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Additional local on secón d page. Judge Beakes is seriously ill. Donavin's famous Tennesseeans Mafy 20. Ex-chief of pólice Johnson is in feeble healtb. In 1881 only 21 deaths occurred in tbia townsuip. üapt. Allen spoke in Ypsilanti Sunday afternoon. Fifty-iïx lawyers compose the bar of tbis couuty. Masonry was first introduced into this city In 1826. Chelsea went almost mad OTer the circus Tuesday. Isaac Duan returned from his western trip Saturday. Dr. Douglas was in Ciocinnati and Chicago last week. Henry Matthews has a handsomc new delivery wagon. The weather for the past few days ha been delightful. Wra. Potter is back from Kansas on a. four weeks' visit. Mrs. Paul Schall - a boy, weight eight and one-half pounds. The Germán theatre company was entitled to better houees. Members of the Saline club addressed the Lodi club Sunday. The Savings bank is being handsomely frescoed by Fred Sorg. Eli JeDkins of Jackson, spnt Sunday wilh friends in this city. The old Danforth honiestead is to be sold at auction Saturday. The fruit erop was not in ju red ia the least by the recent frosts. The bonds of the druggistg in Dexter have been fixed at $1,000. Mrs. E. J. Ferdon is going to build a residence on State street. Deputy register of deeds Carpenter is ick with the bilious fever. The university boy beat the Cit base ball club Saturday 20 to 13. W. H. Orendorf, junior Ut, left for his kome ia Cantón, 111., Friday. M. H. Brennan has purchased the Dr. O'Toole property for $2,350. Next Tuesday the board of reriew will meet in the council chamber. Mrs. Lizzie Jewett, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiling friends n the city. Many citizens went to Detroit Tues}ay to witness the K T. drill. Dr. Maclean has refused n offer of $1,200 forhig spanking team. The con tractor gets 30 cents per yard for diggiDg the postofflce cellar. Mr. W. Jenkins ot Toledo spent Sunday with his people on Fouith street. Special election next Wednesday at the eugine house in the fourth ward. Dudson Webster.for 51 years a resident of Salem, died Friday aged 78 years. The Walker Bros. will do the mason work on Henry Matthew's brick store. Dr. W. F. Breakey was called to Tawas City Monday on pro f essicnal business. Oscar O. Borg, the well known painter, isdoiug an immense business this season. Henry Hill, acolored person, was buried yesterday. He died of consumption. The patiënt operated ou by Dr. Frtnklin for tumor iu the breast is doing niceiy- Serení persons from thib city were attracted to Ypsilanti yesterday by the circus. Ex ald. Kitredjte has been awanied the contract of cleaning ihe streets. Price- #30. Prof. Jenny, ?ihe eleetrician of Ft. Wayne, Ind., has been in the city some days. Ann Arbor Commandery K. T. went to Detroit Tuesday. They will return tonight. The grasa in the court house square was cut Tuesday for the first time this ■eason. Mate Wood attempUd to kill herself last week by taking 10 cent worth f laudanum. Hanoyer square ha been put in excellent ihape under the direction of Aid. Henderson. The ladies' homeopathie aid association will meet this afternoon at the hospital at 3 o'clock. The Racine and University base ball clubs play to-morrow afternoon on the fair grounds. Martin Belser found a silver hunting case watch while walkiug on the Toledo road Sunday. Every tai payerin the city ihould Tote for building an engine house, but they will not do it. Isaac Dunn had something to say last eyening ia the Unitarian church about his western trip. Dr. Stowell read a paper before the state medical society which convened in Ypsilanti yesterday. There was a reunión of J. H. Hicks' family in Lodi Monday aud the occasion was an enjoyable one. The Alexander Bros. are building a brn 40x70 feet, and 20 feet high on their farm ia Webster. T. J. Keech furnishes the lumber for Prof. Spaulding's new house. N. H. Stone has the contract. Wm. Sanford.who skipped the country recently, left some $8,000 in debt to numerous parties in Saline. Chief Nowland bas been called upon to bury five colored persons at an expense to the cily of $15 each. Rey. Jobn Alabasterpreached in Eranston Sunday. llev. Mr. Bourns occupied the pulpit in his absence. J. M. Slater has purchased 222 and 1-2 acres of land in Hand county, Dakota, and bas gone to farmiug. Ypsilanti would like to haTe toe brigade encampment there tliis summer. Hope it will so be arranged. The Baptist association of tbis county wili hold a two days' session in tbis city next Monday and Tuesday. Doe Calrert and Douglas Beaban were committed to Saturday for 20 duys each forassault and battery. Miss Emily