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tíeo. SI. ChUcott of Pueblo, Col., waa appointed ai senator to succeed Teller. He was elected membet of the Territorial legislatura in 1861, and bas slnc reprefsented Pueblo county in tbe state legislatura. Eis appoint mnt to the U. S. senate gives general üatisfaction throughout the state. Tho?. Carr, resldlog near Hudeon, Wis., went down luto Illinois tobuy horees, and had $12,000 iu money stolen from bim by eharpers. Ks öov. Dentoop pf Ohlo is serioucly UI at Coluinbus. W. E. Chandler is confitined stcretaryot tM naTy. Scoville asks congrees to pay hira for deíending Guiteau. J. F. Slater of Norwlcb, Ct., proposes to ate a $1,000,000 land for the education oí f reed - men. He is immenoely weaitby, A defalcation of f 60,000 is reported in the Washington, Pa., Saïlngs Bank. It is stated thatMr. Buth, eashier, has confessedthat the money was lost In graln gpeculation. Gov. Ordway of Dakota, haa been saveieiy consured by tlie grand jury for onpuiizinj; Douglas Co., when the populstion was not near larse enongh, and alw wken saperal reei denta protted aRainst organizaron. Thia ia the coontj whlch reoently isaued a number of bneus county war and school uncí dodus. Ex postmaster GeD. Kej'smotber was bui led on the Uth f rom her home in Tennessee. The Land League Secretary, Washington, report i10 branches with averafce of 100 membera. The treaeurf r reporta $277,810 sent to Ireland durinR the year. Capt. Howspito out lor au alrioghag taken hh vacation into hls o wn hands, aud hls where abouts are unknowa. An appropriation íb made of $10,' 00 for a monument at the grave of Tnos. Jrff -rson. Judge Taft of Cinclnnatl is to be minister to Austria. The generalij1 expressod opinión is, that Sbipherd is an awful liar The Bt Josepb, Mo., omciais nave arnveu i" New York. The city marshal went by the war of Albany to deliver to Govenior Oornell the requisition from Governor CrittendeD, of Missouri, for the two men, Fk and Irwln, who are aceuspd of having in their"posseeeion $100000 stolen bonds oí the City of St. Joseph. The burglary was a great surprise to Pegieíe Bingo and he does not see how the men could have taken the txmdn eo nt-atlj and leffc no trace of their presente in the vault. "It wao one of the eooleet burglaries that has ever been committed in St. Joe," said ha 'The bonds were lyingon allttle bench ia thenorthweEt corner of the vau It There were 1,00 ) of them, numbered from the top, 1, 2, and so on. Tney turned the pile np, look the 100 bonds that were at ine douoiu, auu uiou ïciuocou them bo carerally that the robbery would noï have been suspected unless one had occasion to count all the bonds." The Dallas, Texas, hail storm thl week perforated metalic roofs and stores were inundnted. Damage was done to the extent ol $150,030. The Daily Herald office suCered $12,000 damage with water five f eet deep in the building. Floods still preval! in Dakota, both brldges over the Cheyenne river on theroad to Fort Totten are washed away. A fire in a Veeey street block New York, Dread so raDldly that S0 girls worklng in a perf umery factory were reecued with dlfSculty over the roof ana down the fire escape laddors. Fire also destroyed the Marshall House, and Opera House of Tltu8vHle,Pa.,at a loss of #150,000. In a tenement house ín 8t Louia, a mother and daughter were burned to deatb. An nnlucky Fridsy. Potter has given riee to rumora that thls will render nuil and vold the fiaal proceedlngs In the Sprague divorce case. It wss known tnat the decree wa to be left opon unül oertain matters could be arranged. Among tl-e bold robberies in Chicago, this week Wbre the maltreatlng of a wldow womaD who in her o wn home was beaten senselesg in in the attempt to secure treasare on her person The largest river aod harbor appropriation ever asked for, will be presented under plea of extra necewlty in Mississlppi valley. Four milllon dollars Is designated for the unruly Misslssippi out otan aggregate reijoest for $14,000,000. The number of [allures ia the United States for the last seven days aggregate 122. The fallure of the First National Bnk Baffalo, is to be added. It is reported tbat the bank had loaned to H. J. Hall, without seeurity, $200,000. The capital stock was $100,000 with $75,000 surplus. The large boller in A. H. Slbley & Co.'s f eed mUL Baltimore, Md., exploded killing seven persons and woundinjj maDy othere. A similar explosión occnrred in the same mili 12 years before kllllng fivs persons. Sen. Clinton B. Flsk gave bail in thesum of $75,000 to appear when wanted In tbe Fogg mlnlng tionds case. The N. Y. Herald suggests that in the case of the deceased Buflalo bank, the Iriends