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Vlslted Missouri and LouWana Tuesday night At Brownsville, Mo, the business portion ol the town W8s destroyed. The first inümation of lts approach was a endden roaring which preceded a funnel-shaped cioud, travollnK at tb rate of 100 milea an bour, accompanled by loud electrical explosione. It did not touch the eartti unül tt approached the town. Beren persons were instantly killed and over one hundrtxl serioasly hart Trees and ehrubbery ín the path of the tornado 400 feet wlde, were lovelled to the ground. Among the killed were Mr, Arthnr of Pittsburg, Pa., L P. l'ayne, Baptist ministor, City Marshall White, C. Meyer, a leadlng merchant, P. I. Cruggs, a wealtby f armar. A horse was picked up and carried abont fifty feet and hurled to death agalnst a brick building, and two miles In the country a f ence rail was d riven entirely tbrough the body of a cow. At Carrollton, La., the storm gathered from the Mississippl a column of water 60 feet high, and struck the town with terrible f orce. Streets were deluged and buildings demolished. A numbitr of persons were bruised more or less by flying tlmbers. The ferry wharf was lifted and left some dlstance down the bank. An oíd negro standing on the bank was hurled through the air and lodged lu a tree but was not seriouBly hurt. Hannlbal Chase, president of tbe People's jank at Baltïmore, Iud., dropped dead in the reet on the 19tb. Weaver, Ware & Co., Provitience B. I., iai or $76,000, brought down bythe fadnre of the tooi company as th firm had among thelr asets $46,000 worth of the tooi company's notee. The bank of America, which had a ehattel mortgage, has taken poes8i8ion of the firm's ptoperty. Chas. Francia Adama, since hU adventure with the hunko men, ha glven the entire oonrol of hls business aflairs to bis son John Quificy Adamg. lo the Malley murüer trial bot two jurorB were accepted ont of 60 examined from the secoad panel of M0. President ArUiur, son and daugbter, have lust visited Annapolis U sse the monument erected in the Naval Academy grounds to Capt. Herndon, the chlldren's graHdtather. TbebllltoredistrictOhio for Congresslonal pnrpoBBB, giving the Republicana fiften and the Demócrata elx disti iets, has becorae a law. A Chicago firm was fined f 100 and cests yesterday for manufacturing spurious Worcesterehire pauce. The new (Gatfield) Christian Church at Washington, to copt f40,000, will be begun immedlately. The West wUl be asked for $ 15,000 to complete the amount. The St-Paul Lntheran chnreb, Indianapoll, burned on the 20th at f 15,008 less. Insurance f3,000. Judge Wentervelt of New !forlc, dted at his home on Staten Island, April 20th. Hallet KLbonrne has been awarded f100,000 in hU Buit againet ex-Sergeant at-Arms Thompson for arrest and retention neveral weekt. Represen tatives of ellver produclng states are displeased wlth the efforttostop Bllver colnage and return sliver certifleates. Tbs St Toseph bond thieves have been indicted and sent to jall to awalt their trials, with one exceptlon. Crcwther Is ont on balL E. R. Presoott, Onee a wealthy Arlington merchant, and more recently clerk in Jordán, Marsh & Co.'s store, Boston, killed his wife's mother in a Lt of anger, because arising at 10 o'clock hls breakfast was cold. John Russell Young Is to be mariied on the 2Sd inst. and will start on Monday for China as United States minister. The Bi ble used in the Senate now for 53 years lor swearing in senators has been stolen. The suppoeition is tiiat )t waï taken by somebody as a relie. Small pox of a very malignant character w raging in Livingston Co. ÍU. A funnelshaped storm has vteited Bradford, Pa, and destroyedsome 76,000 worthof properly. It was oonfined mainly to Fayette Co. TUe National Forestry Congress will meet in Oindnuati on the The object is to promoteihB planting of fcrest trees. The programine includes a atret parade and the pi uiting of memorial trees for presidente, authurs, plonears, and others, in the public parka. Provisión has been made for ninetytbree papers to be read by different persons selected all over the United States and Oanada. A sanitary couneil of the Mississlppi valley has jast been held in Cairo, 111. Besolutions werepassed calllng for extraordinary care this season to prevent the spread of contagious and iufeclioas