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An $18,000 loes rnutod from the burning ot Cobb'si MHcheli'B BawIll Round Lak Tu'ily Stented rali-road veiocipele invented by S. H. Watto ot Three Bwer, toto Inufactured by a stock company ta whh are several heavy capitalista, among the num ber Mayor J. W. Frencb. The company pre nnses erecting extensive buildings . P arVdof DeWUthasa white Brahma hen which lays eggs meaBanag 8JÍ by 8 Inches in diameter. -.- ,h Thewifeof Benjamin Dansard, Sr., of the banking house of B. Dansard & 8on. Monroe, died at the family nüdence on WedneBday. Mrs. Dmsard, whose malden name wan Katharine Bayer, was born in Bologne, Franoe, In 181Ö She marriedBenJaminDansardln Paris In 1836, carne to America the same year, and a few yearsatterward moved to Monroe, which which bas been her home for 40 years. A doublé bed of fine white gypsum has been dlscovered on West Moran bay at a depth of about 20 feet. B N Tbomas oí Jackson, has been acquitedotlarceny la coanection with the Camp, Morrill & Co., eilk robbery. Thoma states that he received the g ods of J. M. Welch, the lawyer, and disposed oí üiem for him. Joseph Tooley o( Hllltdale fraiBlit conductor on the I.. S. fc M. S. B.a.,hashada foot mashed by the cara. Tt new steamship Onoko, the largest on CheiaksiCarrieslDO.COO bUBhelsof wheatand fneasures 2,164 tons. BenJ. Bradford, of Cantón, who had Hved In that place for 56 yeare was killed on the Sist. r the overturning of an os cart. gdwin BaU, of Weston, won a verdict of 8137 SOagaiost the D. L, & N. rallcoad oomitaay, lor a horse which dled whlle in transit from Stantoc tó Brighton. Xne death of Minister Hurlbut at Lima, Peru, is described as follows: Ke was playing ïth tds grandchildren on the mornins of the ■lih of March when he suddenly exelalmed m great agony, "God bless you al), I am dylngOh my hearu" Great excitement fol'owed. At the post morteui amlaation, two physidans demanaed examlaation of the Btomach to aacertain ii there were evidences of poisoa. Xbe result of the examioaüon is unknown, as the stomach was immedlately pnt into a Jar andsealed, being Bhipped to the United Staten on th 6th inst. for f nrther aaalysis. W. C. Abbott has begnn the erccüou of a Wew hoUl at Kalkaska. Whitney k Co , of the Spoke and Hub Factory, Hudson, hava pnrchased thirty acres of iiiaber near McdinE, wmcíi wiiicm u truck l themselvee. loledo partles haye of feted the Spoke and Hub Manufactory Induce menta to eetablisb In their city. Boa C. Henderson, imder date of April 20, publishes a card Informins the public that h has served the papers on EdwyC. Btid for lUMPlutfon of partnership. Don eays toa hereaiter the Allegan Journal shall be run i nccordanc with hls own ideaa. A workmaa teil a distance of 50 feet from the walls of the new Pontiac asylum buUdin and it Ie thought is do; soriously ïiurt. Tbe Detroit únance committee of the srm oC the Potomac reuuion have iecelved sub crlptions amountiBit to 84,000. They wl continue th eaiwaee. All rallroads hav agreed lo give halt-fare rates. Wm. O. Pollard, formerly a pi Intuí in th Ionia Sflntiael cfflce, but iately m;9i.ionary at the 8p3wten lslácdp, dicd in a Pullman car dunday, between Omaha atd Chicago, of con eumpüon, on h'.s way home to College Poin tong Island, where his famlly reside. He wa aged about 3). E. F. Conely, of Detroit, has been appolnte soperintendent of pólice. Herman Gillett, of Fenton, has disappeared but some forged paper remains. The First National Bank property, Detroi was sold for 76,000 on Monday of thls week. G.V. N. Lothrop was the purchaser. It is etated that Emory Wendell, the cashier, will become president of the bank. In accordance witU a resolution adopted at Ue secret meeting of the strikers, tn Muskegon, several hundred men marched to Lskeside on Monday and forcibly ghut down McCraeken & Hovey's mille, aleo those of Maun & Co., Stlmpson & Fye,aod Tiilotson & BlodptetU Reveral man were severeiy bandled daring the melee. This vlolence, s etrongly condemned by all classes, inclodlng those of the strikers who have never ]oined a prooeesiqn. The feellng Is becoming bitter between the contendlng parties. MeCracken & Hovy have asked official protecüon from the mob. Mrs. Sarah J. Begal, mother of Mrs. ProfDemmon of Michigan Universl'y, dled on Sunday after a short illnesa. Her remalus were taken to Detroit for burial. In the recent Apache raids in New Mexico, John Slawson, a miaing expert wae killed. Mr. Slawson was well known in Detroit and Northern Michigan. Until recently he had been superintendent of the Santa Sita mtaf, in whlch several Detroiters are interested. Platt Bros. handle íactory and saw mili, near Webberville, bnrned with 8.00J loss and light iMurance. Dr. E. Wells, ex-mayor, president of the First Httlonal bank, etc., of Ann Arbor, dled on ttie 25th. He leaves a large property. At a Manistee chivar! serenade, three of the participante were shot, one, it is thought, fatÊÜf. Flint eity councll authorizas ths ere ction of water workg. Corunna Is happy overvictory in the countyseat war. Owosso does not get the county buildInit, bat Corunna is to have a f10,000 jail to put .ïwonsoites In if they do not "keep the peac." A peti ion is being eirculated asking the Kovernor to open Muskegon river, whlch, owIng to the strike, is clogged with logs for many rulles. The strike continuea, and the governor wül probably be ealled npon to send troops to preserve peace, Mrs. Howellof Kirkwood Hotel, Detroit, nctorlety, has begun proceedings for divorce from Gom. P. Howell. The telephone construction eompany are tllstributlng polea for a new line from Detroit to ïpsllanti. Ann Arbor, Salem, Tecumseh and Adrián. Wittiln a month the taiking machine will be in operation between Detroit and Toledo.


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