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In presenting this resume of some of the commercial interests of Ann Arbor to the leaders of The Demockat, our object is a desire to iuipress upon the residents of the territory in which this paper circulates, the superior idvantages of this city as a base of supplies over the adjacent cities and villages: HBNRY KRJ.U8E, MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS AND SHOES. E8TABLJ8IIED IN 1846. Among the merchants and manufacturera, A benefactor to the race, Is the boot and shoe dealer Who takes the flrst place. Mr. Krauso is giving The best bargains made. To all visiting hls store And desiring to tiade. He bas shoes for tbe ladies Both dainty and neat, Made to fit the cutest Of cute little feet. Ue bas slippers for babics And large boots for men, From small No. 2, To large No. 10. A specially be makes Of fine repairing, And his work done to order Is unequaled for wearing. Fine wear at low pnces Is his special plan. And one price to all Either lady or man. MACK & 8CHMID, DRT Q00D8, KO. 52 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Mack & Schmid Have what you desire, A stock most complete Thai all will admire. Dry Goods and notions, Neckwear and veils, Kxrellencies enormous Are borne on their sails. Friuges and embroideries, Hoisery and gloves, Everything is offred That woman lores. Many excellent silks From Frenchman's sunny goil. And shawls that are lovely From India's patiënt toil. Li neus, napkius, towels, All prices and grades, Alpacas, worsteds, flannels And cashmeres all shades. And you'll find more comfort In this elegant s'.ore, Thiin all Ann Arbor If you travel it o'er. HENRY MATTHEWS, MEAT MAR EET, WEST E URON STREET, AD JOININO LEONARD HOUSE. Th is house sella beef steak, Also fowls and fish, Beefsteak and cutlets Ia quantities as you wish. Kept by Henry Matthews 1 u bis large fine vaults, Ice cold and sweet, Kit lier ficsh ment or salt. He keeps the flnest stock Of mutton and lamb, Bolognu sausage, shoulder, Smoked bacon and ham. This man is an expert And will bone you a roast, So easy and quick He has reason to boast. He buys only the best stock In the country yards, And to all needing such meat He sends kindest regards. C. E. HOLMES, DRUGS. Health and wealth Pure diugs impart, Restore the sick And gladden the heart. C. E. Holmes Grants us wealth In drugs to guard O'er blooming health. His veracity is knowu Which niakes it sure, Unexcelled his goods And strictly pure, To prescriptions he ever Gives great heed, Ar.d keeps all remedies We may need. Toilet anide innumerable Grace his store. Perfumes and colognes That all must adore. Winesand liquors Of the purest juices Are kept by him For medicinal uses. KOCH & HALLMR, DEALERS IN FURNITUBE, 52 S. MAINS'IREET. Koch & Haller have furniture Ia endless variety, Mauufaetured expressly For ail grades of society. These men in this city Are leading the trade, In elegant furniture Frenen veueered and inlaid. They have furniture for the parlor, Kuchen and stairs, Lounges, sofas, mirrors And upholstered easy chaira. New suits for the parlor Are quickly to order made, Which they will deliver As soon as they are paid . In elegauce %mi finish This house can't be beat, And with Detroit low prices They're ready to compete. . J. BERRY, MERCHANT TAILOR, FINE LINE OF BUSINESS AND DRESS SüITINGS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON, UNI VERSITY PLACE. The tailoring business Is conspicuous for designs, In high style and quality To which every one inclines. J. Berry is the man, Who invites you all there, He will fit you out finely At prices most fair. He will make you a suit Oí any style or grade, And guarantee a fit Bet'ore ït 3 ma ie. And if you once try hira You'll buy of no other, Be he uncie or cousin, Not even your brotner. 