B. Allen of Lodi is risiting friends at Soulh Lyon. Before lier return she will visit New York. Rer. Wyllys Hall and daughter went to Lansing Monday to ttend the consecra tion of the Episcopal church. James AI. Wilcoxson run the probate office duritg the absence of judge Harriman and probate register Doty. Chas. Detas.who purchased the Wetzel place on Second street, is going to Jay out several hundred dollars in repairs. Chas. Aliller offers a reward of $10 for the arrest oí the person. or persons, wlio broke off the tops of bis evergreen trees. The saloons iu Saliue did aot open last wek. TUe Observer says it was on account of a "hiten" in the bund business. The Hangsterfer confectionery company hare comuienced business, and their first order for candy was trom A. Kear ney. Jno. ScUumacher has been given a lay off and Chas. Boylan will act ai president of the reform club until after the election IQ July. Fred Gakle and John Meyer killed a blue racer Suuday near the railroad bridge west of the city, that measured seven feet. Payck Leonard of Northfield was rrested Saturday by aetective Imus on the j charge of assault and battery and threatening to kill. Oteo. Miller and Á. Defrics are the delegates frora the Ann Arbor Arbeiter Varïen to the state unión to be held in Pt. Hurón June 2. The apportionmeDt of the priiuary school nioney is $1.24 a head ior each scholar in this county, or 18 cents more than last year. The circuit court opened Monday with only 41 cases on the docket: Criminal, 6; court, 6; issues of fact, 18; imparlance, l ; chaucery, 10. Herald : Wm. Judson, Geo. Taylor and F. D. Cumings, left Chelsea last Monday evning with nine hundred thorough-bred sheep for Texas. Gilbert Bliss will leave next week for New;Mexico. He will be accompanied by his wife as far as Chicago. They will be absent two weeks. Although there are not as many cases d the calendar as usual, a great many re for trial, and the term will probably last several weeks. The sidewalk in froiit of F. Parker's building is in a dangerous condition. Unless it is repaired at once, oine one will get their neck broken. Geo. LaMotte has received another invoice of groceries. His business in the opera house block is increasing, and he is building up a fine trade. Geo. Marsden has beautifled the grounds of the Psi Upsilon place, and has materially improved the appearance of DrHerdman's grounds by godding. Mrs. Marión, Baxter of Charlotte, will deli ver the next lecture in the Lever course at the Unitarian church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. The University base ball club contémplate taking a trip in a few days and will play in New York city, Princeton, and other places before their return home. Policeman Brown patrolsthe univtreity campus with a new gold ticker in hig yest pocket. The waleh is a beauty and cost $100. It was furnished by Watls, the jeweler. ErDest Rector lately from Germaoy was before justice Winegar Tuesday on the charge of intimidating the men in the employ of Joseph Audette. Sentence suspended. Donavin's famous company, "The Tennesseeans" will give one of their popular concerts in this city May 20. They come highly endorsed by the press and public. Thereare in Washtenaw county 12,737 children in the school census; the nuinber included in the apportionment, 12,699; and the aaiouut apportioned $15745.76, or $3.24 per head. Gates.of the fifth ward.commenced digging the cellar for the new postofflce Monday. Mack & Schmid purchased the dirt to level up gome lots aear the old brick yard on South Main street. The residence of Jas. O. Smith on Mann street was discovered to be on flre Thursday afternoon last, but tte neigh bors succeeded in extinguishing the flames. Loss $50. No insurance. Qulncy Adams Turner will take the plac of J. A. Buss aa mailing clerk in the postofflee. Mr. Bus has oceupied the position for years, but has concluded to go to Colorado to seek his fortune. The telephone exchange started with 25 subscribers.and the business has iucreased until thereare now 64telphones in usa in this city. It is a mere question of time before there will be 100 subscribers. Peter Pulvachauer, a Frenchman who stteinpted to carve Russel Godfrey gome days ago, got his sentence Monday. He will gpend the next 90 day at Ionia. The case wa heard befor justice Wiuegar. Chas. D. Harvey, 39 years of age, in the employ of the Ann Arbor al company lor the past eightmonths, and formerly from Lansing, died Monday. The remains were taken to Holly for burial. Alfred Burmingbani aud Holly llumphrey who escaped frora jail sometime ago, are now serving a year's sentence in Ionia. At the expiration of