dfeeases. The Canadian government proposed to collect 1800 duty on Tom Thumb's carrlages' and horses, so he left thein behind. The Eedüiver at St. Vincent, Minu„isfortyfeet above low water mark, The draw bridge at Emerson coeting $70,000 last year has been swept away. The American Electric company of Boston, Mass., has colla psed for want of funds. Itis said that Harvard College has been liv ing b eyond its locóme for four reara to the average amount of $12,600 a year. The deficit for 1880 81, amounted to $84,466. The Delaware Biver chemical works at Philadelphia barned at $60,000 loss to Insurance companies. Senator McPherson bas instnicted counsel to bring an actioii for libel againit all persons engagad in ing the report that he was connected with the Peruvian company. He says he never knew of lts existenco untll the invest gation begnn and never owned any of the stock. Mrs. Scoville is endeavorinz to secure cvnmutation of Gulteau's sentence to lmprisonment for life. It i remarked by the pres quite generally that Hallet Kilbourne's verdict of $100,000 against Arms Thompson is larger than hls canse warranted, and is more than ue is likely to et either from Mr. Thompson or from congress. Another cyclone visited Uonticello, Miss., on Satnrday. The village, with the exception of three houses, was totally destroyed. Ten persons were killed and man y more wounded. The track of the storm was abont half a ralle wide. A meeting of the creditorsof the Providence tooi coMpany showed over l,000,000 liabllities. A hail storm in Columbia, S. C, broke French plato glass one-fourth of an Inch thlck. A meeting of the creditorslof Ingalls & Co. of Loni8ville,Ky.,revealedllabïlltiesof $70,000, mostly on Botton and eastern shoe firme. Wm. H. Vanderbllt has been sued for $1,000,000 by H. A. Taylor and I. T. Waterman, with whom he was formerly assoclated in building the State Iinerailroad. Scoville bas formally withdrawn from the Guiteau case, and Chas. Reed will probably argue the bill of ixceptions May 8th. A violent storm strnck Point Moniilie, In Lake Erie, Honday morning. The water over üo wed the shore and carried away the underpinning of houses belonging to the Point Mouillle Shooting Club, doing a large amount of damage. Trees were blown down and the sarroundings devastated. Blaine was examined by House committee on the Peruvian scheme, and faiiiy flayed Sbipherd, referring to his statements ai detestable lies. Cycloneson Saturday visited Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Mississippi. In Georgia Samuel Gove, father of Saín F. Gove, eX'Repnblican memoer of Congres, living one mlle trom Griswold's was killed; also Mrs. Lockhart of Gordon. Fiftetn persons were killed at HonUcelIa The Bowker Fertilizar Works at Ëlizabetb, N. J., were damaged by lire on the 24 th to the extent of $100,000; insured. McCuilough's tannery, at Salladsburg, Pa., burned at a loas of $75,000; insured for $16,000. Eplzootic and pink eye hare rendered unfrt for harneas one-thlrd of all the borses in Chicago. Ralph Waido Emerson is seriously ill with pneumonía at his home in Concord, Mass. The railure of the American Electric Light Company, Boston, causes a great sensatiort, as it is reported that $76,000 vorth of stock has been "shoved" upon ansaspecting persons. The company made a great display illuminat'ng the exterior of the Hotels Vendóme and Brunswick. Another heavy tire has visited Salem, Mass.( this time ia Nevins' Bagging company warehouse and an adjoining building, aggregating $80,000 loss. Ges. Logan's health is greatly improved by his trip to the Arkansas Hot Springs. The "lightning calculator," J. A. Udres of West Chester, Pa., killed his wife by striking her head with a rolling pin on the 25th. A strike is in progresa at the Cohoes milis, New York. A large number of the employés are contraoting to engage inother business. J. J. Flinn of Chicago, the newly appointed consul to Chemnitz, Germany, upon his arnval at bis destlnation celebrated his good luck Ly a protracted spree. He will probably be re-called. A fire in the Maneion House livery stable, New York cit, bürned fourteen horseo, Arao-g the horses was Meacham, the trotter, valued at $4,0C0. A coRcbunn in trying to save a pair of grays lost bis life in the atempt.


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