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April 12.- Th euato took up the blU nllotiug '.o the soathurn Vies agiioaltural lands in or near the liintah reservatiou, Utah territory, instead oL ttiose heretoíor provided for them tothe Plata riveraud it yicinity in Colorado and Nw Mexico. The committeeainendmeut rtquiring the consect oí the Umtahs to removai and settlemönt was Btricken out aíttir a statement by letter that this band held no title to this reBerration, a"d that tba committee erred in assuminii otherwise. Mr. Sewell preeeuted a petitioa of 978 army oiftcers praying for the passage of the Mll for compuisory reUramentattha age of 62 years. Among the Bignaturea are those of Bruvet Maj. Gens.Howard, Crook, Haztsn, Wilcox, Stanley, McCook, Newton, Hateh and McKenzie; brevet Brig. Gans. Brackett, Bradley, Brooke and Totnpklos. Cols. Andrews and Wood, 27 lieutenant colon - els, 72 majors, 271 captains, 867 first auto and 226 second lieutenants. Beferred to the military committee. In the House the following biüs were reported: ByMr. Dingley (tderseJy) nuthorizing taxation by etates of United States legal tender notes. House calendar. By Mr. Harria making an appropriation of f600,000 for the purchaso of torpedoes and experiments upon the same. By Mr. Hoblltzell for constinction of the Delawara and Maryland f ree ship canaL Committee of the whole. hy Mr. Page to exocute certnin treaty stipulations relating to the Chinese. House {alendar. By Mr. Crapo to auiend section 5171 and repeal sectlon 5176 revised statutts, House calendar (It amends section C171 bo as to rad as follows: "On depofit ot bonds aa descrloed by sections 5159 and 5160 the association making the same shall be entitled to receive from the comptroller of currency circnlatins notes of differeot iaations in blank.registsred and countarsijjned as tereinafter provided, equal in amount to 90 per cent. ol their current market ralue not txceedlng par of United States bonds, so transferred and deliveroi!, and at no time sball the total amonnt of saca notes issued to any sucb asaociaüon esceed the amonnt at sucb time actually paid in of its capital stock.) House went into committee of the whole on the Tariff Commiseion bill, and Mr. Hubbell spoke at length. la the Senate.- Mr. McMl'lan reportad favor ably a bilí authorizing the Sscretary of War, whenever he had good raasoa to bellere that any railroad orother bridge obstructs navijation by reason of didiculty in passiag the draw opening, to rcquire additional safeguarda at the expense of the bridge corporatlon. Mr. Plumb, repirted without amendment tbe House bilí to supply the deficiencles or the current year; $170,')00 for printing ttauH's, etc., for the Revenue Department; $25,000 for the manufacture of paper tor the Creasury department;also, $150,000 to continue the work on the Washington monument, tbe latterappropriation b?Ug for the next fiscal year aud to enable the peraon in charge of the work to matte bis contracta for the coming yearatthis time. PassMl. The Indian toiritory railroad bill was talten up, disoussed and pa wed. In tbe House, a bill was paseed to ratlfy the agreement with the Shoshoues and Bannock Indlaus for tbe sile of a portion of tbeir reservaiinn iu Idabo required for the Otab & Northern Railroad. The House went into commit - iee on tlie tariil comujission bill. Mr. UpdegcaS coacludbd bin spetcb in tx or of a pro tective as opposed to a free trade taria for reyeuuoouly. Mr. l urner argued in support of arevenue tarifl; Mr. Brumm, for tho coatiauance of the presant protective pollcy; Mr, Armfield coufiued bis reinarks priueipally to a review to the abuses to the internat rerenne sjstemof taxation. On motlon of Mr. Geddes tb Senate bill was psssed appropriating f10,000 for the erection of a monument over the grave of Thou. Jrfïerson. April 14.