'For none can make clothing 8ostylish and neat, With" all more thau willing Is he to compete. D. F. ALLMENDINGER, MANUFACTURER OF PARLOR AND CHAPEL ORGANS AND DEALER IN PIA NOS AND OTHER MUSICAL INSTUMENTS, COR. WASHINGTON AND FIRST ST8. Among the business houscs I wish co emphasize, Is Mr. Aümendinger With bis musical merchandise ; He is dealer in thi city And this part of the west, For those instruments chosen And proven the best. Fine organs has he The latest chimes out, 'Tis the best place to buy Without any doubt. Everything in his line Is always the belt, And you can't do better Than go there to invest. A specialty he makes Of the Ann Arbor Organ Manufactured by him And sold at a bargain. Note. - Persons purchasing of the Anm Arbor Organ Works, can save from 25 to AO per cent. W. W. NICHOLS, Dentiitt, Over Joe. T. Jacob' Clothingr Iïonse. When painful toothache Makes extraction a necesaity, Cali on Nichols the Dentist, Ue'U do it with Bimplicity. With ease and without pain Hm instrumenta he uses, While the patiënt takes ease And fears no abuses. Filling and setting, Wilh long experience and care, By his skill he has gainud A practico quite rare. He assures us satislacúon For work we desire, And his continuous gum sets AU will admire. With a cheertul demeanor To the public he extends, His invitation tor patronage To both strangers and iriends. WlRSTtK &; UIKM, Carrlages. Nos. 21, 23 and SS Detroit Street. It is necessary to have a carnage And also a wagou, If bought of Wurster 4 Kirn They'U both do to brag ou. Thoy have pheatons and coupes, And carriagos new styles ; They are proven the best, For they'll run the most milos. Fine work and finish Is their established hobby, And all the work they turn out Is both stylish and nobby. Seoond growth timbor they use, All well-selooted, And the best iron and steel - Nothing noglected. So don't waste your tnoney On Detroit trash, Bul order at home And give these men your cash. oi(Ji. s, in i)i:uso .t co., Clothing. What's more agreeablo Than a nice-fitting shirt, Made of good goods By a skillfnl expert ? Douglas, Henderson & Co. Iuvile you all thero; They will show you flnegoods At prices fair. They have shirts of all styles, Collars, cuffs and ties, Handkerchiefs and underwear And gent's roerchandise. They will show you fine clothing Of' every style and grade, Which isguarenteed to fit As thóugh to order made. They have many stylish suits, Now all the rage, Suits of every material, Something for every age. But to cut our story short And say what we mean, Douglas, Henderson A Co. 's clothing house Is the finost we have seen. jr. a. i'iiiin nis. Corner Main and Catnariiie St ro.'ts. We must not forget the trade In livery horsos fine, Which please our guests From all along the line, And enjoyed by people Of modern leisure, Whether riding for health, Or driving for pleaaure. I scarcely need teil you J. A. Folhemus' the man To furuish a single, Or the very best span. In firat-class management He's acknowledged the bosa, And to order elsewhere Is sure to be your loss. He has hácks and buggies And carriages to let, The most fashionablo turn-outs In the city, you bet. sotto. l'aints and Painter's ;supili-. 60 Soulli Iluiii hl., Kccka' w Illoi-k. For a house well appointed We hear thein aü say Oscar Sorg's is the best ïhey've seen tor many a day. And having introduced ïhis man ot large renown, We'll say he's a pamter The best we know in town. He deals in oild and painw, In colors blue or gold, The finest gradea we've seen, The richest ever sold. The richest decoratious And freseoes on the walls, And when one needs his services He writes or on him calis. And ïf a house you're building Or wish to make repairs, This man will surely suit you In any of his wares. ri:iti i.i i m ii (.uní. T. l'-i-li. Ami Arhur Niim ri n Ji-ntent. What would the age do Without the use ol luoibr ï Thomas Keech's shingles And laths without inimber ! He has dry buildiug lumber Aud luuiber tor tioors, Also pickets and siding All largely in store. Feit and building paper Are kept in noedtul .stock, And his prices are marked, Way down to bed rock. Jackson Tile and tíewer Pipe In quality the best, - You'l be supplied at short notice, It' you go there to invest. His mamoth yards Are accessible to all, Now have your bill ready, When on him you caü. JOHN KECK CO., rnderlakers, W. K. Cbtlds, Ffineral Director. We must not forget the undertaker, Telling us all, That death reaps his victims, From great and trom small. But it' compelled to seekgoods Ia this line of trade, (For sooner or later The last change is made.) - Go to Keek and