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Furthor respite for Dr. Laisson ia refused The Standard ib inforinrd that the Home Secretar?, after due consideration of the latest affidavits, has decided that no ground exisls for ju&tifjing furthnr delay in tbe execution of the seateBee, Dr Lamson will acoordiugly be hanged Friday morning. The Home office has BOtified all intereBUd to this effect The race for the Prince of Wales staket1, run at Nawmarket, Wtdnesday, was won by Maskelj ne.Euisebe coming in second,an4 teer third. The body of the late Charles Bobert Darwln was buritd ia Westrainisterabbey, Wednesday. A. vast assetnbiage was present in deep mourninif. Among the pall boarers were the Dake of Argyie and the Earl of Derby. The chief mourners were the Duke of Salisbury, Herbei t Spencer, and Lord Sherbrooke (formerly Bobert Lowe),Caunr8 Prothero, Farrar.nndLeighton. Dau Bradtey conducted the services. Thetownof Kamicetz, capítol of Podolia, RusBia, bas been devástate d by fire. All the Jewish shops and houses were destroyed. The loss is estimatwd at half a inillion roubles. The population of the towa is abont 22,000. Mr. Gladstone created a seneation in the House of Commons on Wednesday, by statina tnat he would soon introduce a bilí repealing arrears of rent in Irelanrf, miking them a gift and not a loan, to fie tenant. This is in compliance with Parnsli's demand. Princa Leopoid, duke of Albany, was married to the Princesa Helena of Waldeck, at St. Geore's cbacel, Windsor, in the presence of the queen ana the royal hou'ieholds of both bride and groom. Dr. Lamson had a farewell interview with some of his relativea this afternoon. At a final interview with his wife the prisoner wrote a friend virtuaüy adiniUiog his guilt and attributing the crime to mental derangement. He subsequently wrote a defirite confefsion tbat he poieoced Percy John, but in it denies he was concerned in the deati of Herbert John. At Dr. Lamson's desire only three reporters wiil attend the execution. April 28.- br. Lamson was hanged at 9 o'elockthis morning. At a final interview with bis wife the prlsonar wrote a friend virtually admitting his guilt and attributing the crime to mental derangement He snbsequently wrote a defiaite confeseion that he poisoned Percy John, but in it denies he was concerned in the death of Herbert John. Lieut. Danaenhower and party have airived at Moscow, all wel!. The London pref s apeaks in highest terms of Emerson. The Times says the strongeBt tie that bound this generation te Boston and cord ia brokB. The Standard says he was more genial and delicate than Carlyle, but had mach in common with him. Tho Telegraph says that, alike ia his eloquent prose and thoughtful poetrj-, he has been the most genuino American of all the brilliaut New Eaglacd company to which he nt'longed. The London Siandaid sa8: The speEdy release of the American suflpects on terms that may involve th recall of Mr. Low-ll, ne gradual release of all politica! suspecte, and the treatment of those detained upon suBpicion ot complicity in outrage, the substitutioB for the coerción act of a large increaee of summary jurisdiction vested in magistrates, and the amendment "f the arreara and pui ctiase clauses of the latd act are th principal features of the ministerial programme, Three hundred niliiliets were arrested at Moscow Saturday for complicity ia a plot to blow up the czar on the occasion of his coronation. Their plan was to throw their caps into the air in greeüng. f he crown of eachcap, a lot of which were captured, contained exploeives which would burst on falling to the groucd. fhe Nws (inestions whether Forster's retirement will iiot be sooner or later involved in the decisión of the CaMnet with regard to their policy toward Ireland. Cano i Farrar, In hisseimon at Wfstminister Abbey, eulogiznd Darwin. He eaid there waB reason to believe the attacKs made upon religión in his name were contrary to his Bolemn convictions. Hemaintained thatreligious faith rests upon foundations which no pbyeical diecoveries can impair. The Russian goTernment bas isnued orders to prevent the emigration of rich Jew.


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