their time, they will be brought liere and prosecuted for jail breaking. P. McKernan, who acts for the prosecuting attorney in this city, says that he inteuds trampa in the future sball have justice done them, and that uo mar. shall be sentenced to Ionia unless he has committed some crime. There was a great ruh Moadty morning for reserved seat tickets, and B. F Watts Tf as the busiest man in town. Last ovem'njf the opera house was crowded. McCullough fully sustained hii reputationasagieat tragedian. His support was also good. J.B. Williams, who has been in the postoffice for a year or inore, lft this uioruing for Sheldon, Dakota, where he will open a general .store with Jas. W. Alleu, formerly a clerk in the poitofflce. Thug one by one are citizensof this place drifting westward. il. C. Shewcraft, a highly respected colored citizen, and proprietor of the tonsorial rooms on Huron street, died 1 Tuesday of consumption, after a long and severe illness. Sometime since he went to Colorado for his healtb, but soon after returned without haring receiTed any benefit. Wbile Thos. Wallace and Lorell Harrison of Northfleld were returning home Sunday, a spirited young colt which Wal lace was driving, shied to one side of the road and tippéd the carriage over aboul half.a mile frora the city milis. Wallace [ had two ribs broken and Harrison wai badly shaken up. Ex-alderman Ortman who has been en gaged in business in the flfth ward for 25 ycars, has disposed of his interest, nd left the city the last of the week. Before oinjf he was treated to a serenade by the Germán baud. Prauk has many friends in this city whose best wishes will follow him to other flelds of labor. San: Mrs. Ann Doody, wife of John Doody, of the town of Dexter, died on the morning of May 33, aged 64 years, of heart disease. She was one of the pioneers of Michigan , having resided in the town of Dexter 45 years. Her life was one of Christian consistencj. A. larga I number of relatives and friends mourn her departure. Prof. E. B. "Warman of Detroit, an experienced and able elocutionist, will give free entertainment uuder the auspices of the Alpha Nu literary society next I I Friday evening in room 24, north wiDg of unirersity hall, upon true and false elocution and elocutiomsts, with examples of I each. The entertainment promises to be I very interesting. Saturday a tramp was taken before jus I tice Winegar. P. McKernan appeared in behalf of the people and A. G. McKeaM for the defendant. Because the justice would not send the man to Ionia, the I flcer iu charge got as mad as a hornet. He went for the court, attorneys and Matt Winegar, and for a time it looked as if a knock down might follow. DexterSun; Ii it no disgrace to the name of our viJlage to have such garabling, drunken scènes as of last Saturday and Sunday uights? A short time ago it was deemed wise to establish a night watch, for a time, to guard against the I burglars. Would it not be well for our city falhers to take im medíate meosures to have their own laws enforced? The students' lecture association elected the following officer last week: President, Edwin F Mack; recording secretary. Arba S. Valkenburgk ; assistant treasurer. Walter Miller; corresponding secretary, Theo. W. Peers; treasurer, Loomis E. Chapin; senior committeeman, Henry P. Page; junior committeeman, Frank N.Luf kin; tophmore committeeman, Louis Gascoigne; vicepresident, Henry E. Palmer. Observer: A Camp of the Knights of the Maccabees was organized in Saline last Thursday erening with the following offlcers at the helm: P. C, Geo. H. chel; Oom., A. Miller; L. C, Á. F. Clark; R. K., John Gilisn; F. K.t A. J. Warren; Pre!., W. D. Mead; physician, D. P. McLachlan; Sar. , "W. J. Jackson; M. A.,J. H. Bortle; lstM. G., John A. Dunn; 2nd M. C, D. Sears; sentinel, C. C. tCinj; picket, L. A. Phelps. The folio wing companies have entered for the sham battle and prize drill to take place in Detroit, June 15: Light Guarda, City Greys and Montgouaery Rifles, De? troit; Union Blues, Flint; Light Gjiards" Jackson; Light Guards. Adrián; Com pany A, Ann Arbor; Light (íuards, Monroe: Light Guards, Ypsilanti; Cadets, Toledo; Greys and Light Guarda, Cleveland; City Cadets, Buffalo; and several other companies yet to hear from. The following Knights attended the big blow out iu Detroit: W. D. Hamman, Joe T. Jacobs, B. F. Watts, II. T. Morton, W..W. Nichols, J. H. Shepard, Howard Stepheuson, H. F. ScoTille, Martin Cremer, Dwight Peebles, C. M. Hagadorn, Wm. H. Potter, W. A. Tolchard, A. Lord, J. W. Hamilton, J. C. Remes, Byron Green, Thos. F. Hill. C. F. R. Bello W8, Chas. E. Higcock, C. 8. Millen. L. C. Risdoii, L. Goodrich, Jerome