Company On South Main street, You'll flnd them square And pleasant to meet. To this special line Mr. Childs gives heed, And his skillf'ul atteution Will supply every need. They have coffins of wood And caskets of metal And at low prices you'll flnd Wnen the time comes to settle. Their implements lor embalming Are the finest required, And they pertially or permanentlv Embairá if desired. They furnish carriages And have a fine hearse, And many have said They're easy on the purse. AMBROSE E Y. Dealer In Grocerles and l'rovisioii 33 Noutli Main Street. The most convenieut to familiea Aud of general demaud, Among merchants comea flrst The grocery man. Ambrose Kearney the grocer With his new atock complete, You'U ever find obligiug Ou South Maiu street. He'a a triend that we need To Bupply ua every hour, With the üueat of sugars, Cotíes, teas aud üour. Caudies and cakes Oranges and bananaa, All kinds ot mits And cigar8 the beat Havanas. Unlimited his atock Ot' cauned gaods and fruit, Kgga, bultor and lard And low pricea to auit. If Irom city or country Mauaiou or farm, Just cali and examine 'TwiU do yu no liarm. C. M. 14 I Mi, Guns, Key Fitting aud Bell Hangring, No. 3 Kast Liberty Street. In thia directiou Science assumea almost perfection, In advancement and inveutive geniua There's no relloution. C. M. Kiug in Aun Arbor Ia well known in thia trade, And the stock he keepa Ia the best that'a inadu. Thia ia headquarters For aportsmeua warea, I've the only complete stock Mr. King declarea. He importa breachloading shot guna A üne sporting arm, They are abaolutely safe And will do you no harm. Ha has guna and pistola Aud tackle lor lish, As good aa Chicago Or anything jou wish. G. F. BtJKKHARDT, Dealer In Harneas, Trunks, Vallces, bawl Straps, etc. Mr. Burkhardt is willing Aud ready to explain, Hia devicea lor haineslraps And lor buckling the rin. And that his fine harneas Either single or doublé, He'll fit to your animal Without the least trouble. Also saddles and bridka Circinglea and whips. Which were aure all othera ín Michigan eclipso. Fine trunks in variety ,The beat ever made, You'il find at a bargain If you go tbero to trade. He givos special attention To fine repairing, Such as collara and harncss ïhat are eonstantly wearing. And our readera are all Thnsly invited, For the intention ia ïhat none shall be slighted. .iuM:i.i. BKOTHBBB, lenlers in Ncwiutf MacffitlucH, 17 Suuth Mitin SI !■■■ I. BMMh Olllco, ITpsUiiiiIi. For a sewing machine Oa which lo depend, The "Domeatic" or "White" To you we'd recommend. Their coustruction ia simple And eaaily uuderatood, They'll do all work mcely Swiltly and good. They are the hghtest running machines Ever ofi'ered to the trade, And produce leas fatigue Than auy machine made. After many years 01' practical uae, The demand increaaes And they never Gnnuell Bros. and asi-islants Are popular with all, So remember this faet Wheu on you they cali. C. J. itiitiiDin, The Popaler dffar Store. Corner Jlaiu anl lluron Hlrccl . The vaat capital invested In the attractire weed ilakes the trade ot' tabacco Exteasive indeed. Some smoke trom liabit, And others for pleaauro ; In either caae a good cigar Is an alaaolute treasure. Young men, old men, All who amoke or chew, Should viait C. J. Durheim Whose branda are choice and uew. He has some ünely flavored livcs And some fiue llavana tens, Some rich golden plug And line ent that aetid.-, - Tothe taste the assurance Ot' a quality retiued. And the best branda of smoking With him you vvill lind. The "Charlie's F-ta" oigar Ia the besi 5 in town, And "Lapatria" lo 10 lias gained great renown. K. 91. SOI ! l A li!. I Uivcrsil v Tonsorirl IMrlnri. -. 5 Nortli Ia;n Street. The zenith you all know Ia high overhead, - Higher than a barber's pole, Öomeone has said. E. M. Southard'a parlora Are rich, tasty and rare, And his assietant are educatcd And traiued witii care. Strangera trom nonh South, east and west, As well as ciüzens Acknowledge itbest. The touaorial artidt Who runs thia retreat, Is said to be equsre And pleariant to meet. They will shampoo your hend And out your hair, Alljin govia si.yle - And at pricaa luir.


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Ann Arbor Democrat