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An Ordinance

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IPassed May 1, 1882.] Be it ordained by tw Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Arm Arbor. Section 1. Every public carriage, cab, coach, back or other vehicle drawn by oqo or more horses, or otber animáis, which shail be kept, used, driven or employed to convey any person, or persons hom place to place, within the limits of the city of Ana Arbor, or to carry uny person or persons by the hour in said city, forhire, shall be deemed a "hackney carriage" within the meaning of this ordinance. Section 2. No person shall hire or keep for hire, within the limits of the city of Ann Arbor, any hackney carriage or omnibus without a license therefor trom the recorder. Stsction 3. The recorder is hereby authorized to issue licenses, for the purpose aforesaid, to any resident of the city of Ann Arbor, of the age of twenty-one years, or upwards, of good moral character, upon liis paying into the city treasury the sum of one dollar and the recorder's fee, and to any person, a non-resident of the city of Ann Arbor, of twenty one years or upwards, f good moral character, upouhis paying into the city treasury the sum of nine dollars and flfty cents, and the recorder's fee, for eacli hackney carriage or omnibus kept as aforesaid, and cxecuting a boud to the Mayor, Kecorder ind Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor, in the penal sum of one hundred dollars, with one or more sureties, to be approred by the common council of eaii city, conditioned for a faithful observance of the charter and ordinances of said city, and that he will pay all fines, penalties, costs and damages for which he may become Hable on account of such hackney carriage or omnibus, uuder his license as aforesaid, and such license shall stUe the numbcr of each hackney carriage or omnibus, with the name of the person to whom granted. Section 4. No person shall drive or be permitted to drive any hackney carriago or omnibus, without being licensed as a public driver by the recorder. Section 5. The recorder is hereby thorized to grant licenses to residcnts of the city of Ann Arbor, of tbe age of twenty-one years and upvrards of jood moral character, to act as drivers of hackney camages or omuibuses, on the person applying for such license paying into the city treasury the sum of sevenly five cents, and if a non-resident Ihe sum of one dollar and seventy uve cents, together with the recorder's fee, and executmg B bond lo the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor, in the penal siim of flfty dollars, with one or more suffleient suretics, to be approved by the coinmon council, conditioned as prescribed in section three of this ordinance. ■Section 6. Bvery conveyanco lisensed under this ordinauce, when driven or usod at night, shall be provided with two lighted latnps, with plain glass fronts aud sides ; and shall also have the number thereof as stated in the license painted in legible characters thereon, or upon some durable substance to be placed in conspicuous places on the outside of cach hackney carnage or omnibus in such amanner that the same iiiy be distinctly seen and read when the r.onreyance is standing or in motion. Secïion 7. Kveryperson liccnsed uuder this ordinance 10 keep a hackney caniaee or omnibus, shall at all times keep a good and suflScienl carriage and horses. Skction 8. No owaer or driver of any hackney carriage or omnibus while waitiug foremployment, shall refuse or neg lect when applied to, to convey auy person or persons to any place or places withiu the City of Ann Arbor, and on the person or persons being placed in such conveyancc, the same shall be driveu by the most direct and safe route, to the place to which such person or persons may wish to go, and not elsewhere; and no driver or owner of any conveyauce, except omnibuses, sball, without the consent of the person or persons therein, or of the person frho iirst engaged such conTeyance, place therein any other person or persons. Sectton 9. No owner or drirer of any hackney carriajfeor omnibus shall suffer the same to remain on any street, square, lane or ailey, without aome proper person to take care of the same, and no owner or driver of any hackney carriage or omnibus while waiting for cmployment at the depot or on any street, shall snap or flourhis whip, or be gu'lty of any rude or boisterous conduct or langunge. Section 10. Every driver of any hackney carriage or omcibus whilo the same is waiting for employinent, shall remain on or near the same, aud shall so keep his con vey anee and horses. as that the saje shall not obstruct the travel on any street, avenue or cross-walk. Section 11. No person unless licensed as an owner or diiver, as herein provided, shall procure passengere for, or charge or reccive any faro for any hackney carriage or omnibus, and not more than oue licensed person shall take charge of or drire on or in any such conveyancu. Sectiön 12. The drivers or owners of hackney carriages or omnibuses, may demand atid receive for conveying passen - gers Ihe following rates or prices of fare and no more, to-wit: Twentyfive cents to or from the dej)ot to any place within the city limits for each passenger, and where the time occupied does not exceed half an hour, twenty rive cents per ride for each passenger; and where the time occupied is more than half and less than an hour, fifty cents per ride for each passenger; children betweeu the ages of four and twelve years when accompanied by their parents or guaidian shall be charged half fare, and children under four years of age shall be carried free of charge. For-tire-use of any hackney carriage or omnibus by the hour for not more than four persons, and with the privilege of going from place to place and stopping as often as required, one dollar per hour for the flrsv hour, and seveuty-five cents for each additional hour, and for fractional hours at the rate of seventy-five cent per hour; and for each additional passenger twenty-five cents. For the use by the day of such conveyance ten dollars per day. For each trunk fif teen cents, but no charge suall be made for any bag, valise or bundie weighing less than fifty pounds. "TThen a backney carriage or omnibus is used between the hours of eleven o'clock p. m. and flve o'clock a. m. it sball be lawful to demand and receive for the same ser vices doublé the rates prescribed above. Any disagreement as to time and rates shalt be determined by the mayor, whose decigipn shall be Snal. Section 13 . There shall be fixed in erery hackney carriage or omnibus liceused under this ordinauce, and in such manner as to be conveniently read by any person in the same, a card containing the name of the owner of such conveyance, the number of the conveyance, and the whole of section twelve of this ordinance printed in plain legible characters. The said card shall be furnished by the City of Ann Arbor and be given to any licensed owner or driver who may apply for the same. Any driver who shall drive a hackney carriage or omnibus without suclTa card being placed therein, and any owner who shall negleci to place such a card in his couveyance, shall be punished as hereiuafler provided. Section 14. This ordinance sball apply to any carriage or omnibus which may at any time be placed upon a public stand, for public hire, and to all omnibuses or carriages, kepl by hotel or lirery stable keepers for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire, to or from the railroad depot, or other places in said city, or for carryiug any person or persons by the hour in said city. Section 15. Any violation of, or fallan to comply with the provisions of jhis ordinance, shall be punished by a Hne not to exceed seventy-live dollars and costs to be recovered before any justice of the peace in the City of Ann Arüor; and in the imposition of any such line and costs, the said justice of the pcace may make a further seutence, that in default of the payment thereof, within the time to be fixed in such sentence the offender be committed to the Detroit house of correction or the county jail for any pcriod of time not exceeding ninety days. Section 16. So much of an ordinance, erititled "an ordinance relative to hackf, cabs, drays, and other veh.cles" as relates to tlie subject matter contained in this or dinance,or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this are hereby repealed. Section 17. This ordinance shall be published for two weeks successively in The Ann Akbok Democrat, a newspaper published in the City of Ann Arbor, and shall take effect at the expiration of fifteen days after the first insertion in said paper.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat