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April 5.-In the Senate, Mr. Miller, cf Cal. iutroduced a bilí to exacate certain treaty süpukitione with Chinese, identlcal witli those of the vetoed Chinese blll, except that it fixes the term of suspended emigration to ten years. Mr. Saunders from the cotnmittee oh territories, reportad without anienilinont a bilí recently recommitted to that oommittee for the admiesion of Dakota into the üuion. Mr. Farley moved to proceed to the consideraron of the vfttoed auti -Chinese The veto was discussed bj Messrs. Farley, Sherman, Iugalle, Garland Morgan and Bayard, when the nuestion was proposed: Shall the bill pass notwithstandinu the objectlons of the President? And the vote was 29 to 21 ; so f alling of a twothird vote, the bill did not paas. The House went into cominitteo of the whole on the army appropriation bill. The chalr sustained the point of order that the whole cause providing for transfer of claims pending in the iiuartermaster department to the court of claims must be estimated. Mr. Blackburn, in oppnging an amendment to transfer claims to the cour.' of claims, said that grave aceusations had been made against officials in the quartermaster general's and commissary general's departments. There were practices existing in thosa departments in the matter of adjudicating claims wbich no honest man could def end and no legislator permit to continue. The charges as the papers oeemed to present them, were that men employed as important clerks In two departments had been In the habit of levylng blackmail to the extent of 5 per cent. commission on claims they recommended. Mr. Hiscock ofïered an amendment providiug that no money appropriat l in the bill shall be used in the investí gation of claim by the quartermaster general's department Adopted. The committee rose and reported the biil. April 6.- In the Senate, Mr. Cameron, Wis., presented a memorial from the (jood Templara of Wiscsnsin, protesting against Logan's bill approprlating to Btates the revende from the liiiuor tramo asan educational fund. The bill paesed appropriating f50,000 for the immedite relief of the Cheyenne and Arrapaho Indians. Mr. Farley introduced a bill to execute certain treaty stipulntions ia relation to the Chinese. It is idenlical with the vetoed bill except tho term or suspeneion is made 15 years. In the House, Mr. Calkins reported a resolution in the Lynch Cha'mers contestad election case from Missiesippi declaring Lynch enti tled to the seat liaiJ over for future action Mr. Page asked unauimous eouseut to introduce a bill to carry ído effect the treaty stipulations with China ít reduces the period nf suspension to ten years. The House then went into committee on the Tarifit Commission bill Mr. Kasson stating that he hoped to a?k a vote on the measnre by the middle of next week. Apiil 'i. Ui the house a bilí was passed reeving f rom the charge of desertion soldierste the Tolunttter service during the lato war on roof tbat they served faithf ully untll the ex)lrution of their term of enlistment, or until ,he lst of May, 1865, but who failed to be mustered out and receive an honorable discharge. A resolution was adopted directiog the committee on expenditures in the wr department o inquire what if any abuses exist, or have xisted, ia the adjudicatloB of claims In the luartermaster-General's, in the CommissaryGeueral's and Third Auditor'i office. Mr. Washburu submittert a conference report on be bill to aathorize the construct ion of a bridge across the Missouri ïiver within five miles of St Charles, Mo. Agreed to. April 10.- In the Senate, Mr. Bayard reported a bill attendine the Anti Polygamy law fixiog the "salaries of election commissioners uiider that law at $5,000 per annum in accordance with the recent recommendatlon of the President. Passed. Mr. Saundare introduced a lili for the relief of Wichitas, Caddee, and affilated bands of Indiana. It apprepriates f 0,000,000, the same to be invested in United States bondsaad held la trust for the Indlans named and. Ihe interest to be paid tliein serai annually in consideration of the relinquishment by the Wichitas of their right to about 40,000,000 acrf s of land comprised within a tract within Indlan Territory and Kansas, and conceded to have been their original borne. Beferred. In the ïfouse, Mr, Butter worth oiïered reso lutions calling on the secretary of State for ia formation touching the export trade in mea cattle with Kuland and in fresh aad salt pork with France. Adopted. Mr. Thompson submitted a majority report of the commlttee on electiousintueeontested case of Mnckey vs O'Counor from South Garoliaa, declaring the ïontestant, Mackey, entitled to a seat Mr. Mcane introíjuced a bül for the abrogation of the fifth and sixth articles of the Burlingame treatj with China By Mr. Ray, to reduce the fees tot postofliee money orders. It fixes feeB as foliows: On orders not exceeding $25, fice cents; on order exceeding f 25, acd not txceeding $50,00 ten cents; and bo order shall be íesued for a suni greater than $50. Mr. Richardson introduced a concurrent regfilutton (Jirectlpg tlje Senat and House Coniinittees on Public Building to iaquire inti the advitability and cost o purchasing a suitable site for a reeidence fo the President of the United State?. Referred April IJ.- In the senate Mr. Vest introJuce i bill drafted last u.onth by the St. Louis Merchants' Kxohnnge as a general bridge law and inteoded to secure reasonable protection to navigathn and to authorize bridge companie lo construct ürldttes of varying diniensious at suiteble poluta on the MifsUsippi, Mesouri and Illinois livers without furihar legislation. Mr Cameron, froin the coinm'.rtee on claims, re port'd th i original bilí for the relief of BeD. I Halliday. It sppropriates 1320,163 for lossrs sustained by him as tnsil contractor on account, or lndian hostilitifg, Calendar. After an exejutivp sessioa the sonate afjjourued. in the house the original ijcuse bill was passei approprfatjng f gCGO for thè subst ence of the 4frapahoe, ühnyenne, Apauhep, Kiowas, Comanohes and A'icl '.as ia Indmn Territory, the earae being Ite dfficiency for the cmrent fiscal year. The houee went into conuuittee on th? p rt öi. at-!.icpriulon 1)!11 Thefoilowiu8 sánate amendmeU weie eoncurred in: Appropriatiag 4 35,000 for furnüshag turn :.i dan poatmas'.ers with the neceesary impltiijents for panceljing stampp; etc. in cressing the appropriatton for coinpensation to cleiks in postofllces by $15 ',000; Inoreasing by f 5J0.000 the appropriation for mail transportaron by railroads; providing if any person shall hereafter perforni any service for any mail conlractor in canyiag msil, he shall have a lien on any money due by the postcffi je de;,artraent to the contractor, The amendment restoring the franfeing privilege havjng been reached. The senate amendment was not concurred in.


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Ann Arbor Democrat