certalnly have a rl({ht to nsk for a full report of the cause of deatb, even if that ttuaacial undertaker, tbe recelver. retases to allow them to view the rematas In charge oí which he Ib placed. President Artbar concludes that be can do noUiinij for Fltz Johu Porter by way of relief f rom the eentence of the court marital. A terrible storm on lower bayon Teche, La., deetroy ed a large number of buildings and a fiu residence wlth lts occupants floated away. ÖDvernment ratioiw have been ordereJ for survivore. Nevada bas hang in effigy Senator Hoar for bis remarks on the Chinese qiiOBtion. They will also treat Dawes similarly. The well knowD A. T Stewart stores in New York with branches in other cities are to wind up basineBsand go out of trade. Ex President Uayee has Jast contributed f 25u to Cleveland Guiflald munnment fuDd. M. H. DeYonog of the San Francisco Chron Iele says th laUure ol the Chinese bill wlll ve California, Oregon, Nevada an4 Colorada t,heDemociats. An Island la Paterson, N. J., la clalnisd by he "Washingtonlañ romperance Society," and Uso by the "Society lor Estab'.ishing Oaeful ,ianufactures"Afiáht eusued for possession on Saturday and the temperance forcen were routed. Benj. Doremus, president oí the latter organization was badly hurt. Bbv. S. Quigley, a well known Methodist minister was thrown f rom hls buggy and killed on the 17th. The New York Herald in speaking of the A T. Stevartfailuresays: It must always be a marvel that Bueh a house should di out in so short a time and while under the control of Human whoitused to be thouifht suppüed Mr -it.7iirt writ.h hrftinfi. lhe last Sunday edition of the Ne York Herald contained 119 columns of advertís! njr. In tho recent burning of David Browu's atable, New York, 29 horses were kilkd. Oae of these, a 2:32 trotter called Honest Ton), was valued at $(SUO. Mt. Brown's 1083 on wagons, truck?, harneeaes, etc, was $2,000. The build in?, owned by W. P. Karle, proprietor of the Earle Hotel, was d.amaged #1,000, Enos i. Crowther, ex-City Register of St. Josepb, Mo., and the City A688sor, and John Cox, have betn eharged with complicity in the ÏCO.OOÖ bond steal. Their bonds wore fixd at $2,600. ,_J,uu Manley of Wauseoc, O., a dry goods' dealer, has failed for f19,000. J. W. DoncvaD, a Detroit lawjer was oü tiaud and got ont the J Orst att ichment in the iüterest of Detroit merchante. The Fyni brothoisíor the Bhooting of .lease James, were tvied, couvioted, aad seatenoed to be )mng May 191!j. They were also immediately par.:oned by tiie soveroor. The Gongrefcaiioaal churcb, school house, residences and etores burued at Now Tiondon Ct., aggregatiug $40,000 bes. 'iho printins establishment oí Walker, Tnthill & Co., Williams Bt, New damaged by fire 940.000. Tha Sun bleachery at North Providence, E# I„ burned at $70,000 loss. TheBteamahip Hermod, froin Havre, enoountered icebergs towetitg SOU and BO0 feet above water. After baing surrounded and laving a hole stove in and the iorward com[artmect fliied with water Bhe stenmed 1100 witb. a Ioíb oí only 150 tonB of cargo. Furst's dislilleiy at Peoria,Ill.burnt!d at a Ios3 of $200,000 to insurance compaDiee. G. B. Armstrong, for ten jears on the staff of the Chicago Iater-Nwan, ha9 beeo apfolnted by Presidfiat Aithur Hagister of üie l.and office, Huren, Dakota. The first di'd salí of seata for the coming May Festival, Ciucinnaü, aggregated $11,823. Enthusiasm txcrtd3 that of otber yeara. The IFartagut House. Rye Beach, N. H., barrí at f50,000 loss. (jeorge M. Irwto. one of thp boud thieves, St Joseph, lío., has testifiad beforo the grand jury that Eqos Crowlher, former register of the citr, barroweii Beslister Rmgo's eafe key and made au iinpresüoa of it. He thau bad a key made, and accuinpaniad by John Cox and D. W. Scott weut to the reieter oflioe, opened ifye eaLe and abstracted tlie boiids. Ir win was in tha plot. and it had been prearranged that be and Scott should goeast, eil tlis tonds, turn and divido thu psooeedB with Crowthor and Cox, and thea f 2J0.ÜU0 more of tb bonds wero to be taken in iho same manner and dispose! of in the Bame wny. Iiwin's statement ia belieyed, and has creatod more f asensatlon tban the arrest of Bib Furfl. The burniog o! 17 Btoros at Orisfielii, Md., remita in t75,0 0 loss. Ifrauk Jamf s is reportad on the war pith ith a large üumoer of aiLej, who swear ynguiice upou all coucro(i ia the Jcse James murder. An if 18,000 fired occurred in McLaughlin's aiachiutry depot, Bueton. Junnie O'Bneii, a domestíc at the Sturtevant House, New Yurk, was ihaigtdwith steaJing f3,00l) iiom a auest. Sh dpied the charge in wuit, and dropptd dead.


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Ann Arbor Democrat