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ThreesouthB of about 17 tummers broke the seal ot a Irdght car at lonla, and tored eltherto steal freight or take a rlde They were carried to Saranac, where thty J dlscovered, arreeted, and sent to the connty jail tor 10 days each. The veesel men of Bay City have formed Mi asaociaüonand fixed lumber fre.ght rales at 2.25 per M for BuCalo, and $1.75 perMto Ohio ports. Theee rates are increaBed 50 cente per M f rom theSaginaw milla. The caae of Clvin C. Burt, who sued about 80 Michigan dentistB for hls ttorney f ees in thevulcanite rubber cases, bas come toa Buddenterminationbya verdict for the defendanU. Burglars blew open tUe safe of Hamilton Brop.,druggiRtS, at Eaton EppldR, and secured 250 in caeh and over f150 in p9stae stampe. Night watchman heard nothing of the explo8 November 16, 1881. an expresa package containing 8,000 was lost at Gtayling. Becently ti vrin raüway laborer, boueht a house and alw pended money in such a manuer as tiarouse suspicion. Detectives found in nis house neariy 6,000. Price contetsed to bav int! found the package. Dr. Angelí expresses opinión that the time limit of 20 years for suspension of Chinese luimigration is longer than the situation demande. No exact time limit was ever agreed to by the treaty comraissioners, but it was etipulated that it hould be of reasonable duratlon. The ex minister thlnks the President was justified In h!s veto. Michigan manufactured salt for Mareh as tollows: Iosco, 8,708; Manistee, 6,679; Huron, 18,678; Midland, 13,211; Bay, 70,083; Saginaw, '.)8,66. Total, 216,055 barrels. Big Baplds is enjoying a big business boom. Orer 100 new buildings are now In process o erection. Plint is somewhat ex-lied over a young man with email -pox roving about the streets talk ing Iniiscriniinately with all he met. Work was to begin in the Muakegon boon oa the 611), but when it was ascertained 1 Uoars was expected instead of 10 they "xtop ped hort." MUI men and boom uien 600 i uumber paraded the streets. Kev. i. D. Fierce, for many years a proin neuí Michigan educator, died iu Medford Massonthetith. He wlll be buried in Mar aball. A tornado paBsed over the country iu th viclnity of Highland & Clyde Thureday nigh destroying property and life. Mr. Cranda and sou were killed; Mre. Crandall, Mrs. Tay ior of Pontiac (a vlsitor), Y.iss Wood and Mrs Taylor's chlld were seriously hurt. THR TOBNADO, The tornado of Thursday evenius was th moni ïemarkable which has ever occurred 1 Michigaa for its extent. It appeara to hat manifested itself In Michigan in Allegan an Kalanmw eountiee,sweptacroB3 B.irry, Eaton Ingham, LIvingBton and Oakland counües erbounding ftom the earth to pass over lonj diBtance?, and again descending, Uil Hs üua f ury was spent in the vicinity of Holly, O A land county. Such cyclones are rare in thi part of the country at any enason of the yea and tney do not usually appear even on ti wesUrn p!aios until about a inonth later ïhere was a hnrricane iu Arkausas on the las day of Februiry, which did con&i-ierable dam age in Jefrereon county, blowing down bui.d lngsacrt fences.and killing at leaBtone persor and anotber terriöc wind storm at Arkanwis City on the 15ih of March. On the 27 ih a tor Dado passed into Georgia frcm Alabaras an killed a nuinber of penple, besidee destroyin mach property. The present storm could b distinctly eeen by these out of its patb, and Í repre6ented as loöking lik an immense mon ter curveting in the sky. üae man is report ed killed in Kalamazoo countj ; four person killed aud saveral wounded near Hastiogs near Charlotte a similar fatality wit damage to houBea and property exceedln $ iuu.000. Oae family saw the approachin etorm and had j:ist gotten into the cellar whe the house was lifted bodily off its foundatio and Uiey were safe. Others avuided it by run ning to one side of i!s course as It passed. A Clyde In Oakland eo-inty, when the storm ha paseed, Mr. Kellogg, whose house Btood th thock, heard cries In the direction of nis nelgh bor Crandall's, and started out He was me by Miss Wood, who had been in jured by a blow on the head from n missilf, froin whlch th hjood was streaming. She had ia her arm Mrs. Taylor's little child. Mr.Orandall's moth er was found abont 15 feet from where th house stood, yet comparatively uninjurod while Mrs. Taylor was discovered about tbre rods away with her neck aislocated. Mr Crandall was aboui seven rols away with th back part of hls skull crushed, and a larg splinter tbrough hls body. Bertie, the littl boy, lay within a few feet of his father with bis head crushed te a jelly. Mrs. Crandall was about four rods away, holding her little dangh ter, when a large piece of timber carne llyin and actually severed the arm of the little gir about half way between the elbow and wris yet Mrs. Crandall was butslightly in jured. Th pith of the tornado at this place was aboot marter of a mile in width and lts f ury was no spent until after it had passed the rallroac abont a mile east, where f enees werescattered telegraph wlres blown down, and even beyom this considerable damape was done to property Terrible cyclones about the same time occurred in Kansas and Iowa. Thomas Moran, a farmer reslding in Nile township was kicked in the