Freeman. The house of Jacob Reinhert. near the Scio Germán chureh, includinj the contenta, was destroyed by fire Monday morning. Insured in the Germán mutual. The house destroyed was one of the oldest in the township, and was forraeriy owned by Godfrey Miller. At an early day it was a great place of resort for many who are now pioneers. The property was a total loss- over $3,000. The building was insured for $750 and conten ts for $450. Dr. O'Toole, a gradúate of the medical departincut, clas of '62, and for some years a practitioner in Bay City, and still later in thig city, will leTe in a feu days for Chico, Butte county, California, which place he will make his future home. Dr. O'Toole, like many others, believes the west tbe country to go to and so; believing] has concluded to seek' his fortune on the Pacific coast. He will carry with him the best wishes of a large numberof friendsand acquaintances.and The Democbat trusts that his hopes miy be fully realized. The following standing committees were appointed by the ooard of regen ts last week: Executiye, Regents Blair, Cutcheon and Duffleld ; finance, Regents Walker. Grosvenor and VanRiDer: lit department, Regenta Cutchéon, Duffield andJoy; law department, Regents Joy, Blairand ribearer; medical department, Regents Grosvenor, Joy and Van Riper; library, Regents Duffield, Van Riper and' President Angelí; museum, Regents Van Riper, Blair and Cutcheon; chemical !aboratory, Regents Joy, Shearer and Duffield; buildings and grouuds, Regente She&rcr, Walker and Grosvenor. Rer. P. Werheim mnd Henry Kirchhofr called at the Enterprise office a íew days ago and showed na the plans nd speciflcations of the new church the Lutheran society will build in thia village this season. Judfing from the drawing. it will be an imposing structure. It will be located in the centre of the block just west of the public square. It will be built of brick, the mam part 80x42 feet, with a restry in tho rear 25x15 feet in size. The front of the building will be surmounted by a steeple 140 feet in heiglu. The building will cost bout $8,000. Thoio who desire to see the plant and spociflcation for the purpose of making bids for tho erection of the building, should cali on the above-namsd gentlemen. - Enterprise. Ypsilanti Commercial: City officerg and counci!.- Mayor, Henry R. Scovill; treas urer, Don C. BatcheMer; attorney, Thos. Ninde;clerk, Peter W. Carpenter; aui, a. u. (ioldsmith; Supt. city poor, O. G. LaKue; health offlcer, E. BatweJl, M. D. ; city surveyor, Prof. Bellowg, pound master, first district, William Sraitb scond dwtrict, John i Pearl alderraen- lgt ward, Franklin Hinckley and Wm. Robbins; 2d ward, Reubea D. Roys, Jerome Stephensou ; 3d ward, N. M. Thompson, Thomas Campaif n ; 4th ward, George A. Neat, Joseph Follmor; 5th ward, John Tem, Win. H. Deubel. N. M. Tliompsou filis a cy made br the rosiguatiou of Gapt. Richards, the latter'g business abroad making it necessarj for him to resiga. A. bold icheme was carried out last Thurgday by four mon- apparently strangertr-by haltiDg John Miller, a man in the employ of James Duacan, and at the time was using a span of brown horsea on the farm, when the men approached they said they had a chattel-mortgage on the team, and one proceded to read it, while the otherg unstrapped the tearu.when thii was done, they bade Mr. Miller aa affectionate farewell, and hastcned away j with the teaui as fast hs possible. Thev were purmed as far as Milan and there their trace was lost. Since that time Mr. Duncan has received word from a man in Ohio that Mr. D. could have tho team by paying him $100- the amount claimed on the chattel mortgage.- South Ljon Ex1 Clsior. The Ann Arbor cali to vote on that j 110,000 engine house appiopriation next week is addressnd to "all taxpayers." Wonderif that iicludes women? The ladies can rote at elections for school offlcers, butcan they on other questions? There are possibly more women than men taxpayers in Ann Arbor, and Jsurely they should have asay asto the matter. Almost the entire property on State slreet from the railroad to the university is ownea by widows or raaidets, and the proportion of such owners, in other parts of the city is very large. It is said that the dozen or two Totes cast by ladies on a similar occasion were thrown out; but, be that as it may, one lady (a large property owner) informed a New attaché the other daf that unless she could have a vote on this tax proposition she should refuse to p .y any tax if it be ordered, basing her refusal on the ground that althouuh "a taxpayer" her vote was


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat