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If you wisli to purchaae oue of the best BABYOARRIAGES manufacturad, remember the only place in the eity to fiud them is ut Kooh & llaller's. Immlgratiun is increasing so rapidly tliat all the Atlantic Linea are putting on extra boats. PsELJSf 8 Fiught. - To worry'about any hvei', kidney or unuary trouble, espeeially Brighl's (liscase or diabetes, as Hop Bitters nevor fall of a cure where a cure is possible. We know this. AVhen u light-haired man's locks begin to turn gray hu's getting on la 50. Wheu tbey begin to turn blacfi he's gtlting 011 to O. Ad old doctor's advice. - It is this: "Trust in God aud keep your bowels open." For this purpose mauy an old doctor lms advised the habitually costive to take Kidney-AVort - for no other reincdy so etfectually overcomes this condition and that without the distress and griping which other medicines cause . It isa radical cure for piles. Don't tail to use it. "Angélica Jane" is curious about the meaniní? of the word "swag." AVell, gehca Jane, swng is what successful politicians carry in tbcir vost pockets, - Roch ester Express. WoitTiiY OF Praisb.- Asa rulo we do not recommend patent medicines, Uut when we kiiow oí one tljat rèaliy m m liulilic benefactor, and does posiüvch cure, (hou we consider it our duty (o im - ! part that Information to all. Electric Bitters are truly a most valuable medicine and will surcly cure biliousnesa, lever and agüe, Stomach, livor and kiilney eom plaints. Bold at (fly cents a boltlo by Kberbach & Son. Short: "Adolphus, let us leave the avenue and strull ulonu; ttie margin of tüc rnajestic river." "Not any, Jivangeline; uo inore margina for me." (AdolpkuB bad beeu speculatiug in futures tliat week.) CATARKH OF TI1I0 BLADDES. - iSliuging, smartiug, irritation of tbe urinary passages, diseased discharges, curêd by Buehupaiba. 1 at duui8ts. Mich. Depot, JAMES JS. DAVÍS & CO., Detroit, Micb. "Father," said an inquisitiva boy, "what is meant by relations?" "Close relations, ray son," replied the father, "are relations who ncvcr give you you u cent." BijArxAND M-:itvK .-- .hs Keuewer, greatest remedy on earth for im potence, leanness, sexual Uebility, etc. l at drustgtsls. Mioh. Depot, JAMËH E DAVI8&CO., Detroit, Mich. . 1 tn L9flper ■ Bamples - DJ IU JU wprthJSfrge. Addrew Sttnson & Co., Vort land, Maine. ÍCC a week in your own town. Terms and 5 1 4ÜD outfits fr,.i'. Aililress H. HaUett & 0o„ portland, Maine. ï MASTERLY WcCORMia Harrester and Twine Binder. IT SCÓOP8 THE CHAMPION, BUCKEYE, DEERING, WOOD, OSBORN, AND ALL WITH WHICH IT COMESj IN CONTACT. F. Wagner & Bro., who are agents for the above machine, have also on hand the flnest line of oarriages to be fouiid anywhere Waeons or carriages made to order. F.WACKEH & BRO. Second 8t. betweea Watbington and Liberty Sta CARPETS ! Lace Curtains ! FEINGES AND COETAINS WALL PAPERS. L ADIES AND GENTLEMEN Our business is to furnish for this Market the iincst and choicest goods in these lines, at the very lowest prices. We endeavor to do our business thoioughly and to j'our satisfaction. Yours, STERLING & CO., Toledo, Ohio. 1% and 1!)8 Sumniit St. Suecessors to Baker, Sterling & Co. The Bad and Worthless ave never imitated or counterfeited. Tbis is especially true of a family medicine. aad it ispositive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest vaiue. As soon as it had boen tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best aud muit raluabic family medicine on earth, mairy imitations sprung up and bugaa to stëül tbe notices iu which llie press and peo])]e of tbe countiy bad expressed tbe merits of II. B.,and iu tvtry way Irytng to induce suffering invalida to use tbeir stuff instead, expectiug to matos money on the credit aud good name of IL B, Many others starled uostiums put up ui similar style to H. 15., witb vaiiou.-ly devised names in which the word Hop or Hops were used in a wuy to induce people to believe tbey were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures, 'no matter wliat tbeir style or name ia, and especially luose wiih tbe word Hop or Hops in ibeir mune or iu any way eonuected with tbem or tbeir name, are imitations or counteifeits. Beware of tbem. Touch none of tbcm. Use notbing but genuine Hop Bitton with a buncb or cluster of ";reen Hops on tbe white label. Trust notbing cise. Druggist and dealers are warued agaiost dealinjj iu imiiations or couuterfeits. [[THE ONLY ME D i Cl NE IJ li IN EITKXB LHJÜID OB Dliï F0K3I H ■M That Acts at the same time on; 3 TSM ITM, TM BQWEUlñ Jl AÏÏD TUE KlDSm.'Z W IIWHY ARE WE StCK?jj Hl Becausi wè allow these graat orgam towk ymbecome clogged or torpid, and poisonouswï II 1 hnmrs are therefore forced into tke blood ■ n "a' 'houldbe expelled naturally. Q Ui WILL SURELY CURE , Ukidney diseases, m liver complaints, ■ JI'II,I'S. CONSTIPATION, URINAUY fj Pi SISEASES, FEMAI.E WEAKNESSES, I B i AND NEllVOir UIBOKDEIC8, ■ Ay cauelngfrte action of these organt DidU Dl restoring their poiver to throw off d'uecut. Why snffer Itlllons pnln and nrhp! 11 WÈ Why tormented nith Files, Constipatlonl U U Vfhj f rightoned OTer disordored li iil nij! W PR Why enduro nertous orsick hendachos? ■ Bi üselUTi'S.Y-WOB.IandrtjoiceinheqUh. Kj I It is put up in lry Vegetable Forro, in tin II ■9 cans one package of whlch mako six quarts of WÊ ■ ■ medicine. Al so ín IJqu 11 Forro, ver y i'onoen-ül Lj trated, for those that cuimot readily prepare it. I ■ VI t"It acts with equal efficiency in eithcr torm. Hl _4 GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGI3T. PRICE, II.00R BB WELLS, BICHAEDSON ACo.,Prop'i, M 1 m (TVill eend the dry post-paid.) BURI.ISOTOS, TT. R ËBERBAGH&SON, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND j Pure Chemicals of our own mportation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At. list priivs. STTTIDZEIJSTTiS Are cordially invitud to examine our stock as quality and prices. eberbach:& son.


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Ann Arbor Democrat