- Iq the Senate Mr. Voorhees spoke on bis reBolntion declanng tbe conducto! the state departmeat, in reiation to pereons lm tiwned by BritiSh aüthorities derogatorr to he honor of the government, and inconsistent wlththe valueof American citizensUIp. Mr Sherman foilowed. remarklng that the Btatate which protects the ris hts of foreign born citizens had been paased by the Repabliean party and tbat the party had establlshed the right of expatriation. Opon his snggestion the resolution of Mr. Yoorhees was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, with a view to Inqoiry lnto all the f acts of the case. In the House the mlnorlty report on the A.ntl-Chinese Wil was presented. It states that the minority determined not to report the fit teen year bilí, but to vote for Mr. Page's motion. The House went into committee on th private calendar. The firet bill for the relief of Edward fl. ArmRtrong, one of the heirs of James B. Armstrong, of Missouri, met witti opposltion on the ground that thongh the original claimant had been loyal, E. B. Arm stroug had been unable to prove lüs loyalty. Mr. Burrows and othors spoke against allowing the claim, and the enacting claim was stricken out. April 15 -The house went luto committee on the tariff commisiion bilL Mr. White confined his remar ks principally to the attack apon the bilí recently passed by the house amending Interpal revenae laws. Mr. McMillin oppoBed the pending bilt on the ground that it was the duty of congress to legiBlate directly on the subject of revisión of the tarifl. A high tariff, he said, taxed every f rmer, printer, teacher, doctor, lawyer, preacher and mechanio in the , and in order to lacrease tti profits of therich manufacturar, and even placed a dut; on Bibles tbus prohibitlng the plau of ealvatlon from going nntaxed to the people. If there was to be a revisión of the tariff wby didn't rtpresentatlves of the people stand liy thelr duty like men and not shriiik from that duty and send au irrospon8ible commission all over the country, junketinjf and feastinff iu order to lnform coogrees what it ir ast do? Messrs. SaallenberRer, Wilson and Ward advocated the passage af the Mil. Mr. HUI favored continnance of the protective syBtem. April 17.- In the Senate, Mr. ïngalle, trom the Judíciary Commlttee, reportad, wlth amendments, the bilí introduced by Mr.Plumb in December last to destare certain lands granted to the Pacifio Bailroad subject to taxation. The bill relating to the claim for damBges by colusión between a United States vesBel and a ferry boat at Memphis in 1879 was passed, 25 to 11. The bilí provides for lts adjudication by the ünltod States District Court at Memphis. In the house bilis were introduced by Mr. Gibson appropriating f100,000 for the parchase of eed cana for tns distrlDution or tüesame Dy the commissioner oí agriculture. By Mr. Murch a resolntlon calllng on the B9cretary of the treasury for infovmatio?) whether In hls estlmateB for the spproprlaiiou covering laborere, meebamcB, sto euoh eitltnate! were baeed oa the eiglit-hour law. Mr. Page, under In8trucüoc8 of tUe committee on educatiou and labor, moved to suspend the rulas and put cpon lts pas&ase the antl-Chlnese bilí with a ten jear peilod of suspensión of Immigration. Altera long and angry débete, characterizaa by some confusión and disorder incident upoD attempts of the opponeBte of the measure to bo hpanJ, the tilles were suspaudeJ and the billpassed- yeas2 I, na37. Apiii 18. -In theöuuBle ttr.Uarlabd reported faycrably the resolution of Icqulry as to wbetbcr r."'lTid officers could lawfulJy hold office undar liie governmwit. Mr. Johnson prepeiited a re6Oliioa requestlng the PreBi" dent to traneinlt the correspondence wlth 3pain ia 1870 relative to cllizans condemned to deatb iu Cuba. fhe agnoultural appropriation was paused, grautiug f414,780. A oommunlcatioD was rectived from the President, urgiug early and favorable coiisideration oi the MissiBeippi vlver coinmiseloi!, for $1,00 000 to repair gaps ia the leveee. Ia the Houeo Mr. K .gson announced tbat general drbite on the Tariff bilí would not be closed tbis week. He advised the minorit.j meuibers that il would be indispensable thai the blll ehould give way to other business. The fresldeni Bent a message asking the attention ot C!ongresB to the invitatiou etandlag, to cali a Congrec-s oí North and South American states to oonsider the beBt means of preventing a war between said states. And having esplained the purpose of hls lavitatlon. llie President sks CODgrees to consideraba mat ter of the appointed meeting and to luform hlm by resolution or otherwiw cf its opiaion asto the wlstitt course to be pursued in the premiaes, by whlch termal euggestion he promises to guide hls acte. Mr. RiBCotk reported a joint resolutlon appropruting f465,000 to supplj a deficleacy In the approprlatlonB for public printiDg a.d binding for the current fiscal year. A commanication was recetred irom the eecretary of the navy concerning the establishment] of an Iadian training school on the site of the old Fort Bipley military reserration, Mlunesota.


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Ann Arbor Democrat