head by oue of his horses. Oae eye was entirely obllterated an he is otherwise badly in jured. At Muskegon latest advlces give 28 milis idle 2000 mili hands are idle and CO boom men. The secretary of the treasury has awarded the contract for rebuilding the revenue steame Fe9serden lo the dry dook company of Búllalo at f88,000. The Detroit dry doek compan aBked to have all bids laid aside and new pro posals made on the ground that they wer placed at a disadvantage by thelr bil of las year beiag known. The request was no granted. An attachment bas been served on the stoe and fixtures of S. S. Saunders, Coldwater, t to eatlBfy a claim of $6,000 in favor of a Cln cinnatl firm. Saunders Is an extensive deale In agricultural implements and buggiee, an( has alse a very extenBlve line of lightning rod wagons in operation. Mr. Howard Klose, a grocery clerk of Thre Bivers returnlng from business found his wif prostratedonthefloor, dead, and her 8-yea old boy nestled by her üfeless form asleep Mrs. K. was apparently as well as usual a supper time. She was engaged in some needl work and feil from her chair dead, wlthou dlstorting a feature. Policeman Bisbee, oí Marshall, lately entered Madame Mei horn's saloon after lOo'clock, p m., and foucd at that unlawful hour an alder manand a prominent offleer ef the city eD gaged in a game of seven-np, and liquid em belllshments withal. One of the officers wa elected by temperance votes. ComplaiDt ba been made against the saloon keeper. The Thursday night tornado after lifting from the earth at Clyde again came down northeast of Midland. The residence of E. ] Walton was lifted up and capsiized, tearing i Into pieces. The wreek took fire from th stove and was burned. The fmily are all in jured, Mra. Walton seriously. The hired man had his shoulder broken and a child had itsarm broken. Bev. J. Fulmer of Homer township was killed and his house destroyed. A bain in which an ox was stabled was blown into Tltta bawassee river. The house of a man named Wood, living on Sturgeoa Cree, was blown own, and Wood was severely hurt. ö. M. Stevens, boot and shoe dealer at Fünt, ailB for $8,000. Mrs. Beberea Sinith of Brady, near Schoolcraft, was burled notwtihstandiüg doubts on ie part ol some persons as to her belngdead. The undertaker affiTtns that tlie sweating and llmpness of the corpse were remarkabie and he talked with Rev. Steele about it Both tiought something should be done, and at the [rave the coöln was opened, and the body was ben warm, whereas It should have been cold and stiff. Mr. Peet called for a phyticijn, but on the declaration of the relatives (two daughters and one son, all grown), that they had seen her die, the body was buried, and no physician called. The boom strika contiauej at Muskegoa. The uien want $2 a day for lOhours. The boom compaDy directora considered the matter on Monday, lOth. f he strlkers succoeded in stopping three milli. EigUt milis are running, but unless work is resumeJ on the booms these milis will beshut down for want of loga. The immense charcoal heaps at Fruitport, near Spring Lake, bave caught fire and are buraiDg, desfite efforts of fire steamerethrowing water and men heaping sand upon them The residence of Ira Caso, Brlghton, was burglarized Sunday night of some f200. Detroit fellows are guspec'.ed. Alagan, KUamaüioo and SU tJoseph report peach buds all riglit thus far, although they fear the effect of the present cold snap. Charles K. RobineoD, the nowly-eltcUd mayor of Oakland, California, graduated in the class of '50, Michigan University, and was for BOine time a isadiafj bsuker of Etst Saginaw üen. Clinton B. Fisk, iormeriy pf Cold water for whom Fisk Universily, Nashvillf, wa nauied, is accused of haviog swiadled F. A. Folger out ol $ C2.000, and a warrant for his arrest bas been tasued. Gen. Fiï, who waa in Detroit, iu an interview denied all guilt nd pronounced the ctiarge aa an attempt at blaekmail. He 8aid he would basten to New York to conifunthisaccuser. Raymond McGowes, one of the oldest and most reliable mail carriers 1 Qrand Rapid-, has been arrested for tampering wlth the mails. Ed. Swirt was kll(l near Mecoeta by a log rolling over him. Joha Bark wa killed by tue ears naar Ann Arbor. News has juet been roceived that Dr. D. E, Hawxhnrst of Battle Greek, on h!s wedding tour (marrud toMissNellieSkinner July20tb, 1881), died of 6mall pox in Paris in February last. The Fruitport fire destrojed 0,000 bushels of Gharcoal. Loss f9,000 and no iueuranc ). The ladkahall of Olivet college costing some f50,000 burned Monday eyeniug. The students saveil moet of tlieir ellects althvugh a few lost tholr trunks and clothing. Two pianos aud one organ ownad by the school and three pianos owned by studenti were burned. 'Ibe loss atove Insurance wMl be Boiue f23,000 or f30,000. H. C. Stauton, :oruierly hotel keepor at Bay City, died at his brotber's residence, ex-sheriff Stanton's at Pontiac. St Joseph reporta buds of peacbes and eherries Injurcd by the frost rf April llthand violent snow storm prevailinp. Kalauwzio also reportB sqow. Biley Tbayer, wbiie Ml'mg a tree near Ranney'fl millf, Saginaw Co., was killed by ita sudden fall. He leaves a wife and three et.ililren.


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