 of whom were ladies, and nine chlldren; bat two ladies are known to have been saved. Her cargo consisted of 300 tons, ainong whioh was a lot of jute. The fire is said to hav had ite origiu in this combustible material. Arnong those known to b lost are Dr. Monahan and wife, Jackeon, Oblo ; Ollie Wood and wife, Henderson, Ky.; Mrs. Annie Smlth, Massachusetts; Miss Campbell, Mrs. Helen Pendra), Mrs. L. E Knox and tliree children. The books of tb Bteamer were lost to that U is imposible to gather complete liet of the lont and saved. Stow's circus with six cages of auimals and bird8, together with the ticket and band wagon, tents and borses were lost, save one buffalo which swaui asñore. Marión Purcel!, one of the pilote, was in tbe clerk'a office when the alurin Eouuded, and he rusheá türough the cabiü boisting in state-roem doors and awakeniug passengers. So rapidly did the flamea spread that witbia five minutes after discovering the firp, which broke out amidsbip, the aftpart of the Bttamer was a) 1 nbiaze. Those wbo were savad hnd to flee ín thir night Glothes. The burning steamer touohed the wharf aud the fire communicated to the coal fleet and tug rióle, which were a)so burned. The roarmg of the animáis, the shrieks of woineu and chiltiren mado a terrific Bcene. l'ha (iolden City was built iti 1877 and valued at f 40,000. The rapidity with which the flamen wrapped the steamor is illuatrated by the testimony of Miss HaÍBin who was saved : Beiiig: awakened by the cry of fire herself and mother without walting to dress hastened toward the front guard of the boat. On arriving Bhe noticud her mother was not with her but it was too Inte to return. The mother had evidently fallen, being overeóme by the smoke. Trie cabin was already in flamea ánd to go to the rescue waa imposaible. The latestfrumor absut the two telegraph companies, the Western ünion and the Mutual is to the effect that arrangement has been effected by which the virtual control of the Mutual Union goes into the hands of the Western and that hereatter the two systems will be worked in harmony. Navigation has opened at Montreal. The winter ig reportad tha shortest on record. The premiums paid for seats at Patti's f arewell concert in New York aggregated $2,000_ The manager says such an enthusiastic beginning means a $14,000 house. Polk Wells, arrested at Bandolpb, Wis., for stealing horses and robbing a bank, pleads guilty, and waa senteuced to ten yeare in the penitentiary. A son of Ooi. A. F. Rockwell is one of 18 Williams college studente suspended for cheating at the examinations. Arthur Ferry, son of Prof. Perry, of the college was another. Au attempt to destroy the Major Andie monument at Tappan, opposite Tarrytown has been made. Dynaunte was exploded at its base, aud although the shaft has not fallen it 1b out of position, and seriously inarred. The burning of the Golden City at Meinphis, was caused by the captain of the watch dropping bis lamp into a cargo of jute which immediately ignited. The captain was arrested and sent to jail. At Fort Wayne, led., a man in the county jail has been attacked with smallpox;as there are 42 prisoners in the jail it is ieared there may be a general epidemie there. The Blcseck saf e f aetory of Pitteburg, Pa., has burned at a loss of f50,000. The Springs Hotel, twelve miles trom Pittsburg, burned at a loss of $138,0C0. The members of the oabinet are 6harply divlded on tbeChinese bill. The chief opponent is Frelinghuysen. Final action is expeeted today, April Sd, when Folger will be present. A Chicago clothing house has eüectod a contract with Sergt. Mason whereby the latter binds himself lo act for the firm as clerk for one year at a salary of $1,600, the services io begin w'ien Maaon shalll be released froni the Albany prison. K. G. Dun reporta 2,190 failures during the laBt tb ree months. Eastern etates, 292; Sliddle, 608; Southern, 700; Western, 523; t'acific states and terri,ories, 167. Total liabilities f30,388,271. The stages bounu both east and west on the El Paso, Texas, line were robbed on Saturüay about üixty miles f rom San, Antonio