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HuiiRAH fob oub siDK. - Maoy people have lust tneir interest 111 politica aud in arnusemenls because they are so out ot Mort aud run down Uiat muy can nol en joy anything. 11 sucli persons would only uu wise euough to try tüat Celebraic reinedy Kidney-Wort, aud experieuce ila touic aud reiiovalmg elïecU lUey wouk soou bc hurrahiug vwth tlie louuesl. In ciltier dry Ot liquid lonu it is a perfec remedy iir torpiu livcr, kidneys ot bowels. - üixchange. The mediums are already sprouting Longfellow poetry. Wouder wliere Lougfellow went to auyhow. Seeius to ud tuey did not givu the old gentleman a fair süake lor a rest. Another candidate. - By alargemaj orily the people of the United States have declared tüeir faith in Kidney-Wort as a remedy for all diseases of the kidueys aui U'Tor, somt-, however, have disliked the trouble of preparing itfrom the dry form For such a new candidate appears in the shape of Kidney-Wort in Liquid Form It is very coucentrated, is eaily taken and is equally efficiënt as the dry. Try it - Louisville Post. Don't die in the house. - Ask drug gist lor "Hough on Kats." It clears ou rats, inice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin flies auts, insects. 15c. per box. The graud scramble for appointment under the municipal offleers has just be gun, aud one of them has alreauy hung up bis sign iu his omce: "Lady applicant for clerkships will please weep in the ante-room, as the recorder suffers greatly from damp feet." CITY ITEMS. linus pays cash for live chickens. A. F. Darrow, the 10 cent bus man takes orders at Holmes' drug store iu the Cook house block. üall at Stimson's store on Ann utree and get some of those POTATOE3 from the old country for seed. Wanted - A man who thoroujrhly ünderstands the llverv business. One who is not affraid to woik, and to take care o horses. Address with reference Box 678 Ann Arbor, Mich. Wanted. - A situation as clerk or sales man, or any other capacity, by a youuj man thoroughly competent. Apply a this office. Mrs. L D. Filch, over Roland's tobac co store, has just received a full line o new goods. Ladies wishing SAKATOGA WAVES, SWITCHES of all engths and colors, BACK and SIDE COMBS and JET and cut STEEL ORNAMENTS of every description, will do better by cali ing upon herbeforepurchasingelsewhere Dressing ladies' hair a specialty. Will go to the residence if desired. Clock For Sale.- A "Grand Father's Clock,"left at J. Halier & Son's for repairs some years ago, will be sold to pay charges. J. HALLER & SON, Ann Arbor, Alich. Wanted. - Young Germán eirl to learn the Hair trade at Mrs. L. D. Fitch's. Will pay one dollar a week during apprenticeship. No other nationality need apply. Byron Green having regained his health, offers his services as auctioneer. Kesidence corner of Fourth aad Ann 8ts., Ann Arbor. New Maple Sugar at Kearney'a. Important to travelers. - Special Inducements are offered you by tbe Bur lington Route. It will pay you to read their advertisement found elsewhere in this issue. Cady's Catarrh Remedy.a sure cure for catarrb, is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. We are the only autuorized agents in this city to sell the WHITNEY BABY CARRIAGE. Please cali and examine them. They bear the highest reputaron and are sold at the same price as inferior makes. Koch & Halier, 52 South Main slreet, and 4 Weet Liberty stieet. t C tn tod Per da' at home. Samples 4)3 (U 3ZU woith$5free. Address Stinson & Co., Port land, Maine. DO YOU TAKE A COUNTY PAPER? U net, and you are about to subscriba for on we invite your attention to the Al ABBOR DBMQCRAT ! And respectf ully Inform you that lt is the People's Paper. IT PUBLISHES FULL REPORTS OF ALL IMPORTANT EVENTS in Washtenaw county. It gires a conciso and Interesting summary of THE WORLD'S NEWS, toreigii, American, Congrenslonal, Western and Northern. It prints 1HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN. Joüed down for brief reading, and gWe a fU synopsis of the doings of the Legislatura. Il chronicles ALL THE HAPPENINQS OFANNARBOR, ?he county seat, giving ful! and accurate reporta of the Circuit Court, Politica! Meetings, Farmers' Clubs, University and School Hatters, Kt.. Etc. IT IS FEARLESS a lts denunclation of monopolies, and all other mrdensthat weigh upon the People; and shows) up all frauds regardless of who it hits. m lubushes A QOOD S1ORT Every week, and has interesting artlcles tor the young. t-IUs Prtce is $1.50 Per Year, in Advanct, And is regarded by lts subscriben as too valuabls o loan; so don't try to borrow. We inrlte your ittontion to some of the many complimentarjr hingsthatarebeingsaldof Thï Dkhocrat: "It erinces shrewdness, push and abillty."- Mnslng Journal. 'It is making f rienda evE?yday. It Is a wasV onducted and readable jteet."- PonUac B1U Poster. ",rSrr eoterprising, ilde-awak toeal Jour al, ful I of new and good ylngs."-Geni Flint) Democrat. J!i,t.il8aiiTeVsPlcy ewspper. and a raluable dditlon to the joumalistlc list of Washtenaw ounty."-Tumeft Herald. "Editorially, locallv and typographically it I ne of the ftnest looking papers that erer cama into this office. "-Dtlroit Evening Aetra. 'Thk Dimociiat aboundsinable andrigorous dltorials, a great variety of local Information nd iriteresting eeueral news and mlaceüanaoiia matter."- Jacknon Patriot. 'THE DEMOCRAT11 II Publlshed Every Thursday Mornlng. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE ! GRAND ENGAGEMENT Of tlie Renowned Tragedienne IMIiss 3Ta,:n-:n.e DAYEHPORT Thursday, April I3th, 1882. Supported by a Magnificent New York Company. Resem! Seats at Watts'. A YEAR'SREADING FOR $1. THE NEW YORK Weekly World ! New Presses, New Type, New Building, New "Appliances, and New Life in Every Depart me n t . $1 a Year Postage Paid. 50 Cts. for Six Months. A COMPLETE FAMILY PAPER. Free Masone Should Read its Special MASONIC DEPARTMENT Edited by one of the most renowned Free Maeons, with contributious from the pen of Distmguished Masons. The WEEKLY WORLD is the only leading newspaper in the country that has a special department devoted to Masonic interests. Our Excellent Features I 1. AU the News, Complete and Interestin g. . The Farmer' World- A full page of Agricultural and Farm News. 3. The Literary World - A full page of Long and Short Stories, Comic Bailada and Serknis Poema, Fairy Tales and Sailors' Varns. 4. The Housekeeper's Column- What Every Woman Wants to Know. 5. The Veterinary Department- With prescript ions free for all subscribers.and full instructions for the treatment of live Btock. 6. Tbe best chegs column in the world for ama teur playera. 7. The best checker department in the world for both amateur and professional players. 8. A corner for the young folks - riddles, charades, puzzles, enigmas, acrostics, etc. 9. Complete market reports - unrivalled in detail and accuracy. 10. Answers to inquirios. Each department is perfect of its kind, and all combined make the best weekly newspaper ever published. The New York World has no superior on either side of the water as a Live, Brilliant, Perfcctly Appoimed, Piogressive Newspaper. Unequaled Offers to Club Agents. Specimen Copies Sent Free. THE NEW YORK WORLD, World Building, New York.


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Ann Arbor Democrat