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News Of The Week

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Afireeirly Wednetday niorning destroyed the Baw-mill of Barret & Gray and the tave and heading mili of L. T. Kinney, at WoodTille. Mr. Kinney resides in this city. He estímate bis loss at $5,000, with no insuranco. Barrett fc Gray'a loss is $7,000; insurance $5,000. Mortiiner Smith, architect, of Totroit, bas Bubmitted plans for enlarging and refitting the WfstoTr Opera House in Bay City, Bobs Smith, a brakeman on the Chicago and Grand Truuk Bailroad, feil f rom a inoring train near Inlay City, Tuesday night, and was Inntantly killed. He leaves a f amily at Ft. Gratiot. John Rose, of Meivin, was killed.Wednesday, Ojthebraceof a stump machine, while endeavoríng to raise a stump. The booming company at Muskegon beine about to start work, the mayor of the city has jssued a proclamition warniag strikers against interfering with those who are willing to work more than 10 hours a day. _. A blast turnace is soon to be in full blast at Mancelona. Lorenzo fabor, a prominent residsnt and pioneer of Adrián, died Fiidayof pneumoDia. C. Johnson, of Marshall, has been arrested on a charee of hav ne been connected with the Jackson silk robbei y, for which E. fl. Thomas haB already heen convicted. James Beard, an old resident and honored cltizen of Port Huron, died on the 29th. inst. Eobert. McRinney bas been convictf d in the Recorder's Gourt of Detroit of receiviug stolen watches of Sophie Lyone. The general opinión in regard to the effect of the consolidation tf the Grand TruDk and Great Western railroads is thatit will be favorable to Detroit. The workmon engaeed in the surveying of Belle Isle find amusement in killing snake?, of w tiich there are plenty on the island, little striped and rat desnakes. An Allegan diepatch say that Henderson, in company wlth another, enteied the Journal office at tha; place Siturday night and pied the forms, galleys of matter, mail lista, dolngdamage to the amount of $ 200. The resiaenci of Milo L. Williams, ir Hastings, was destroyed bj fire Monday morning. Lob3 $?,500- pai tially insured. Petersjn, the Swede mangled on the G. B. i I. railroad, near Giacd Bapids on Friday, died on Bunday. The c 'inmon coiincil of E jUm Bipids refused to accept the sutelies of theonltWJ saloonistB that aBked for a licensc, and there Is now no saloon op"n in the place. Judge Nathau Osboroe, ono of theolde9tsettiers of Cass county, ditd in Marcellup on Mon day, a (red 80. Ittnei's hotel and barn in Bay City were burDed Mondny morainp, together wirti the furoiturBof the house and a threshiug machine In the barn. An ensjine standing on tLe Jack - bod Landing fe .aginaw tracks starled for the fire at fuU speed, atd dashed into another englne, wrecking botb, One hundred and eighty laborera on the Miehigan Central between Cheboygan and Mackinaw City, who were receiving $1.50 a day, on Monday etruck tor $1.75. They will be paid (ff and otlier men employed, thongh the work of ballastlng be delayed. Ex-Governnr B ldwin suffered from an at tac k cf v i ligo wbile in a batb Monday mom ing, and Wüig, struck hl face againsta faucet and waB eeiionely injured. Owing to thif, the visit of tte State Relief Commission to tbe burnt district will be poutponed. Work will begin on the New Jackson County honse in a few dajs The Btrueture will contain 160.CC0 bricks, of which 1UO.0OÜ are on the groand. There was a tevere frost in some paris 01 Michigan Monday i iguf, from which fruit suffered badly. At Flint cocsiderable snow feil. Tbe bv! i t of '-'eely vs. Gocdfell, for malpractice, tried st Mt. Clt iujus for the third time, reeulted inaTerdict T'iesday of f 1,000 damages and eest. Jacob Zirns of Cold water, an inebríate and disorderly persoa, who had suflered from mortification frnm arrest and imprisonment, rose from his fced Monday nigüt and shot himself, the b-all passing through the brain and out at the left eer. Win. Cady, a brakeinan on th Flint & Pere Marque, feil from a car at Eist Saginaw Mocday night, suflering iuiuries from which he died. The common council of Hudson has votedto rescind ehe motion to pave West Main street, Oaly one saloon keeper in Portland prefented bonds to the village board, and his were refused for want of adequate secnritieB A previous one had given a bond, but his 6ecuritiesdidnot juMify. Salt has been foundnear Howell on the farm ol Mr. Buckhart. In smking awell at th depth of 160{i. tbere wafs a BtroDg flowof brine whioh aroBe nearly to the surface. Bnports from KUamazM) eay that the heavy trosU of Monday night almostentirely deBtroyedpeathep, pluma and earlj cherriesin that eounty. Bat the damage 1b not confined to that eounty. Ann Arbor is to bold a f pedal election May 1? to vote on a proposition to rai ie 110,000 for a new engine house. The House comtr.erce committee agree to recommend an appropriaüon for a light house at the mouth of Detroit river. Burglars entered the hardware store of S. B. Granger in Grand Le dge, on Monday night and attt-mpted to blow open the safe by drilling a hole through the top and filling it with powder. Tbe attempt failed to open, but the buoks were somewhat burned by the powder, and the thieves got only five revolvers and gome cartridges. The examination of candidates for acadetsbipia the Third Congrefsional District resultftd in the appoiatment of A. D. Niskern of HastiBgs.


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