by men supposed to have escaped from liandero jail. The general belief at the capital is that the President will veto the anü-Chineae immigration bill. Attorney-General Brewster gave an opinión adverse to the measure on the ground that the 20 year clauae was in violation of the spirit of existing tieaties. A proposition to replace outslandiug government 31-2 per cents, with an issue of $200,000,000 in legal tenders at 2 per cent. interest, to be counted hy banks among assets as a legal reserve fund, tigitates financial and polit ical circles in the east. A new deal is imminent as repects the pub lic printer. Mr, S. P. Bounds of Chicago has to anBwer the following question to be eligible to appolntment: "You have do interest In any printing, binding, enjrraviug or lithograph estíibliBhment." If b says "No" it means that the business ha been tausíerred to bis son. Tne goverament wlli look inio the matter. VA.NDEBBILT SUICIDE. Cornelius Yanderbllt, rrotber of Wui. H., committed suicide by shootlng hlmself with seveu-chamber revolver. The pistol was still in nis hand whon fouod, but one shot baviag been fired. Mr. Vanderbllt U is long been subject to epiinüc fiH and bad returned trom Florida but two weeks since. His traveling companioü, Mr. Terry, was in au adjoïning room and had no idea that Mv. Vanderbllt contemplated euch a thlng, as he was not pacticularly despondent. Although the ehot was throush the riglit temple the victim survived several hours, reniaiiiinar uucousclous. The fiineral was conducted by Dr. Deerns in the church of The Strangers. Jaa. Gordon Bannett has sent $10,000 to Mr. Wallack for the actors' f und. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut, ü. S. Minister lo Peru died at Lima of heart disease on the 27th uit. President Arthur jss vetoed tbe Chinese bili. A fire in Hopkintou, Mass., resulted iu the loss of Bridges &Co.'s sl;oe manufactory, 060; P. W Smitb, elothier, 50,000: hatel, Cougregational cbareb, etc., aggregating over $400,000 loss. Jessie James, the most desperate of robbers, was shot at hls residence on the brow of a bilí overlookiDft tbe city or St. Josepb, Mo. Two youug men who have ben pretended inoinbeie of the gang, have l;een waiting iorseveral inonths an opportunity to secure Jaines, and thus secure the f50,000 offered by the state of Missouri for hls capture. Suiall pox is still prevalent ia South Betblehem, Pa. There are at present 125 caeos. President Hiasdale of Hiram College, tbe friend of Garfield, wiil, t is believed, be appoiuted United States Minister at Honolulú . In the case against the Standard oi! company for arreáis of taxes, decisión has beeu rendered in Hairisburg to the effect that tbe state is eutitled to receive Í818.814 for taxeB, and penalties lo the amount oi $ 1,456.55. Judgrmsnt for that suni and interest thereon frotn April 80, 1881, was o-dered entered. Ou the same day one of tbe warehouses of the Standard oil company in Pittsburg was totally destroyed by fire with 3,000 barrete of distillate, the distillery, tanks, and 17,000 empty batrels. Th losa is estimated at f 75,000; no insurance. THE VETO. The umin teason assisjned by President Arthur for vetoing the ("hiñese iill was the eflensive clause in tbe LUI lor the suspension (or twoaty years ol Chinese immigration to the United States, this lieing a vielation of our treaty obligations. The President in his meseape gives aesurancfc thnt he is in syinpathy with euch measures as will give all requiied protection to American labor without conrlicting with treaty agreemfliits. The Pacific etates will uot Ihj satisfied, bnt elsewhere the course of the President will be Tery generally commended. Sraator Oonger basleave of absencwand will hasten frorn Washington to t!in bedside ol hls sick mother in Illinois. The llüth cali for bonds for redemption has been issued aggregating $15,000,000. William Piaisted & Soa, proprietors of the large tanneries at Lincoln and PrincetoD, Yaiue, have failed, with liabilities estimated at $100,000; assets small.


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Ann Arbor Democrat